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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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14 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I empathize a good deal with MBTL's frustrations and tbh mostly agree, I just can't find the energy to be invested in convincing people who want to buy BS that their being sold BS.

I can see all sides of this disagreement.

But, like you, i don't have the energy to invest in it.

I also have the same attitude in all sorts of RL situations.  If someone wants to be sold BS, i'm not going to interfere in it.  If they ask for my opinion, i'll give it.  But that kind of energy is typically wasted if you're trying to convince those who don't want to be convinced.

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9 minutes ago, WizeGuy said:

Anyone want to give me a rundown of the + and - of an mRNA vaccine compared to one like Oxford's? Ive read a lot of great things like should be safer, easier to produce, etc...but this is from redditors who i know nothing about. 


Would love to hear from




Without getting into a lot of detail, when you use inactive viral proteins in your vaccine, you are asking your body to take the necessary steps to kill the virus/remember the virus so it can kill it the next time it enters your body. Using mRNA to make the viral proteins that mimic a particular receptor on the coronavirus. Thus skipping steps in the process. This way, when your body encounters the coronavirus, it will recognize that particular receptor and will be able to kill it. 

The ironic thing about all of this is we are basically taking something virus's do to us, by infecting our cells and hikacking our mRNA capabilities to make more of themselves. SO.....virus's possibly gave us the blueprint on how to defeat them.  

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16 minutes ago, seriously27 said:

Without getting into a lot of detail, when you use inactive viral proteins in your vaccine, you are asking your body to take the necessary steps to kill the virus/remember the virus so it can kill it the next time it enters your body. Using mRNA to make the viral proteins that mimic a particular receptor on the coronavirus. Thus skipping steps in the process. This way, when your body encounters the coronavirus, it will recognize that particular receptor and will be able to kill it. 

The ironic thing about all of this is we are basically taking something virus's do to us, by infecting our cells and hikacking our mRNA capabilities to make more of themselves. SO.....virus's possibly gave us the blueprint on how to defeat them.  

This has never been done before, correct? It could be a pretty big breakthrough for science from what I've read.

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2 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

It's standard practice to disclose any conflicts of interest before presenting data. You can read them in any paper.

Serious question what are you smoking and where do you get it, because I want some

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3 hours ago, mistakey said:

Or maybe they shouldnt post their pseudoscience garbage that they post seriously that people look at for advice.  Or maybe they should take criticism when people try and poke holes in it like they do in academia.

Can you point to a place where we ignored a legit question or critique of what we are posting? 

You are mad because we disagree with you and the evidence / public opinion has generally tended to back us, rather than you.  Which is juvenile but whatever.

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7 minutes ago, mission27 said:
2 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

It's standard practice to disclose any conflicts of interest before presenting data. You can read them in any paper.

Serious question what are you smoking and where do you get it, because I want some

What makes this particularly rich @ramssuperbowl99 is that the one area where we supposedly have a 'conflict of interest' is my investment in Gilead, which:

a. you have also touted many times in this very thread including in response to people who have said they are or might invest in it

b. has never been mentioned in a single MoL post to my knowledge, not one time, ever

c. is a 'conflict of interest' that I have widely disclosed and make no secret about

d. isn't really a 'conflict of interest' because the audience on here has about a millionth of the financial firepower needed to move that stock and I have never suggested anyone invest in anything 

So its just a completely ridiculous line of attack, but you guys are virtue signaling to an audience of yourselves so I guess none of that matters to you

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46 minutes ago, seriously27 said:

Without getting into a lot of detail, when you use inactive viral proteins in your vaccine, you are asking your body to take the necessary steps to kill the virus/remember the virus so it can kill it the next time it enters your body. Using mRNA to make the viral proteins that mimic a particular receptor on the coronavirus. Thus skipping steps in the process. This way, when your body encounters the coronavirus, it will recognize that particular receptor and will be able to kill it. 

The ironic thing about all of this is we are basically taking something virus's do to us, by infecting our cells and hikacking our mRNA capabilities to make more of themselves. SO.....virus's possibly gave us the blueprint on how to defeat them.  

Could this work on HIV?

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1 hour ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I'm not cherry picking anything - MBTL has explained over and over why he considers those comparisons completely inaccurate. You and a lot of other people keep asking him questions and then ignore his answers because you disagree with the answers he's given you.

I think it has more to do with the fact that he's posting in an incredibly emotional and hyperbolic way about something most people don't have a strong opinion on which makes him look kind of silly and its hard for people to take him seriously.  He literally compared us posting a trailing average of coronavirus cases, accompanied with gifs of Larry David, to Alex Jones encouraging people to stalk the parents of Sandy Hook victims because he believes its a hoax.  That's over the top and frankly offensive where as TLO and myself have responded in a polite and professional way to everyone's concerns and kept our cool and generally not resorted to personal attacks. 

People are welcome to read our posts or ignore them.  We aren't attacking anyone, we aren't breaking any rules or giving any advice or spreading conspiracies and happy to welcome other views as many people have expressed other views in this thread, its an open forum and doesn't belong to us.  I don't mind mbtl or you or anyone disagreeing with us or having a different opinion but honestly the level of personal vitriol seems totally disproportionate to us sharing an opinion in a unique and entertaining way that some folks enjoy.  Its as if you guys literally believe we have some sort of agenda or malicious intent here which is frankly about as ridiculous as the nut jobs who say Bill Gates is trying to micro chip us all with a vaccine. 

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I believe this is kinda old news but the article is recent.


Just shows that these people far more intelligent than probably anyone here knows are understanding the virus more and more w/ each passing day. This is a puzzle they will figure out.

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30 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Can you point to a place where we ignored a legit question or critique of what we are posting? 

You are mad because we disagree with you and the evidence / public opinion has generally tended to back us, rather than you.  Which is juvenile but whatever.

Ok- heres a couple- how about the time that rams said it wasnt a model- or the time slevin had critiques before he got banned, or just literally when anyone disagrees with you.

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12 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Could this work on HIV?

The main issue with HIV is that it infects itself right into our DNA. It's hard to kill something our body thinks belongs. Also, the fact that HIV specifically targets helper T cells, which in turn completely weakens the immune system that is required to fight the virus, it's been a much better practice to make inhibitor drugs for the virus instead of simply focusing on a vaccine. Retroviruses really are the worst. 

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12 minutes ago, mission27 said:

I think it has more to do with the fact that he's posting in an incredibly emotional and hyperbolic way about something most people don't have a strong opinion on which makes him look kind of silly and its hard for people to take him seriously.  He literally compared us posting a trailing average of coronavirus cases, accompanied with gifs of Larry David, to Alex Jones encouraging people to stalk the parents of Sandy Hook victims because he believes its a hoax.  That's over the top and frankly offensive where as TLO and myself have responded in a polite and professional way to everyone's concerns and kept our cool and generally not resorted to personal attacks. 

People are welcome to read our posts or ignore them.  We aren't attacking anyone, we aren't breaking any rules or giving any advice or spreading conspiracies and happy to welcome other views as many people have expressed other views in this thread, its an open forum and doesn't belong to us.  I don't mind mbtl or you or anyone disagreeing with us or having a different opinion but honestly the level of personal vitriol seems totally disproportionate to us sharing an opinion in a unique and entertaining way that some folks enjoy.  Its as if you guys literally believe we have some sort of agenda or malicious intent here which is frankly about as ridiculous as the nut jobs who say Bill Gates is trying to micro chip us all with a vaccine. 

Agenda? No.  No agenda.  I just think you guys want to look cool and mess around but you dont realize the gravity of the situation.


whats hyperbolic about 90k deaths

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