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Prequel to World War III Mafia: Night 5 (Send Yerr PMs!)


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1 minute ago, gopherwrestler said:

I haven’t read up at all yet but as of this morning, I questioned it. I know there is a civ protector, and I asked if two civ protectors made sense this game. It’s not all that common. 

are you scum?

So how do you know that there are 2 protectors?

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5 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

Player List:
1. @theuntouchable - no role (lmao)

4. @rackcs - vig

7.  @The Orca - some sort of role invest

8.  @Dome - pgo

9.  @TedLavie - bastard enhancer

10.  @Hockey5djh -

12.  @Pickle Rick

13.  @ET80 -

14.  @Forge - claimed end night early (mafia)

15.  @squire12

16.  @gopherwrestler - claimed protect

18.  @Counselor - claimed protect


so this is where we are at

we have 2 town members killed last night by the players above, we have someone arresting dome

so who could have had those move....

touch - read town

hockey - I can buy that you are fbi and arrested dome (so you are scum)

pickle (nope but ill include myself bc I don't want to miss anything)

et - drump supporter (probably indy)

squire - mafia 

counselor/gopher - town unless one is lying 

forge (probably killed 1) mafia



I never claimed protector 

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14 hours ago, squire12 said:
15 hours ago, gopherwrestler said:

No there Is a chance nobody is lying.

all I stated was I knew who the civ protector is.

but we don’t know if there is two civ protectors,




the comment counselor had where he said he was protected has me questioning him.


I don't want you to say how you know who the "civ" protector is.

But I will say that if it is from a mason/neighborhood chat mechanic that you have, then at least consider that that person very well could not be civ.

Recent game had a 3 player mason chat and 1 of them was not town.  Dome pirate mafia (nazgul, orca and nacho).  Nacho was scum.


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