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STAR TREK: Deep Space 9 Mafia (The Federation, Quark, and Morn wins!)

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2 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Counselor or Squire

Swag, squire, ksj or you. 

My guess, swag and squire only bc swag pushed me for no reason and then took a back seat when other jumped on. 

Squire bc he no lynched and then essentially killed me

Dark horse would be ksj for the last second vote but he is a grey are right now for me. 

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1 minute ago, Pickle Rick said:

Swag, squire, ksj or you. 

My guess, swag and squire only bc swag pushed me for no reason and then took a back seat when other jumped on. 

Squire bc he no lynched and then essentially killed me

Dark horse would be ksj for the last second vote but he is a grey are right now for me. 

but it is fun to kill you.  That does not make me scum.

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The chaos on Deep Space Nine began in the first day of the crisis. After the initial confusion, the crew finally decided to surround Pickle Rick, convinced of his allegiance to the enemy. They surrounded him in in his quarters, ready to carry out justice when suddenly someone yelled "Computer, this is a Command Override: Alpha Omicron Epsilon Delta Alpha. Authorization: Benjamin Lafiette Sisko. Execute program Sisko-31."

Just then, the station's computer played a message over the com panels: "This is a confirmed command from Captain Sisko. Cease your current hostile act and instead eliminate @SwAg."

Everyone looked at everyone else, shrugged, then turned on Swag, and showed him some good, old fashioned, Federation justice. They took him to the infirmary, where his autopsy revealed he was Jake Sisko, Civilian aligned. The only thing found on poor Jake's person at the time of his death was his PADD, and combadge.

His autopsy will be added to the OP momentarily. Night moves are due at 9:35 PM ET!

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On 8/2/2019 at 6:42 AM, TheKillerNacho said:

Jake Sisko
Reporter, Human


You are Jake Sisko, son of the commander of Deep Space 9, Benjamin Sisko. You've grown up quite a bit since moving to Deep Space 9, and despite being a minor, you've contributed to the success of the station in various ways. You're creative and honest - which has pushed you towards an interest in writing.

You are aligned as a Civilian: While not officially affiliated with any faction, you win if and only if the Federation or Bajor wins (or the game ends due to all threats being eliminated). That means, in general, you should seek to eliminate all threats to the Federation and/or Bajor.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Thrice per game, at night, may target a player and receive a copy of their night PM, if they received one.
  • Any message you write in your PADD is broadcast to all players during the night write-up via the Federation News Service. In order for this to work, you must put some effort in to make this sound like an actual report. If you want to know of a message is acceptable, you can ask me.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • PADD: May write a message in it, or read it. Writing in the pad always appends to what is already written. When the player holding the PADD dies, the contents of the data pad is revealed to all living players.
  • Combadge: You may use this to send a message to target player. All messages sent this way will be sent through me, do not PM anyone directly yourself. Messages must be 255 characters or less. They will be informed you were the one who sent the message, but not your role.


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