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11 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

And how again are they going to test 1.1 million people a day?

My guess, mobilizing the military like they did with the original lockdown. With 500 testing stations, each station would need to test about 2000 people a day. With the manpower and control the PRC exercises, it should be feasible for them to accomplish this or at least get somewhere close to. 

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28 minutes ago, animaltested said:

My guess, mobilizing the military like they did with the original lockdown. With 500 testing stations, each station would need to test about 2000 people a day. With the manpower and control the PRC exercises, it should be feasible for them to accomplish this or at least get somewhere close to. 

Do they have millions and millions of test kits lying around for them though? That would be quite the feat to test that many people in a week..no country has even come close to sniffing that

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5 hours ago, candyman93 said:

How long can hospitals afford to put off elective surgeries? There’s a very real scenario where they go bankrupt the longer this goes on.

Maryland didn't do much to reopen, but hospitals can start scheduling elective surgeries again here.  

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1 hour ago, animaltested said:

So 6 new cases popped up in Wuhan. City Officials plan on testing all 11 million people within the next 10 days. 

Meanwhile, states in the US are BEGGING the feds for few thousand test kits. And are being largely ignored. 


I'm very skeptical they are going to be able to test 11 million people in a week tbh.  Would file this under the category of things you have to take with a grain of salt coming from the CCP.

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46 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

Do they have millions and millions of test kits lying around for them though? That would be quite the feat to test that many people in a week..no country has even come close to sniffing that

A test was available day one for the US. We chose not to use them and develop our own. I'm not saying that I believe that China can test that many people in a week or that they have the tests available. There's no way to verify that but it isn't entirely impossible since they, and other countries, had a head start.


The nation had developed its own diagnostic tests for the Ebola and Zika viruses and opted to use the same playbook again, William Schaffner, a CDC adviser and infectious-disease specialist at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, told Business Insider. 

"The notion of accepting a test developed by someone else I think was a bit alien," Schaffner said. "There may have been other considerations of which I'm not aware, but I'm sure that pride was one of them: 'We know how to do this, thank you very much. We'll develop our own.'"

The CDC publicly released the details of its test on January 24...

By the end of February, only three of the nation's more than 100 public-health labs had verified the CDC test for use. 

USA Testing Timeline Source

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14 minutes ago, mission27 said:

I'm very skeptical they are going to be able to test 11 million people in a week tbh.  Would file this under the category of things you have to take with a grain of salt coming from the CCP.

Goes without saying. 

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58 minutes ago, dtait93 said:

Do they have millions and millions of test kits lying around for them though? That would be quite the feat to test that many people in a week..no country has even come close to sniffing that

Probably not. 

My point is the difference in proactivity between the US and other parts of the world. Regardless of the feasibility of it. 

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Testing is beginning to ramp up at my hospital. Every patient being admitted is now being tested. We're also starting antibody testing for staff this week. I'm assuming they'll just choose a random pool of employees.

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54 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:
6 hours ago, candyman93 said:

How long can hospitals afford to put off elective surgeries? There’s a very real scenario where they go bankrupt the longer this goes on.

Maryland didn't do much to reopen, but hospitals can start scheduling elective surgeries again here.

I would assume most of the previously noted non-insane states have put re-starting surgeries as part of their first phase of re-opening. 

Considering you have state of the art sterilization procedures already in place, as long as the hospital isn't overrun that's one area we should be able to get up and running. Even if it would take investment to do so, it's a critical area of society to get back to normal ASAP right up there with the food supply.

I don't think many people would be on the other side of that stance either tbh.

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So we are assuming that six people testing positive in a Chinese province actually means six then?

Testing here seems to be a lot more prevalent than the beginning stages. A coworker is having a hip injection and is being required to take the corona test which they are giving him, despite the obvious lack of correlation there.

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4 minutes ago, animaltested said:

My point is the difference in proactivity between the US and other parts of the world. Regardless of the feasibility of it. 

I think we've pretty much caught with Europe at this point.  Testing is up 100% in the past 3 weeks across the country.  Doesnt mean we weren't late but the narrative that we are far behind everyone else is stale.

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3 minutes ago, NateDawg said:

So we are assuming that six people testing positive in a Chinese province actually means six then?

I would only go as far as saying reports of six people testing positive in Wuhan means there is another outbreak and leave it at that.

Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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1 minute ago, mission27 said:

I think we've pretty much caught with Europe at this point.  Testing is up 100% in the past 3 weeks across the country.  Doesnt mean we weren't late but the narrative that we are far behind everyone else is stale.

If the barometer for success is barely catching up to Europe three months in, the US truly isn’t what it used to be. IDK am I the only one left holding the US to a higher standard than the rest of the world?

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6 minutes ago, kingseanjohn said:

A test was available day one for the US. We chose not to use them and develop our own. I'm not saying that I believe that China can test that many people in a week or that they have the tests available. There's no way to verify that but it isn't entirely impossible since they, and other countries, had a head start.

I mean even without the head start we’re blowing every other country out of the water as far as total tests conducted. But I wasn’t even singling out the US specifically, no country anywhere in the world has even come remotely close to being able to or perform 10 millions tests in a week. That report wreaks of bs to me, but if China does have that many tests available to them that would be.....something.

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Just now, dtait93 said:

I mean even without the head start we’re blowing every other country out of the water as far as total tests conducted. But I wasn’t even singling out the US specifically, no country anywhere in the world has even come remotely close to being able to or perform 10 millions tests in a week. 

Took three plus months, 83,000 plus dead, fell significantly short on responses as the rest of the world. 

The US SHOULD be better. 


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