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27 minutes ago, bigbadbuff said:

What are your guys’s thoughts when people will start going back to work? I would be surprised if it’s before June 1st.

Depends on the state and the type of work, but I think restrictions will begin to be eased within the next 2 weeks and really pick up steam in May. 

The large metro areas more likely will be late May or June 1st. 

If you work in the cruise ship or concert venue industry you may be out of luck for a lot longer.

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9 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

There’s going to be major uproars if this goes past May. Michigan’s already protesting and they’ve only been on lockdown for 3 weeks. 

I live in Western New York, we’ve been shut down for four weeks now as of Saturday, i haven’t seen too much outrage in the area. But i say June because i couldn’t imagine them sending people back to work two weeks after seeing a flattening of the curve and then have it reappear and we have to go through this all again. It’s such a tricky situation, and i don’t envy those making the decision whatsoever. I sell cars for a living, dealerships here are still open but at bare bones, we have 4 managers only working right now and a slim service department staff, everyone else was furloughed,  with this supposed to be selling season, but also obviously customer facing I have no idea how this is going to play out. 

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12 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Depends on the state and the type of work, but I think restrictions will begin to be eased within the next 2 weeks and really pick up steam in May. 

The large metro areas more likely will be late May or June 1st. 

If you work in the cruise ship or concert venue industry you may be out of luck for a lot longer.

For sure every state, and county is going to be different. The county I’m in has had 56 deaths and 834 confirmed cases as of Tuesday afternoon.

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41 minutes ago, bigbadbuff said:

What are your guys’s thoughts when people will start going back to work? I would be surprised if it’s before June 1st.

Well, there is a growing state of unrest because of this.  People in Michigan and North Carolina protested today about re-opening the economy.  A bill in Pennsylvania passed their state house to reopen business.  I can also speak of some groups in Maryland trying to protest in a similar fashion to Michigan.  

I can't speak for other states, but I've watched all of our governor's press conferences.  The Facebook feed has gone from 99% supportive at the start of this, including the original stay at home order, and now that everyone has been home and hearing whatever they hear on the news, I would say the group was split 50/50 on support for the governor's decisions versus those unhappy with continued restrictions.  It may have even been slanted more towards people being unhappy.  

There's no easy way around this.  I don't envy our decision makers, but it is a real thing for many people to be destitute if restrictions continue much longer.  

What I think you are going to see are very regionalized openings.  The president has already said it's up to the governors to decide, and that's been the theme all throughout.  You already see California, Oregon and Washington State teaming up to do their own regional decision.  Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC have worked together in this.  I can easily see some restrictions on travel into big cities, as well as travel across state lines.  I could also see some hour reductions in all businesses (mandated closing by a certain time) while all businesses are gradually reopened if they can follow CDC guidelines.  Some businesses probably should have been given the opportunity to try and stay open, but I'm not the one making those decisions.  

I can also easily see masks still being a requirement.  If it is, I'm going to have to get Lasik because the condensation problem is real for those who wear glasses.  I can see sports stadiums, churches, conventions, concerts all being the last things to reopen, which could be months or even a year away, due to the fact that there is no possible way to socially distance at just about all of those venues.   A lot could also depend on research and development of therapies and a vaccine, as well as the virus potentially being seasonal or taking a big hit from the heat and humidity. 

Some key notes that I am taking from Maryland- I think end of May and beginning of June sounds about right.  The courts just confirmed in a ruling that they plan to re-open for most proceedings on June 5th.  Virginia's stay at home order extends through the first week of June, and Maryland's went indefinitely.  Given how close they are, it makes sense for this date.  Also, the PGA Tour planning to resume play June 11-14, and more rumblings from MLB that a June/July start date could work, and I think you have your answer for the timeframe.  

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1 minute ago, N4L said:


@ET80 @ramssuperbowl99 

The article says its might be because there aren't enough sick people in china to run a study. I don't buy that lol 

Gut instinct tells me China has reverse engineered the medication and is about to mass produce it on its own.

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Just now, ET80 said:

Gut instinct tells me China has reverse engineered the medication and is about to mass produce it on its own.

seems like a very Chinese thing to do, steal American technology 

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Also, onto the point of live events being one of the last things reopening, and that being far off........Vince McMahon was part of the big conference call that the president had with major sports executives a few weeks ago, and is now appointed to a panel responsible for reopening the country.  WWE has run live events for decades, for anywhere from 1,000 to 100,000 people, in the USA and all over the world.  Having Vince on this panel is a good decision.  

