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Just now, DawgX said:

I do. I just wish I heard more from them about bigger problems black people face. The biggest one, in my opinion, is the single parenthood rate which is over 70% (IIRC) in the black community. It's too high among all races and ethnic groups, but it's the highest in the black community. And there's a huge correlation of people (of all races) who grow up in single-parent households and those who end up in prisons, develop drug addictions, mental health issues, etc.

I mean.

You as someone who's not black should probably just stop attempting to describe the lived black experience and say what the biggest issue black people face is.

But that's just me.

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3 minutes ago, Thelonebillsfan said:

I mean the disproportionate and incredibly slanted element of police violence occurs against the poor, it just happens that black people are among the poorest in most places in this country.

Congratulations you've discovered class conflict.

I would agree that economic inequality is a HUGE problem. Still not a Marxist though. 😜

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Just now, Thelonebillsfan said:

I mean.

You as someone who's not black should probably just stop attempting to describe the lived black experience and say what the biggest issue black people face is.

But that's just me.

Okay, what about all of the black people who would agree with me? Or are they just Uncle Tom's and race traitors?

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2 minutes ago, DawgX said:

For a group that calls themselves "Black Lives Matter" yet they don't address the biggest problems that black lives face, yeah I'm going to criticize them for that. Maybe because that would involve some actual accountability rather than just cry racism.

The problems of “black on black crime” and single motherhood aren’t inherently black problems. Anyone who believes this is actually racist. These are the consequences of poverty and the resulting breakdown of communities. The question is why do African American households make so much less on average than white households? Could it be several centuries of slavery, another century of de Jure segregation, redlining, being passed over for jobs because your name or hair isn’t white enough? Lack of access to mass transit,  lower realtor prices compared to the same house owned by your white neighbor? Or is it some nebulous nonsense about skull size, Neanderthal DNA, or IQ?

You see the same problems appear in “real American,” largely white Rust Belt communities that never recovered from losing their factories to outsourcing. 

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2 minutes ago, champ11 said:

I wonder if that has anything to do with targeted mass incarceration by the police ........................... (gasp) it does 

And you're absolutely kidding yourself if you think that's the only reason.

I'm against mass incarceration. I think throwing someone in prison for drug possession is absurd.

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1 minute ago, DawgX said:

Okay, what about all of the black people who would agree with me? Or are they just Uncle Tom's and race traitors?

Maybe, hear me out, you can just not have an opinion on it.

You don't need a take on everything, especially if you're shooting from the hip with some incredibly racist talking points about black parentage. 

I would suggest maybe reading some books.

Edited by Thelonebillsfan
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2 minutes ago, DawgX said:

And you're absolutely kidding yourself if you think that's the only reason.

sure, there are other reasons. redlining, segregation, denial of educational and economic opportunities, you know, the whole gamut of what most people call institutionalized racism

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13 minutes ago, iknowcool said:

Compared on the basis of total population, the percentage is higher.

Compared on the basis of police interactions on violent crime, it is not. 


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1 minute ago, Thelonebillsfan said:

Maybe, hear me out, you can just not have an opinion on it.

You don't need a take on everything, especially if you're shooting from the hip with some incredibly racist talking points about black parentage. 

I would suggest maybe reading some books.

How is anything I said a "racist talking point"?

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1 minute ago, Mossburg said:

I think he may be referring to it being more poverty than race driven.

And that is a fair, but race and poverty are so intertwined that there's no reason to really have a conversation about one and not the other.

But I do agree.  The poor are at a huge disadvantage when it comes to dealings with the police.

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