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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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2 hours ago, BroncosFan2010 said:

I would be very surprised if we don't get hit much harder than China on this. One of the few pluses of Authoritarian governments is their ability to do whatever the hell they want regardless of individual rights. People are scared to disobey in a way that is missing in America. Also, despite high rates of smoking in China the obesity epidemic in America is going to put tons of people in rough places. I think the rates of ventilation and death among younger people is likely to be higher in America than elsewhere because we have people at very young ages falling into pre-existing categories based on obesity related issues. 

This epidemic will bring a lot of revelations once its run the course, I hope the crippling diets many people choose to engage in will truly be examined. 

I am quarantining at a cabin in a Minnesota and the size of the people here is just jaw dropping. There is no way these folk are surviving a case that requires ventilation. 

A lot of good points here. It's not hard for China to shut everything down and the United States does have a lot of unhealthy people

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Just quoting the non political stuff with Dr. Fauci:



Peter Nicholas: In your long career, have you ever seen a public-health crisis in the U.S. as serious as this one?

Anthony Fauci: No. What we have right now is something that’s very different and very acute and very threatening. And the reason people are getting anxiety about it—in some respects, appropriately so—is because it seems that no one is safe from this. It’s a diffuse respiratory illness that has a high degree of morbidity and mortality, particularly among certain vulnerable populations, like the elderly and those with underlying conditions. This is unprecedented. I’ve been doing this a long time, and I’ve never seen anything like this.

If you go back—and I’ve been doing this for about 36 years, starting with the early years of HIV/AIDS—each of the outbreaks has a different flavor to them. Some are scary, but the reality is not that bad. Like Ebola—everyone got frightened by Ebola, but there really was no chance in the United States that we would have a diffuse outbreak of Ebola, because of the way Ebola spreads.

Nicholas: Was the U.S. adequately prepared for the pandemic?

Fauci: If you have an overwhelming pandemic, there’s almost no degree of preparedness that can prevent all the suffering and death. There are relative degrees of preparedness. And in that regard, [the U.S. leads] in the level of preparedness. But, obviously, as you can see [with] what is playing out right now, when you have something with the force of a pandemic, it appears that you are not well prepared.

Take the clock back a decade or so. [You could have said] We have 12,700 ventilators in the strategic national stockpile. Why not put 100,000 in there? There would not have been any enthusiasm on anybody’s part to spend that much money to do that. Now, retrospectively, when you look back, you say, Oh my God, why didn’t we put 100,000 ventilators in there?

It’s a dynamic situation, and people understandably want to know: Do we have enough? We don’t know. As more people require care and equipment, the system is stressed. So we have to do the best we possibly can. Hopefully that will be enough.


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2 hours ago, theJ said:

I mean, it is a logistical nightmare. I would be impressed by a May delivery, honestly. 

I don’t know why they can’t drive brinks trucks through every major city and toss out bundles of cash like candy at a county fair parade.


But yeah, this will be a nice thing to have happens when it arrives.

People who are relying on this and need it fast and can work should apply at their local grocery store. Lots of places here (and I’m assuming everywhere) hiring as the older workers take their PTO. People who have kids and can’t work are sunk, but lots of places are giving bonuses right now too.

Edited by Dome
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