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~~//~~ Pro Wrestling: Road to Wrestlemania ~~\\~~


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9 hours ago, The LBC said:

He won't beat Brock, but this is a better matchup for not putting tarnish on the guys (which had AJ not won would have also included him) that Jinder's beaten if Brock didn't squash him (and even some if he had).  AJ has more credibility so they can afford to let Brock sell some (probably even let Brock get caught in a Calf Crusher and look close to tapping to give AJ some shine).  They'll probably hot potato the title back to Jinder at some point during the India Tour then have him drop it again at the Rumble (as over as AJ is, it would probably be smart to have him in - and winning - a world title match there rather than in the Rumble where fans might throw a tantrum if/when he's eliminated).

Either way, this is a superior outcome to having to try and find a way to give Jinder a dirty win over Brock in order to not make hurt Brock's street cred (by having him look like Jinder effing Mahal could actually stand with him) or hurting the credibility of Orton/Nakamura/AJ when they guy that consistently beat them (particularly in the case of the first two) got demolished by Brock.

I don't think there was any way Mahal was winning that match, but it would've been interesting to see how much of a factor (read: how much less one-sided it would've been) the Singhs would've played. I agree that this is probably the best outcome for all superstars involved, but let's be honest, nobody was going to walk out unscathed regardless. If Mahal somehow beat Brock in dirty fashion, it would destroy his credibility because the "Conqueror of The Streak" and the guy who survived both Joe and Strowman twice (one of those being a Fatal 4 Way with Reigns thrown into the mix for the universe's sake) can't overcome the Singhs interfering, but a "lesser" superstar on SmackDown can (and that's putting it rather lightly)? Which, by extension, would throw Joe, Strowman and even Orton under the bus (arguably Reigns as well).

They'd almost have no choice but to job (and I mean that in the purest sense of the word) him to Lesnar at SS, all things considered. The damage to the aforementioned SD superstars would easily be outweighed by the harm done to Brock and virtually everyone thrown his way in the case of a dirty win by Jinder since he's pretty much in a tier of his own at this point.

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3 hours ago, bigbadbuff23835 said:

No shot. Cena doesn’t tap.

Not to mention that RAW is losing the match and Angle is getting "fired," as they've been so incredibly transparent about it - all the way to the point that RAW will finally invade Smackdown on the go-home show next week (and standard-fare go-home booking is that whoever is going to lose the ME comes out of the go-home show looking strong).

Honestly, I expect Cena's inclusion in this to mean one of two things: Either his movie schedule is going to keep him out of Mania and they're trying to cash-in now or they've gotten confirmation that his movie schedule is going to allow him to be available for Mania and they're going to lay the breadcrumbs to set up his angle at Survivor Series (which they commonly do).  If it's the later, I'd suspect we're headed for Cena vs Braun or Cena winning the Rumble (yeah, I know everyone thinks it'll be Roman but I think they just up and book that match and use the build off the Rumble to jumpstart a "Cena goes for #17" storyline.

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48 minutes ago, pollino14 said:

I really really don't understand putting the belt on AJ to job to Brock. It's so baffling to me... Match has little build-up, AJ just lost.... I don't get it. Have Jinder do the job to Brock and THEN lose to AJ.

Makes me think that they won't have a finish and will have some kind of big fight break out and they carry this fued all the way into the Rumble. 

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Shane, Roode, Cena, Orton, Nakumura vs Angle, Joe, Braun, Finn and Jason Jordan... The RAW team isn't going over a SD team with Orton AND Cena. Not happening. They try way too hard trying to propel SD to being considered equal to RAW with these types of matches. I honestly can't remember a time the RAW team won. 

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On 11/8/2017 at 11:48 AM, pollino14 said:

I really really don't understand putting the belt on AJ to job to Brock. It's so baffling to me... Match has little build-up, AJ just lost.... I don't get it. Have Jinder do the job to Brock and THEN lose to AJ.

Because Network subscriptions tend to drop off in the 4th quarter so they're putting a high-draw match on a card that was struggling for high-draw matches (particularly to the casual fan).  AJ/Brock needs as much build-up as AJ/Finn needed.  The names sell themselves.  This notion that "they have to have a back-story in order to tell a story in the ring" stuff is flat out BS.

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1 hour ago, The LBC said:

Because Network subscriptions tend to drop off in the 4th quarter so they're putting a high-draw match on a card that was struggling for high-draw matches (particularly to the casual fan).  AJ/Brock needs as much build-up as AJ/Finn needed.  The names sell themselves.  This notion that "they have to have a back-story in order to tell a story in the ring" stuff is flat out BS.

I wasn’t saying that. I just think a match like that needs more of a buildup. 


And Brock matches are pretty much the same.

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27 minutes ago, pollino14 said:

I wasn’t saying that. I just think a match like that needs more of a buildup. 


And Brock matches are pretty much the same.

Not really.  The names alone sell themselves.  Brock's a special attraction and never going to work a full-time schedule (mostly because he's never going to pass the kind of drug tests full-time guys have to submit to), so there are only so many opportunities they're going to get to even do this match.  Brock's not going to be Taker or Sting, much less Flair, doing matches up till he's pushing his mid-50's.

Honestly, unless it's at a Wrestlemania or it's something the caliber of a Brock v Goldberg (and as much as I love AJ Styles and think that he's one of the top guys in the world currently, he has not been and isn't the worldwide NAME of a Brock, Goldberg, Hogan, etc.; AJ slips into that Jericho category), I actually prefer that these "dream" matches have as little written storyline as possible to them.  Just go as old school as possible, like Regal had tweeted, at the end of the day they're supposed to be portraying professional fighters who are trying to win to put food on the table for themselves and their families, as well as to stoke their own egos and personal pride.  You don't need any more story than that.  We'll get an epic Heyman promo on Monday, which is really all we need because in a face vs face match-up like this even Heyman's promos get redundant (particularly when Brock is going up against established workers).

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I don't think I can do a mount Rushmore...


Stone Cold

Hulk Hogan

Ric Flair


After that it's tough.

The Rock



Vince McMahon

Macho Man

Mick Foley

Andre The Giant


I think all of them have a case for that 4th spot. Maybe even Goldberg.



My personal Mount Rushmore (Top 4 favorite wrestlers all time) would be:

Jake The Snake

Stone Cold

The Rock

Kevin Owens 

Honorable Mention: Kenny Omega, AJ Styles, DDP, RVD


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