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The Simpsoooonnsss...Mafia. N3 Friday 7PM CT


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15 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Lynch is still the same, it doesn’t matter but he hasn’t called night. I guess if you can’t reveal it now, and pickle comes up civ, you will be the Lynch. Everyone knows what you are. 


Im sure someone told you not to reveal it. You have no reason not to at this point.

Exactly. If I had a mis-invest I should be the lynch. I’ll say right now I’ll flip civ. 

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8 minutes ago, VikeManDan said:

Exactly. If I had a mis-invest I should be the lynch. I’ll say right now I’ll flip civ. 

Lol if it’s night, then what’s the difference?

are you trying to hide out from an actual civ hit? 

Dont see why? If pickle is what he says he is he is the civ vig and would have the civ hit.




good play as scum, but you did it too early buddy

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3 minutes ago, BringinDaPain said:

I will take my chance on your fake claim on your invest and that you wont give us your name.

How can I have a fake claim when I haven’t claimed. You’re ridiculous dude. 

Move told you I’ll reveal when it’s required. 

There was pretty much zero activity until I made my announcement. Flip your vote to me, I WILL flip civ. Then Pickle will be the lynch the next night. 

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