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Wrasslemafia 2- Day 10


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King, the fact that no one has dared to come forth and challenge the Undertaker and admit that they are actually also the Undertaker, very similar to the Kane/Taker story arc a few decades ago, should make you pause and assume that SwAg is telling the truth here until proven otherwise. The Deadman is a true WWE Legend and has proven time and time again that he belongs on top of the WWE food-chain. The Phenom is one of the great faces of this industry!

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8 hours ago, MD4L said:

Also, I’ve gone through a nice span of months as frustrated any alignment and ready to complain/vent when I’m voted away, lol.

 It’s just harder to invest the time needed to be a dominant player. Playing with new guys and old friends definitely gives more incentive to be an asset.

If I have ever frustrated you, I apologize. I thought we were having a back and forth banter with it. 

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I've gotta say folks, it's eerie that we've heard very little from the following:

@Dome: Word is he's been on a bender

@squire12: We did see him backstage last night with some of the other talent

@kingseanjohn: King, I haven't heard from him at all and we are in the process of following up on his whereabouts. Stay tuned!

@rackcs: Where is Rack? The once bright up and comer has all but vanished as of late. 

@JoshstraDaymus: This rookie has been on and off over the past few days. He "was torn" on the Viper and Taker dynamic!

@gopherwrestler: He was also backstage last night and in the mix, albeit he seemed confused on what transpired towards the end of last night's episode of RAW. Whether his motivation is genuine or not remains to be seen

@Deadpulse: This rookie was here a lot two days ago, then all but vanished into thin air last night. Typically a man with his unique skillset would be a nice addition to the WWE

@Monkball2ky: This rookie has been all but a ghost!


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15 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

@Deadpulse: This rookie was here a lot two days ago, then all but vanished into thin air last night. Typically a man with his unique skillset would be a nice addition to the WWE

I needed some dental work

(and the TCMD draft started)

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9 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

It is a misrepresentation that I get pouty.  That I refuse to respond.  That I go 'I'm angry, your mean'.  Or that I start crying.  All of that is misrepresentation.

You are trying to misrepresent my emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and behavior so that you can appear as better than me.  Like you are some voice of reason and I am just emotional.  Which is a lie.  This can be shown in this post where you say that I "allegedly received the same education as you" implying that I didn't really get that same education.  

You do this on a frequent basis and with a lot of people, you're able to beat them into submission.  You'll never be able to do that to me.  However, what I will do is walk away when you start doing that so I don't escalate.

You’ve refused to substantively engage at basically every turn.  You say something and when I contradict it, or show it’s inconsistency, you wait for me to lose patience asking for the fourth time and then say I am being mean.  This is hilarious.

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