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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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1 minute ago, MookieMonstah said:

Betsy Devos might be even more of an issue. She'd love nothing more than to see public education destroyed.

It starts at the top but I agree about BDV and she should never have been given the job in the first place.

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16 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

Lol, as a fierce and unapologetic non-parent, I would say this is just a case of you seeing what teachers had to deal with for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Lol at the first part. 

Yeah to some extents this is what the teachers dealt with. But with younger children, behavior issues are amplified when they're bored. And my kids are boooored of this house. They want to do stuff and see other kids. But they can't, so instead they destroy the house lol. 

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22 minutes ago, MookieMonstah said:

Once they realize fans won't be able to attend, they'll cancel I bet.

That blows! I mean, you can still make some money (maybe not as much)... I guess I'm being 'selfish' for wanting some live sports  ha

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17% serious:

If I was the GM for a team I would float the idea of my whole team getting COVID before season starts and hope antibodies stick with them for a full year so nobody has to sit out two weeks to recover.

i can just see this season, if it happens, having so much weird **** happening.  Powerhouse teams losing to the equivalent of the 2019 Cardinals by 20 points because the bad team had less players sitting out due to COVID.  Some Canadian football league QB will get a start because nobody else can play QB, entire offensive lines being replaced for a week since they went out for burgers and the waitress had COVID.  

These are all 20-40 year old athletes in peak physical condition.  The chances of any of them dying are less than .5%.  If the season is cancelled, it’s going to be due to negative PR of all the heightened testing when others struggle to get it, coaches being at risk, and logistical reasons.  

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23 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

17% serious:

If I was the GM for a team I would float the idea of my whole team getting COVID before season starts and hope antibodies stick with them for a full year so nobody has to sit out two weeks to recover.

i can just see this season, if it happens, having so much weird **** happening.  Powerhouse teams losing to the equivalent of the 2019 Cardinals by 20 points because the bad team had less players sitting out due to COVID.  Some Canadian football league QB will get a start because nobody else can play QB, entire offensive lines being replaced for a week since they went out for burgers and the waitress had COVID.  

These are all 20-40 year old athletes in peak physical condition.  The chances of any of them dying are less than .5%.  If the season is cancelled, it’s going to be due to negative PR of all the heightened testing when others struggle to get it, coaches being at risk, and logistical reasons.  

You aren't the first to propose the idea of infecting the team ahead of time and I wouldn't put it past Saban to do it at Alabama
But its highly unethical and super risky to knowingly infect humans with a novel virus that has no known cure and no vaccine.

Sitting out for a couple of weeks now, is better than later. However that ignores the deleterious affects that linger beyond two weeks. Von Miller had COVID and said his lungs were still impaired 3 weeks after he tested negative and he is telling his team mates:  "don't eff with corona"  He would have missed months of NFL action if it weren't the offseason.

There are also studies being launched now to assess the lung scarring seen in some recovered patients - that could be a career- ending impact for some NFL players. Additionally, there are studies in Canada to assess post-covid cognitive impairment as reported by many patients, some of them quite young.
Too many unknowns and too much risk to follow the pre-emptive infection strategy.

And even IF the imaginary scenario you posted were actually the case, a death rate of 0.5 % of NFL players = 10-12 of these guys die.
That's not acceptable.
And many of them could have long- term impairment of their lungs, kidneys, liver and potentially their brains. They would also risk infecting their families. For those and many other reasons, that strategy is a non-starter

And honestly, the NFL season should probably be a non-starter too...but we haven't achieved that level of enlightenment just yet

Edited by Shanedorf
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3 minutes ago, Shanedorf said:

You aren't the first to propose the idea of infecting the team ahead of time and I wouldn't put it past Saban to do it at Alabama
But its highly unethical and super risky to knowingly infect humans with a novel virus that has no known cure and no vaccine.

