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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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2 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

I was attempting to play the pm game. You asked me, after I had literally just said it in my big write up.

That he likes cheese wiz on his Sammie's even though he lives in Wisconsin

I meant to say wasnt* attempting to

2 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

@Matts4313 why do you have to try and push the ethical/unethical boundary so much. 


I'm getting the feeling that neither are Avengers aligned.  Matts was making a play for the lolclear got busted and instead went for the easy lynch of malf who very well isn't aligned with Avengers or matts 

Matts then malf

Look at it from my side. I *SAID THE AVENGERS WIN GAME* => Malf asked me a question => I answered because thats not the Avengers win game => He then asked me fine what is it. => Thats when I went "WTF, you dont know how town wins the game"?!?

That is not my fault at all. All he had to do was read the thread. Or he could have simply asked the host. I very clearly stated in thread what it was. And Malf quoted it. And then he asked me again what it was. 

I take no blame from that. 

It wasnt unethical. I wasnt skirting lines. 

But I 100% see how it can be viewd as shady. Especially if you werent there in real time seeing how fast we were all posting. That whole set of events happend in like 5-10 minutes.

As for the other thing you are calling "the pm" game - - You are 100% wrong. I asked host *ABOUT MY ROLE* and used information *ABOUT MY ROLE* which is if Green would show up as a lie since town is not green. I had that information BECAUSE OF MY ROLE. Literally every player in the game uses information about their role. But dont let facts get in the way of insults.

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32 minutes ago, Counselor said:

I’ll try and explain later. I’m getting a pixie cut right now. 

Mafia has made me read into comments way too much, I think 

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2 hours ago, Counselor said:

I no longer read Matt’s as scum. But he is as detrimental as me.

I hope you read the post above. I did use information (from my role) to cast shade on you and LOLclear myself. But it was based on my read and a deeper conversation about my role with host. You putting "green" led me to a lot of other information and was part of the reason I used that gambit. That gambit led to a *huge* day one where we caught a non town.

I hope you would also use your role to benefit you/your team as well. 

FWIW I no longer think you are mafia. 

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4 minutes ago, Forge said:

Mafia has made me read into comments way too much, I think 

I feel the same way. Anywhere I’ve been ready the comments on the site. Mock draft forum, draft forum, general forum. Can’t even read any of them without thinking someone is lying to me! Also in my personal life with people hahahahaha. Pretty pathetic if you ask me!

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Just now, Counselor said:

I feel the same way. Anywhere I’ve been ready the comments on the site. Mock draft forum, draft forum, general forum. Can’t even read any of them without thinking someone is lying to me! Also in my personal life with people hahahahaha. Pretty pathetic if you ask me!

Reading not ready

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3 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

 @Malfatron @SwAg @The LBC

I promised you that I would MVP it, so it starts here. 

I think we have 4 groups of 6. I think the 4 groups are:

Avengers and Xmen that are fighting the threats that effect earth. They win together I assume. 

The sinister 6 does not include kingpin. There are 6 of them:

The 3rd group of 6 are bad guys from the Marvel Thematic movies. I will look it up later, but probably Loki, Thanos, the bad guys from the previous avengers (hammer dude, smart russian dude, Ultron) maybe another. 

Im assuming those two groups of 6 can only win alone. 


Thats the game set up. I would bet my life on it. 

For the record @Pickle Rick this is what started the wild flurry of post that ended with Malf asking what the town wincon is. He 100% read it and quoted it. 

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5 minutes ago, Dome said:

It’s very interesting that matts views what he did as “casting shade” on counselor rather than trying to catch scum 

Not that interesting. Its not even a difficult concept. You throw shade (suspensions, accusations, whatever you want to call it) at people before you can catch scum. Its how you do it.

Its literally the basic premise of the game youve been playing for years. 

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