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Week 4 GDT


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4 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

they're bad

to expand on this wonderful insight. theyre bad. 


But also the oline is in shambles and sucks, which means no time to throw. freeman is washed, defense isnt very good (although not bad per say), theyre undisciplined, have a really bad habit of starting slow and have an idiot for head coach.

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2 minutes ago, DannyB said:

Holy crap if you were drafted in 2011, you're a 9 year NFL veteran. Good lord that's insane. What the hell is time even.

I still think of dudes from that draft class when topics like "who are the best young _______ in the league?" come up. Ugh.

Even more wild is if you were drafted in 2010, you are a 10 year veteran. 

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