Sitting out for a couple of weeks now, is better than later. However that ignores the deleterious affects that linger beyond two weeks. Von Miller had COVID and said his lungs were still impaired 3 weeks after he tested negative and he is telling his team mates:  "don't eff with corona"  He would have missed months of NFL action if it weren't the offseason.

There are also studies being launched now to assess the lung scarring seen in some recovered patients - that could be a career- ending impact for some NFL players. Additionally, there are studies in Canada to assess post-covid cognitive impairment as reported by many patients, some of them quite young.
Too many unknowns and too much risk to follow the pre-emptive infection strategy.

And even IF the imaginary scenario you posted were actually the case, a death rate of 0.5 % of NFL players = 10-12 of these guys die.
That's not acceptable.
And many of them could have long- term impairment of their lungs, kidneys, liver and potentially their brains. They would also risk infecting their families. For those and many other reasons, that strategy is a non-starter

And honestly, the NFL season should probably be a non-starter too...but we haven't achieved that level of enlightenment just yet

lol what a weird random shot at Nick Saban, the guy probably most at risk in CFB to die from this. The guys like 125.

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8 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

Imagine thinking it is a reasonable idea to purposefully risk people's lives and spreading a pandemic just to play some sportsball. What a world.

I said 17% serious you sanctimonious whiner.  That means at least 73% not serious, but I’m bad at math.


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Every one of you in here is like some kind of joke gestapo.  This whole thread has turned into a circle **** of people picking on people who aren’t spreading end of the world doom and gloom, this person’s an idiot, we’re all going to die bull****.  Even the people who post good news do it with such solemn gravitas it’s tantamount to a eulogy.  “We’re all going to die, but wildlife is doing well.  Good for them.  Protect Earth after we have gone extinct.  Farewell.  Goodbye.”

I literally put some random *** percentage below 20% serious disclaimer and you’re all acting like I suggested the world was flat.  

And that’s just a portion of it.  I also tried to speculate on how weird an NFL season would be, but nahhh, you’re all jumping on something I said I was 17% serious about.

I hardly come into this thread anymore for two reasons:

1. I’m not going to obsess over something I can’t control.  I do the best I can to avoid getting it.  I wear a mask in public, stand behind plexiglass at work, wash my hands regularly, go to the grocery store once a week and I ain’t done **** since this thing started, but I’m not going to dwell on what I can’t control, and that brings me to the second reason I don’t come in here.

2. This is porn for a lot of you.  Everything I see in here is people pointing out how stupid people are.  You’re enjoying it.  You’re ****ing reveling in it.  You’re enjoying people dying.  One of you said you had zero sympathy for a 30-year-old man dying because he went to a party.  Do any of you realize how unreal this is for people?  How in the **** do you expect people to understand the severity of this if they haven’t experienced it and if they’re not informed?  Personally, I know a SINGLE person who has gotten it.  One person.  ONE.  It is my best friend’s sister and the last time I saw her she was 4 years old.  She’s 24 now.  So you having zero sympathy for someone who likely had no knowledge of the severity of this thing DYING is more sickening than the person going to a COVID party.  He ****ing died, and you’re taking pleasure in it because you were right and he was wrong.

I tried some levity and some NFL speculation and now y’all cracking jokes acting like I’m a ****ing idiot when I literally said 17% serious.  I’ve been 17% serious about punching an obnoxious kid in the face right in front of his mom before.  I’ve been 17% serious about shooting myself in the foot just to see what it feels like before.  Jesus.  You’re all ****ing addicted to COVID idiocy and proven right syndrome it’s gross.


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30 minutes ago, Shanedorf said:

And even IF the imaginary scenario you posted were actually the case, a death rate of 0.5 % of NFL players = 10-12 of these guys die.

Id be interested to see any serious study / analysis suggesting that IFR is 0.5% for young, healthy athletes with top .0001% healthcare resources globally 

My guess is the IFR for those folks is essentially 0

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