But, the cynic in me is looking at this in another light.  Vince's wife Linda was the original head of small business administration in the president's cabinet.  Today, WWE announced over 30 releases of wrestlers, trainers, coaches, producers other talent and backstage workers.  Multiple wrestling dirtsheets are reporting that WWE could be letting go of hundreds of employees.  Sounds like someone knows what's going on, and that it's not going to be deemed safe to have live events on that scale any time soon.  

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37 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I can see sports stadiums, churches, conventions, concerts all being the last things to reopen, which could be months or even a year away, due to the fact that there is no possible way to socially distance at just about all of those venues. 

Good luck with that (not you obviously - the states if they take this route). Churches mostly gather by the hundreds. Stadiums, concerts, and conversations gather by the thousands. Not to mention all the other implications banning religious gatherings will bring.

Edit: And how does separation between church and state come into play in all of this? What are the rights of the churches?

Edited by dtait93
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38 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

Good luck with that (not you obviously - the states if they take this route). Churches mostly gather by the hundreds. Stadiums, concerts, and conversations gather by the thousands. Not to mention all the other implications banning religious gatherings will bring.

I'm just thinking of the implications of how to social distance there.  Let's not go to the political side of those implications.  

But how do you make church services fit into the limits around large gatherings?  Let's use mine as an example.  We have four masses total, attended by anywhere from 200-500 people at each, every weekend.  It would be nuts to cram everyone into the sanctuary with 400-500 people sitting shoulder to shoulder. Now, we are lucky in a sense, because we can distribute people into the sanctuary, church center (dining hall) and into the gym, and have mass simulcast in those other locations.  We are also a Pre-K through 8 school, and you could simulcast in the classrooms.  Communion presents a problem though, in multiple ways (sanitization, social distance.).  But other similar size churches do not have the facilities that we do, and would be cramming all of those people into one sanctuary. 

I'm open to suggestions, and would love to hear what people are thinking on how to make it work.  

We're also a big community when it comes to food, and I already have plans to do "drive thru" dinners and brunch, which are staples of our community.  

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24 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Well, there is a growing state of unrest because of this.  People in Michigan and North Carolina protested today about re-opening the economy.  A bill in Pennsylvania passed their state house to reopen business.  I can also speak of some groups in Maryland trying to protest in a similar fashion to Michigan.  

I can't speak for other states, but I've watched all of our governor's press conferences.  The Facebook feed has gone from 99% supportive at the start of this, including the original stay at home order, and now that everyone has been home and hearing whatever they hear on the news, I would say the group was split 50/50 on support for the governor's decisions versus those unhappy with continued restrictions.  It may have even been slanted more towards people being unhappy.  

There's no easy way around this.  I don't envy our decision makers, but it is a real thing for many people to be destitute if restrictions continue much longer.  

What I think you are going to see are very regionalized openings.  The president has already said it's up to the governors to decide, and that's been the theme all throughout.  You already see California, Oregon and Washington State teaming up to do their own regional decision.  Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC have worked together in this.  I can easily see some restrictions on travel into big cities, as well as travel across state lines.  I could also see some hour reductions in all businesses (mandated closing by a certain time) while all businesses are gradually reopened if they can follow CDC guidelines.  Some businesses probably should have been given the opportunity to try and stay open, but I'm not the one making those decisions.  

I can also easily see masks still being a requirement.  If it is, I'm going to have to get Lasik because the condensation problem is real for those who wear glasses.  I can see sports stadiums, churches, conventions, concerts all being the last things to reopen, which could be months or even a year away, due to the fact that there is no possible way to socially distance at just about all of those venues.   A lot could also depend on research and development of therapies and a vaccine, as well as the virus potentially being seasonal or taking a big hit from the heat and humidity. 

Some key notes that I am taking from Maryland- I think end of May and beginning of June sounds about right.  The courts just confirmed in a ruling that they plan to re-open for most proceedings on June 5th.  Virginia's stay at home order extends through the first week of June, and Maryland's went indefinitely.  Given how close they are, it makes sense for this date.  Also, the PGA Tour planning to resume play June 11-14, and more rumblings from MLB that a June/July start date could work, and I think you have your answer for the timeframe.  

