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Rams vs Saints - part II


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2 minutes ago, BlaqOptic said:

I wish people would stop going back to this. He barely touched his facemask. It had no baring on the play and since there's no longer a 5-yarder it's either no call or a 15-yarder. That's not a 15-yard worthy facemask.

I disagree that is for sure a penalty and should be called every play.  I would say the same thing even if it was the Falcons causing the penalty.

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11 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

They'll choke in the Super Bowl, ideally to the Patriots, and I'll rub it in. Kroenke is a horrible person, but I take solace in the fact that he spent $2.6B of his own money to move the team to a fair weather fan city that won't care about them, right before the concussion crisis starts killing this sport. He'll lose long term.

Please don't ever change! I hear Kroenke owns a salt mine and gives tours out you should look into it.

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3 minutes ago, eagles18 said:

who cares about the ski masks.. this started last offseason with them out of no where saying they would've "beat the **** out of philly" if the miracle didn't happen and the running up score in week 11 against a long defeated eagles team. Saints have a problem with Philly.. Clearly jealous of their success last season 

If you say so.

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2 minutes ago, JustAnotherFan said:

The NFL should demand that head officials have to do a minimum 5 minute presser after each game like they do with the players so we can get answers straight from the horse's mouth. 

Just a thought.

Remember Fail Mary? Because the fans - including many on here - pretended that the replacement refs were worlds worse because of that (when data in fact showed they performed at an equal level) that won't happen. Refs have all the power to be free from repercussions because the fan backlash took away all leverage the league had.

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1 minute ago, jrry32 said:

It worked against Faulk too. It just neuters your pass rush. 

Meh NE CBS jumped on the rams WRs backs. I just can’t believe Kamara could be stopped with a bump. But hey I’ll re watch this game tomorrow. 



Also, Goff played so godly in spurts. That was magical. 

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Just now, ET80 said:

Ok, I'm not sure what's being lost in translation, but that no call leads to a new set of downs inside two minutes, inside the 5. Saints take three knees and win this.

Without that no call, there is no tie game, there is no overtime. This isn't hard to comprehend.

There is nothing lost in translation. Not unless you are not understanding that the Saints still could have won the game. And they didnt. 

Listen... the game was tied. We know what probably would have happened. We dont know what would have happened.

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Just now, El ramster said:

Meh NE CBS jumped on the rams WRs backs. I just can’t believe Kamara could be stopped with a bump. But hey I’ll re watch this game tomorrow. 



Also, Goff played so godly in spurts. That was magical. 

Kamara is 205 or so pounds. He's getting blown up by Suh, JFM, and Fowler. Trust me, it makes a big difference. It doesn't stop him, but it screws up the timing of the play.

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5 minutes ago, checkcola said:

The Minny Miracle was an a heart breaker, I usually have the win % deal up and that that point Saints were almost a lock, but Vikings didn't go on to do anything, so it's historical significance is limited. And the actually won the game.  This missed called decided a superbowl team.  I also think because the Saints aren't a big market/storied team, the league is going to bury this controversy.  Might be different if it happened to Green Bay or whomever. 

This call is going to be talked about EVERYWHERE tomorrow.

NFLN, Fox Sports, ESPN, Sports Radio, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc.

I think CNN and others like them will have a story on it as well.

The Saints were robbed and 2019 social media and sports media will run with it.


I was rooting against them and I am 100% certain it decided the game.

  • I don't see how a rational person disagrees.
  • We can talk about uneven refereeing from the rest of the game but nowhere near that level.


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