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2 hours ago, Heimdallr said:


Bro, have you ever tried baking bread from scratch? It is TOUGH. I don't know why bread doesn't cost $20 per loaf. The reason men don't bake is because they are too stupid and impatient to pull it off.

Nah. It isn't difficult, and it's a lot of fun.

Don't use any machines or gadgets, other than the oven and, although it's bit of a workout, the bread will be fantastic.

Either knead the dough to create the sort of bread that we eat in the UK, like your bread in the US, or use the French/Italian method where you beat the dough. Either way, fresh bread that you've made with your own hands.

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4 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

If you just look at China and apply their timeline here it should give a decent idea imo.

It started there in November and they’re coming out of it now.

I’d imagine we will be quicker about it if it’s truly a heat sensitive virus like some of the data has shown, but either way, it’s not gonna be a couple weeks and done imo.

November in China though is probably comparable to January in the US.  There were a few cases circulating but not widespread community transmission until a month or two later. 

January lockdowns in China are also about 2 months ahead of what we did in mid-March.

So based on that timeline I'd say we peak sometime in April and start to really get this under control in early to mid May.


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August 4th, thx for posting that video.

Everybody has different POV, from politicians to MDs to public health officials to John Q Public
This thing looks different depending on where you are sitting.

Nobody has a monopoly on The Truth - she's sharing her truth and I'm grateful she did.
The comments she makes shine a light on the anxiety of what she and her colleagues are facing day after day after day
They are under immense and relentless stress ( life/death) that few humans can handle for any length of time.
My heart goes out to them


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3 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

Your optimism is very American. 

I mean, that is the timeline that was the basis for the social distancing strategy and the timeline we've seen play out in the major hot spots

Italy is clearly stabilizing and the rate of infection is slowling dramatically 

We'll see what happens... if its not working we need to re-evaluate our approach.. .if it does work though it should work by May, if we arent coming out of it in May I think we're in deep trouble and need to consider alternatives 

Edited by mission27
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1 minute ago, mission27 said:

I mean, that is the timeline that was the basis for the social distancing strategy and the timeline we've seen play out in the major hot spots

Italy is clearly stabilizing and the rate of infection is slowling dramatically 

We'll see what happens... if its not working we need to re-evaluate our approach.. .if it does work though it should work by May, if we arent coming out of it in May I think we're in deep trouble and need to consider alternatives 

1) We aren't testing at nearly the rate China did

2) We don't have nearly the control over our population that China does

3) We have numerous leaders that want to prioritize the stock market over health

We are going to be on a much different timeline than China. 

People need to realize that without a vaccine, social distancing doesn't reduce the number of cases we will see. It only extends the timeline so we can better prepare and don't get hit all at once. Most people WILL get infected sometime in the next 12-18 months. The MN Governor explained it very well:


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21 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Have we?

I triaged an individual in Brooklyn today with a fever, one of 3 primary symptoms, in the area of the country with the highest infection rate and they didn’t get tested.

How long are test turn around taking in your neck of the woods?  My wife and essentially half the hospital are waiting on results from an incident on Tuesday and then sent "rush" request tests today that they already said possibly next week.  Absolutely pathetic on the turnaround times.  I work in commercial real estate which I have always thought was archaic and ancient in how it functions, but healthcare right now (in my area of NJ at least) is looking awful. 

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5 minutes ago, mission27 said:

I mean, that is the timeline that was the basis for the social distancing strategy and the timeline we've seen play out in the major hot spots

Italy is clearly stabilizing and the rate of infection is slowling dramatically 

We'll see what happens... if its not working we need to re-evaluate our approach.. .if it does work though it should work by May, if we arent coming out of it in May I think we're in deep trouble and need to consider alternatives 

I Hope by May as well. Though I fear the need to "reopen" the economy by Easter will set us back.

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