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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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Ok full disclosure.

Dome was visited by Squire - Day 1 - He stole his vote

Whicker was visited by BCB and Naz - Day 2 - He was roleblocked and given a vest

Malfatron was visited by Cheese - Day 2 - He was injected by a needle.

Swag was called out by Whicker. Whicker was visited the day after, which leads me to believe Whicker is town and Swag actually is red aligned.

My suspicions list is:






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8 minutes ago, N4L said:

<grabs what remains of racks body and carries it to the jungle room. Opens door and throws the body in. Waits for the panther to begin eating the body before I stealthily sneak by and head into the jungle> @The Orca

You throw the body in and the panther punches it. While occupied you take off sprinting into the jungle 

7 minutes ago, SwAg said:

<reach the top of the hole, wipe my bloody stump leg on MWil so he is covered in blood and more likely to attract the panther> @The Orca

You cover Swag with stumpy blood

7 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

<follow forge and squire into the jungle>

@The Orca

You follow forge I to the jungle

6 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

<Head to the ballroom and remind Swag I’m already covered in blood because I’m John Rambo>

@The Orca

You head to the ballroom leaving Swag behind in the jungle

2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

one second guys

<runs to the bowling alley and gets a bowling ball to use as weapon. rejoins squire and forge in the jungle room>

@The Orca

You grab a bowling ball and head back

1 minute ago, squire12 said:

@The Orca < proceed into the jungle museum with my brave companions in search of the panther....machete on the ready >

<swing violently with precise strikes at the panthers head when within striking range>


  @malfatron --- why will this not tag you!!!!!!!!!!



1 minute ago, Forge said:

@The Orca

<follows squire into the jungle toward the panther, tries to distract it by throwing shark teeth at it's general direction, releasing Sir Lacksomefeet free, pointing at the panther and shouting "sick him, boy!"> 

As Forge distracts the Panther, Sauire and Lackssomefeet charge the panther. As Squire goes for the precise strike the panther turns around and bites his hand. Lackssomefeet goes in for a strike but it's to late, the panther clamps down and bites Squire's wrist off. The panther just kicks the still growing Lackssomefeet against the wall as he shimmies away

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Just now, The Orca said:

You throw the body in and the panther punches it. While occupied you take off sprinting into the jungle 

You cover Swag with stumpy blood

You follow forge I to the jungle

You head to the ballroom leaving Swag behind in the jungle

You grab a bowling ball and head back


As Forge distracts the Panther, Sauire and Lackssomefeet charge the panther. As Squire goes for the precise strike the panther turns around and bites his hand. Lackssomefeet goes in for a strike but it's to late, the panther clamps down and bites Squire's wrist off. The panther just kicks the still growing Lackssomefeet against the wall as he shimmies away

<while he is distracted, slam the bowling ball on the panthers head>

@The Orca

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18 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Stick with me Forge, I’m committed to paying forward the good faith you displayed in Marvel.

Wow I tried to bring you with me to the finish line that game 

if you’re all buddy buddy with forge for that game, I should probably get a handjob at the very least 

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