Great post.

I think a lot of the unrest you are seeing lately tbh is unfortunately a result of a decision by some of the large media outlets to sensationalize things to get ratings and further the perception that they are most woke' about corona because hey we say you can't leave your house for 15 years!  

The reality is that Asia started to open up a month ago, China is semi-open, Wuhan is semi-open even, South Korea and Hong Kong and Singapore have been open to one degree or another for a while and are doing great, Europe is already opening up even in the most hard hit countries, albeit in stages.  State and city and federal governments are coming up with sensible plans to re-open our country and the world and we'll get the advantage of seeing which of these different approaches works the best by being two weeks behind Europe and a month or two behind Asia.  Yes we're behind those other countries in timeline and testing but only by a week or two and this is the United States of America for ****s sake!  We are the richest most powerful country in the world, the CDC invented this ****, we have basically unlimited financial resources to put behind whatever will get our country back on track up to trillions of dollars and the best research universities in the world, the most ICU beds in the world, the most vents in the world, still probably the strongest economy and undoubtedly the strong currency in the world.  We are going to be fine.  There is absolutely no doubt our country will get through this albeit with a weakened economy and some tragic deaths. 

I really think some people are so caught up in the problems with our country and our leadership that they don't realize the unfathomable structural advantages we have that literally every other country on earth would kill for.  We are going to be ok.

Right now the media should be showing hopeful clips of people going back to work in Spain and Austria and Germany and people at bars and restaurants in China and South Korea.  They should be reporting on the incredible quantum leap in medical research we are experiencing.  They should be reporting on all of the encouraging research showing lower CFRs and that we are closer to herd immunity in the hot spots than anyone realized.  Instead all we see is predictions about 18 month lockdowns and sad stories about families losing loved ones.  I'm not saying ignore the bad news or show propaganda I'm saying tell the whole story and be realistic, not sensational.  If people were getting the real story, both the positive and the negative, I firmly believe this would not be a political issue and people, even those who were suffering, would be willing to stick it out a few more weeks because they'd see the light at the end of the tunnel and believe they were part of something bigger.  But when we paint this as a losing battle where we are doomed to not live our lives for 18 months, people are going to flip out and are well within their rights to do so.  I said this a week ago and I stand by it.

The media is making this out to be Vietnam not WWII and that's a mistake.  Were there screws up?  Of course.  We can decide who to blame when this is all over.  For now there is no need to provoke people with fear mongering and doom and gloom.  Lets have a little bit of hopefulness... realistic hopefulness... there's more good news right now than bad.

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1 minute ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Vince McMahon was part of the big conference call that the president had with major sports executives a few weeks ago, and is now appointed to a panel responsible for reopening the country.  WWE has run live events for decades, for anywhere from 1,000 to 100,000 people, in the USA and all over the world.  Having Vince on this panel is a good decision.  

OnceInHollywood dancing leonardo dicaprio 1960s margot robbie GIF

1 minute ago, naptownskinsfan said:

WWE has run live events for decades, for anywhere from 1,000 to 100,000 people, in the USA and all over the world

Leonardo DiCaprio Weighs in on the Confusing Ending of Inception

So 'running live events for decades' with 'anywhere from 1,000 to 100,000 people' makes him qualified to help maneuver a complex and intricate ecosystem of small and large businesses in a global economy, all while balancing a major health crisis???? The guy that filed for bankruptcy TWO FRIGGEN DAYS AGO is supposed to help figure this out???

We are The United States of America. We have hundreds of thousands of highly intelligent people that study economics and finance that live here. I want the Harvard business school professors to speak with our beloved commander in chief about the economic implications of theoretical 'gameplans' before I want vince **** ing mcmahon coming up with some half baked plan to bring trump BACK into the ring for some ppv event and think somehow he created jobs



21 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Sounds like someone knows what's going on, and that it's not going to be deemed safe to have live events on that scale any time soon.  

Sounds like someone who doesn't have any money to pay his employees, or does, and is being greedy

WWE owned 23% of class B shares of the XFL, which just went bankrupt. So it really could go either way


(btw, I like you so don't take leo too seriously)

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