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1 hour ago, Troy Brown said:

I will say that I enjoyed the show but I am disappointed at the booking of the PNW debut compared to the show next week. This was the last US market they came to and it should have had bigger matches imo. 

I think they based it all around Darby winning the TNT title (which I have questions about how/why we got there) and didnt want to overshadow that moment with anything else

The Danielson announcement for Revolution was also pretty big, but obviously not a major match for him.

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I think the thing people aren't talking enough about is that Vince is a sexual predator. 

Yes, him getting back into creative (and lets not kid ourselves, Vince is gonna get involved) would be a huge down tick.

Yes, this could negatively effect talent and their runs and or jobs. 

However the biggest thing is they allowed a sexual predator back into a position of principle power enabling him to continue his predator behavior. It is disgusting. 

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On 1/6/2023 at 7:06 PM, Deadpulse said:

However the biggest thing is they allowed a sexual predator back into a position of principle power enabling him to continue his predator behavior. It is disgusting. 

I don’t think they allowed anything?

The man is still the majority shareholder, it’s not like they were begging him to come back. It is a business, and he has a seat at the table for the time being. It would be a lot harder to push him out than it has for any of the Major Sports to push their problem owners out

I also don’t think he will be anymore involved than he was in the past 3 months with creative. If he does come back there, that’s when Fox/Universal get involved. It’s also possible they get a full locker room revolt if that were to happen. Vince is literally the only one who can’t see he is what’s worst for business at this point, and they wouldn’t let him actually kill the company 

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Just now, StLunatic88 said:

I don’t think they allowed anything?

The man is still the majority shareholder, it’s not like they were begging him to come back. It is a business, and he has a seat at the table for the time being. It would be a lot harder to push him out than it has for any of the Major Sports to push their problem owners out

All reports indicate that he held them hostage since they still needed his vote for a TV rights deal. I get it... to a point. WWE is publicly traded. If they refused him, kept him out, and then he withheld a vote for TV rights which could potential tank the company, there are clauses to prevent him from doing that and hurting shareholders. It would be long, it would be costly, it would be hard, but the company would survive. Instead the board took the low and easy road. 

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7 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Who wins the Rumbles? Seth and Becky?

The men’s seems to be pretty clear, either Rock or Cody. Just depending how they want to tell that story. The most streamlined version is Cody wins the Rumble to go after one title (I wish it would be Universal and then he can flip it back to the BGB but now I’m just dreaming) and then Rock can just confront Roman about being the Head of the Table for the WWE belt. Roman fights both nights of Maina, and when he loses he can take his long break to go off to Hollywood for awhile. 

The Womens is more open, but I’m guessing it’s going to be Rhea, they have been planting seeds of her taking on Bianca for months, and I think they pull the trigger at Mania

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