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Weakest Links ?


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Monte Nicholson- I think this guy is awful. Against the Dolphins, he's in the middle and let's the T E catch a 33 yard gain late in the game. He bent his knees and extended his hands as if to intercept, the T E goes up and catches the ball. Nicholson coulda / shoulda played the man and nailed him therefore breaking up the pass.  He left Norman out to dry earlier in some games when he seemed to be was responsible for deep help --and Norman -needs all the help he can get !

Norman - no need to state the obvious !

Paul Richardson - I've been giving him some slack but now I've come over to the haters side. Paying him a lot of money for next to nothing. 

Trey Quinn- I actually thought he might be very good ! Oh well !

I know we have no replacements for these duds.  

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13 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

Trey Quinn is what he is. He was Mr Irrelevant after all. Maybe a little unfair to him. P-Rich easy answer. Norman too. 

Well Monte is my number ONE-- Am I unfair to him.  I'd be interested in the your/ the boards thoughts . I think he's killing our defense. The one REALLY bad apple .

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The defense against the pass is a sieve with Norman, Nicholson and Collins out there.  All three are not great in coverage.  Add in that our ILB's are not great in coverage either, and you've got a recipe for disaster as far as covering tight ends.  

Someone said Morgan Moses, but forgot to mention all of the penalties that he takes.  

Richardson's been a big disappointment too. 

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I won't list players that have already been mentioned, but I agree with most

Fabian Moreau - Despite my signature, I'm not a huge fan of his play. He's never really taken the next step needed to play in the NFL.

Ereck Flowers - Okay so he doesn't let up a sack every play, but he's still not a great player.

Jimmy Moreland - There was a ton of hype on him this preseason and he simply hasn't lived up to it. Sorry, Thai

Case Keenum - He is no threat to throw the ball deep and if he does he is inaccurate with it. He's been surprisingly bad.


Edited by taylor made
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