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17 minutes ago, freakygeniuskid said:

That's true, and there were much worse questions asked.

My issue is the "gotcha" nature of the question. Like, you either give the "right" answer or you are in trouble. I don't think the question gets asked out of a sincere desire for dialogue, but rather to make sure somebody has the right opinion. And I guess I just don't like that as a category of questioning.

Like, I'm a pastor, and all the churches in our area send representatives a couple times a year to get work done together. One of the things we do is approve new pastors. And there is this one older guy who always asks the same question. But it's not a question. It's a chance for him to ride a hobby horse and put the answering guy/girl in a bind if they won't answer how he wants. It drives me crazy and I've started actively telling candidates ahead of time to not feel pressured by it. I think I took issue with the question because of the parallels I felt there. And for sure, kudos to Stefanski for having a great answer. But I think there is a way to ask that question as a question and not an accusation/attempt to "gotcha", and I didn't feel like that was done.

This is exactly why I had a problem with the question. It didn't seem like the guy asking the question was genuinely interested in Stefanski's honest answer, but instead just wanted to make sure Stefanski gave the "right" answer, like you said. With that said, Stefanski did an admiral job of answering it.

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9 minutes ago, Bonanza23 said:

I don’t have an issue with it because owners of multi millionaire businesses have weekly meetings with their lead guys all the time. In fact I don’t know one that doesn’t. He said half hour to an hour a week. If it’s a “do you have any concerns?”, “everyone on the same page”, “is there anything we can do to help?” Blah blah blah I don’t see anything wrong with it. 

That’s one thing, but the previous reports was “hours long”.

If it’s a quick touching base to make sure things are copacetic, great, but if he’s having to explain the “why’s”, then hell no.

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13 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

That’s one thing, but the previous reports was “hours long”.

If it’s a quick touching base to make sure things are copacetic, great, but if he’s having to explain the “why’s”, then hell no.

He specifically said half hour to an hour. 


Edited by Bonanza23
Found the twit
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1 hour ago, freakygeniuskid said:

Clarification: He said he doesn't HAVE to have that meeting, like it was not specified during the interviews as something he HAS to do. After hearing his speech and continuing to look into his background, I have no doubt that at some point during the week they will ask the analytics team to contribute insights to the game plan.

Yeah absolutely no problem having meeting with nerds to potentially develop game plans. I would love for the coaches to be flooded with stats that show what the opposing team struggles at, what tendencies they At different scenarios in a game and what. Knowing all that should go into a game plan. But the rumor of it being on Friday’s was Asinine. It should be the ideal meeting to have before you meet with the players for that week

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2 hours ago, freakygeniuskid said:

That's true, and there were much worse questions asked.

My issue is the "gotcha" nature of the question. Like, you either give the "right" answer or you are in trouble. I don't think the question gets asked out of a sincere desire for dialogue, but rather to make sure somebody has the right opinion. And I guess I just don't like that as a category of questioning.

Like, I'm a pastor, and all the churches in our area send representatives a couple times a year to get work done together. One of the things we do is approve new pastors. And there is this one older guy who always asks the same question. But it's not a question. It's a chance for him to ride a hobby horse and put the answering guy/girl in a bind if they won't answer how he wants. It drives me crazy and I've started actively telling candidates ahead of time to not feel pressured by it. I think I took issue with the question because of the parallels I felt there. And for sure, kudos to Stefanski for having a great answer. But I think there is a way to ask that question as a question and not an accusation/attempt to "gotcha", and I didn't feel like that was done.

2 hours ago, DawgX said:

This is exactly why I had a problem with the question. It didn't seem like the guy asking the question was genuinely interested in Stefanski's honest answer, but instead just wanted to make sure Stefanski gave the "right" answer, like you said. With that said, Stefanski did an admiral job of answering it.

As people, we all perceive the world through our lens of past experiences and it makes sense for us to draw parallels from past experiences.

And Indeed, we all know people that ask questions for various non-sincere motivations either as "gotcha" questions or just to self-present themselves a certain way.

Generally speaking, the media and people asking questions at pressers are total hacks and prone to "gotcha" questioning.

In a room full of hundreds of professionals and people at the height of their fields, as much as it may seem like it's enjoyable asking those type of questions the vast majority of times it is extremely uncomfortable not just for the audience and the person being asked to answer the question, but also nails on chalk-board uncomfortable for the person asking those questions.

From my lens, I didn't perceive the guy's question as a "gotcha" question based on how he asked the question and the way in which he asked it. It wasn't a rhetorical, accusatory, or loaded closed-ended question where there were no suitable ways to answer it; it wasn't assumptive, but instead a guided question that first stated that "there's been a reported problem" as the questioner said, then laid out the numbers behind said "reported problem", then ask Stefanski (summary paraphrasing) "how important it is to him if at all to try to do things differently on his staff and to mentor young coaches to effect positive change."

That to me in terms of how uncomfortable questions go was a decently thoughtful way to ask that question especially for trash media hacks. There's no easy way to ask such questions, but they do have meaning. The question layout was about as good as they can get, and I actually thought it set Stefanski up for an easy home run layup answer of "yes it is important; I hope to do this and that." Some people have a problem with such questions being asked in the first place, but that's a whole separate issue.

To me, Stefanski's answer and solution showed that he proactively thinks about issues that are concerns for many people that make the NFL what it is today and showed that he's able to deal with uncomfortable questions the type of which have past through minds of the people that he's been tasked to lead (as well as the family and friends that surround those human beings).

I want to know if the Head Coach can connect with various people and communicate through uncomfortable conversations and situations.

Solid question; Solid answer. A win for the Browns and a win for the external perception of Stefanski ability to address concerns that make people uncomfortable.

Edited by Mind Character
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9 minutes ago, bigjohnson2009 said:

Or the awful clock management and game flow decisions. Did he just ignore him?

... or queue the conspiracies that DePo was setting him up to fail all along...

... the man behind the curtain.. the man controlling the strings from California...

... first control the Browns.... then ... the World....

Edited by Mind Character
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1 minute ago, Mind Character said:

... or queue the conspiracies that DePo was setting him up to fail all along...

... the man behind the curtain.. the man controlling the strings from California...

... first control the Browns.... then ... the World....


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