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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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9 hours ago, Slateman said:

Maybe you should take up the baking?

9 hours ago, NateDawg said:



Bro, have you ever tried baking bread from scratch? It is TOUGH. I don't know why bread doesn't cost $20 per loaf. The reason men don't bake is because they are too stupid and impatient to pull it off.

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10 hours ago, NateDawg said:

I wish my wife would stress bake. I just get yelled at. 

i love htis move:

1. wife is audibly upset for no reason
2. i react ever so slightly with a slight twitch of the forehead
3. "why are you so upset mistakey"
4. uhhhhhhh

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9 minutes ago, mistakey said:

i love htis move:

1. wife is audibly upset for no reason
2. i react ever so slightly with a slight twitch of the forehead
3. "why are you so upset mistakey"
4. uhhhhhhh

Now you’re the one apologizing the rest of the day.

Been there.

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1 hour ago, WizeGuy said:

It's going to be radically different for different states. States that are locking down, and treating this serious should have a better outcome. Obviously the extremely dense areas like NYC, LA, Chicago, etc... are going to get his hard early, but if the state governments stick to quarantining, and even raise the stakes a bit, then they should start having a turn around in the next 4 weeks or so.


States like Florida, whose governor is an idiot, will get hit extremely hard for a longer duration since they're hesitant to take any extreme measures. If every state locks down, then the entire country could return back to normal by late May or early June, imo.


All I have to say is thank god the federal government has no control over the state government in regards to locking down. This virus would linger a lot longer if they did. Unfortunately, they do have control over funds...



shutting down the states does save lives, but also prolongs the pandemic lifecycle.  look at the difference between philly and st louis in 1918.  st louis canceled their large gatherings and had a long tail.  philly didnt and a bunch of people died right away but it resolved quicker.


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1 hour ago, WizeGuy said:

Fingers crossed that it is heat sensitive and also people build immunities if they get it. That'll go a long way in stopping the cycle.

My fingers are also crossed but I have little faith the virus is heat sensitive. At least not from an air temperature/climate perspective. Perhaps temperature and humidity can slow the virus but I have little faith it will stop it.

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30 minutes ago, mistakey said:

shutting down the states does save lives, but also prolongs the pandemic lifecycle.  look at the difference between philly and st louis in 1918.  st louis canceled their large gatherings and had a long tail.  philly didnt and a bunch of people died right away but it resolved quicker.


We don't know if this is true with COVID-19 since there's no proof that immunity is gained after first infection. Philly also shutdown the city after their hospitals got completely overrun proving a lockdown was needed anyways. Finally, they let up on the lockdown early, and once again they saw their numbers rise. It was a vicious cycle of lockdown->numbers lower-> ease up on lockdown-> numbers rise.  

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14 hours ago, Dome said:

I don’t know why they can’t drive brinks trucks through every major city and toss out bundles of cash like candy at a county fair parade.


But yeah, this will be a nice thing to have happens when it arrives.

People who are relying on this and need it fast and can work should apply at their local grocery store. Lots of places here (and I’m assuming everywhere) hiring as the older workers take their PTO. People who have kids and can’t work are sunk, but lots of places are giving bonuses right now too.


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1 hour ago, mistakey said:

i love htis move:

1. wife is audibly upset for no reason
2. i react ever so slightly with a slight twitch of the forehead
3. "why are you so upset mistakey"
4. uhhhhhhh

Oh yeah bro, fighting a losing battle. 

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1 hour ago, Heimdallr said:


Bro, have you ever tried baking bread from scratch? It is TOUGH. I don't know why bread doesn't cost $20 per loaf. The reason men don't bake is because they are too stupid and impatient to pull it off.

I have tried. You are right, it is not easy. That’s why it’s my wife’s job. I will stick to mowing lawn, chopping wood, and yelling at the neighborhood kids while sitting on my porch.

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