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7 hours ago, wgbeethree said:

I literally can't even start to comprehend what or how that has anything to do with anything. Care to explain?

Sounded as you were faulting fans. The fans arnt the problem. Steamboat was 5'9-5'10, with millions of fans saying he and Macho had the best Mania match of all times.

Belief can be suspended. But its on the wrestlers.

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6 hours ago, Deadpulse said:

Personally if it was me, you just have MJF be cryptic and cut promo's for awhile. Have him interrupt segments, do things to force Tony out to fire him. Try and sabotage the Forbidden Door PPV, etc. Ruin "dream matches". Kayfabe injury some faces. Then once you get through FD, rekindle the Punk feud. Have Punk be the Tony proxy. They laid the seeds with both their originally program and kicking this thing off with basically an homage to Punk's pipebomb. Have him take the title off Punk in a Punk town. Then have MJF run off with it. Tweet out that he will never appear as AEW champion on Dynamite or Rampage. Have him show up and squash guys in AAA, TNA, NJPW, etc. Then, taunt him with Wardlow and a new contract. Set the stip up that if Wardlow wins, Tony will fire MJF. If MJF wins, he gets a new contract with a blank pay line. Have Wardlow win and fire MJF. Recreate the whole Cody/WWE saga with MJF except eventually he comes back in the fold because Tony promises him what Cody didn't get - creative control. After that, the world is your oyster. 

I'm not going to fantasy book it because MJF has a better mind for the business than I ever will. But him buying a ticket to raw and fans catching it on video and a beat down of Khan would be amazing to see.

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On 6/2/2022 at 9:56 PM, wgbeethree said:

You'd think with the prevelance of MMA people would realize that size isn't as big of deal in a fight as previously thought but I get how it's still hard to "dispend believe". Like there's literally 100s if not 1000 of guys Daniel Garcia's size that would beat the everloving **** out of a Roman Reigns or a Wardlow IRL. It's been 30+ years since Royce Gracie proved technique and skill are far more valuable in a real fight but it seems like wrestling fans have had a hard time catching up to that in fake fights. 

Long story short I get it....but....


If you think rey mysterio could beat a braun strowman in a legit fight where I'm not even sure he could reach his chin, I can't help you

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have cole win battle royal. cole v. mox at forbidden door. omega returns and aids cole in winning the belt. omega/cole/bucks/reddragon start kicking mox's *** after. kingston/danielson/yuta/proud powerful come out to help. brawl for a bit w/ elite getting better of them. hangman come out to save the day. hangman heel turn/ rejoin the super elite faction.


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11 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Anyone but Mox

He makes the most sense. Interim champ should be someone credible enough to hold the belt, who won't get hurt dropping it right back to Punk when they have unify the belts when he comes back from injury. Mox has already held the title, so a short reign doesn't hurt him like it would someone winning the title for the first time. Mox is also a top draw in AEW and a worthy PPV Main Event to face Punk and have him win it back. 

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19 hours ago, Bullet Club said:

I'm glad they aren't vacating the title. Don't force bad reigns.

EDIT: They are doing an interim champ. Mox makes the most sense.

Were he not tied up still in the stuff with Jericho - who should be (and he knows it too) kept as far away from the title as possible - Kingston really is who makes the most sense.  He's the most organically over with the crowd and any heel the put up against him to try and take it from him can very easily work the "ruining the everyman's fantasy" angle.  Honestly if/when Omega comes back, if it's as a heel (and it should be - despite the fact that the crowd is going to pop for him because he's been out for so long... and because the crowd is full of smarks) having him be the one to re-take the title off of Eddie would be great writing.

That said, setting the title aside, and going back to Max; if they're willing to slow-burn this, which Max has shown he's more than content to do, his next loss needs to come courtesy of another former WWE guy newly arriving just to add more twist to the tension.  Not sure I'd, assuming they bring him in, make that Claudio (Cesaro) because Claudio is going to get mega-babyface heat as soon as an AEW audience sees him.  But if they could manage to bring in Bray, even on a limited arc (still allowing him to do his horror movie thing on the side), that could work.

Thing is, I don't think AEW can afford to make Tony another Vince.  For one, Tony hasn't got the acting chops or gravitas.  For another, Vince was pretty damn unique in being able to pull off the evil owner character, but even then he suffered the obvious outcome in the long-term which was he poisoned his own well - when the promotion books its "head" as the heel, it makes "the promotion" the heel and thus the subconscious suggestion is that whatever the promotion wants or wants the viewer to think is bad.  Max can play aggrieved, even righteously-aggrieved, but he's gotta remain aligned as the heel.  Honestly, if this all is a semi-work, I'd have Max (who even if he's not a billionaire, his gimmick still presents as someone who would have a number of well-connected rich friends) worked into an angle whereby he "finds a loophole" in Tony's acquisition of ROH and brings in backers of his own to launch a worked hostile takeover of ROH.

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