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***Spoilers*** Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


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Like it or not this is now lore, so I guess I have to try and understand it.


So did Palpatine have to be struck down by a lightsaber specifically in order to... transfer "himself" (and every sith before him) into Rey? Was defeated by a loophole (his own lightning turned against him)?

It seemed to me Palp DID die at end of ROtJ, that was the implication I got from the opening scene. It's why his eyes are glossed over until he sucks life force out of Rey and Ben. Through dark side of the force he was able to survive after death and somehow "revive" himself and return to his old body, or perhaps even restore it as best he could. Not to mention, him in fact dying really seems to be the only possible explanation when you recall ROtJ...






Here's a picture of that fall:

Palpatine falls to his death

I can't even begin to speculate how long that shaft goes, but I'd hazard a guess it's at least a mile1. Palpatine is quite frail, so it's unlikely he could have survived. But let's say he did.

The reactor

That chute leads straight to the Death Star's main reactor. According to Wookieepedia, the Death Star is powered by a Hypermatter reactor, which is powered by particle annihilation and releases enormous amounts of energy. Even if the Death Star reactor was 99% efficient (Which it almost certainly isn't), that's a ton of energy being converted into heat and/or radiation. It's a lot for an old man to bear for a non-trivial amount of time - he's down there for as long as it takes Luke to drag his extremely heavy father from the Emperor's throne room down to the shuttle bay, before:

The Earth*-Shattering Kaboom

Death Star 2 Blows up
That's the explosion Palpatine would finally have to survive. Note that it leave absolutely no debris, which means the explosion atomized the Death Star, and everything inside of it. Even if Palpatine could have survived the fall and the reactor, he's dust by now.



So with that said, what's to stop him from coming back again?... Also, Palp escaping death walks back the iconic line (not only iconic for the meme) of Plagueis not being able to save himself...


So with that said, what's to stop him from coming back again?... Also Palp escapying death walks back the iconic line (if not only iconic for the meme) of Plagueis not being able to save himself...

Edited by RandyMossIsBoss
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16 minutes ago, AlexGreen#20 said:

I thought Palpatine killed Palageus to take over the throne.

He did, murdered him in his sleep. Plag could "bring others back from life, but not himself" (at least this was the line Palp fed Anakin, desperate to save Padme).... but now it seems old Palp did just that and brought himself back from a 200 ft drop into a reactor + death star exploding. 

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1 hour ago, RandyMossIsBoss said:

Like it or not this is now lore, so I guess I have to try and understand it.




No, I dont agree with that. Lore comes from the main author as well as anything canon. What Disney created is nothing more then a different version of the SW: EU. I wouldnt consider it canon considering they didn't care about the story in the first place. 

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Couldn’t it be that Palpatine either learned it from Plaguies / added to what Plaguies knew?  That one doesn’t seem much to get hung up on.  As far as his body, if he was able to come back and build himself a new body it’s really no different from Voldemort in Harry Potter.  Palpatine coming back doesn’t really bother me much.  From the spoilers, the only thing I’m bothered by is the Kylo/Rey death and resurrection thing and all the former Jedi coming back.  I mean I get the complaints and they’re valid, but not too much to look past in my opinion.

Edited by Outpost31
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25 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

It would have made sense for Palpatine to tell Anakin, who was still a Jedi, that he is Plaguies?

It’s redundant and convoluted. If he is Plaguis, then he made that whole story up, in which case why not just lie completely and use another name. 

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Just now, Outpost31 said:

Couldn’t it be that Palpatine either learned it from Plaguies / added to what Plaguies knew?  That one doesn’t seem much to get hung up on.  As far as his body, if he was able to come back and build himself a new body it’s really no different from Voldemort in Harry Potter.  Palpatine coming back doesn’t really bother me much.  From the spoilers, the only thing I’m bothered by is the Kylo/Rey death and resurrection thing and all the former Jedi coming back.  The rest I get the complaints and it.

Theres alot of theories about that.

But thats another hang up on the whole new trilogy. If Palpatine managed to discover the secret of everlasting life why would he bother with having a child? He's the ultimate narcissistic and meglamaniac and having a child is not just about procreation like for some people in power its about continuing and carrying on their legacy.

So why the grandaughter twist?

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2 minutes ago, D82 said:

Maybe we'll get lucky and get a OT sequel reboot in a few years and have it done right...

Sadly that ship sailed. Carrie is gone. Ford doesn’t like Star Wars and only did it so Han would die, can’t see him agreeing to going through it again. I also think Mark would be too sentimental about abandoning the legacy of the cast. Sadly they kinda ruined the thing 

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Visually stunning. Except what was with the late 70s planet explosion? After the silent beauty of the explosion in TLJ, I thought that was kinda weird. 

so many great twists on iconic shots from the films. I liked it well enough. My biggest gripe was the kiss. Totally unnecessary. The droids provided great comedy, and I thought the saber duels were really cool. 

the rebel fleet showing up at the end was a total endgame ripoff, but looked sooooo cool. I need to watch it again. I see no reason to be bent out of shape about it. Definitely the most entertaining of the non- original trilogy films.

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