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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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Just now, acowboys62 said:

Ah ok, that makes sense.  Saw the part about the wife teaching and didn't put 2 and 2 together. 

And the thing with kids under the Kindergarten age is that in Ohio, they don't have to wear a mask.  So of course they're passing stuff around.

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2 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

Agreed, never understood the its my right argument.  If that is the case my rights are infringed every time I stop at a stop sign, drive on the right side of the road, do the speed limit.

Yeah, we all give up some level of “freedom“ to be part of society.

2 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

When I posted what I did pages and pages ago it was more to show, in my opinion, people are more accepting of a private business or even local governments giving them guideline/restrictions as opposed to the federal government. 

Some do, sure.  Others still don’t care.  We have masks mandated by the governor and signs at local business and people still disregard them. They do so because there’s no consequences for doing so.  If “mandates” aren’t actually enforced, it’s not really a mandate tbh, it’s a strongly worded request.

2 minutes ago, acowboys62 said:

At the end of the day, a pandemic shouldn't even be in the conversion as it related to who said what but sadly it is. 

I continue to be amazed at the things we as a country manage to have such polarizing stances on.

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1 hour ago, Superman(DH23) said:

As for the Georege Floyd thing, Minnesota, unlike Colorado, doesnt differentiate from death with covid and death from covid in their reporting metrics.  So George Floyd is included in the 180,000 covid deaths, reasons like that are specifically why Dr.  Birx estimates overreporting by at least 25%, and she is you know, the ranking expert on the task force.

You gotta stop with this George Floyd stuff unless you provide an actual source. Without that, it means nothing. 

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9 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

BuT tHEy dOn’T EVeN gEt SicK!!

It does make intuitive sense that because they can catch every other virus known to man, that they wouldn't be able to catch this one.

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45 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

He is right though.  He's wrong, but he's right.  There isn't even a law saying you have to wear certain amounts of clothes anywhere, and it's only state by state laws that keep people wearing clothing in public.  Also, private property and businesses are the ones that mandate clothing.  The only law about wearing clothes is related to morality and nudity. 

So people who use, "You have to wear clothes, why shouldn't you have to wear a mask," really should go for something different because I'm sure a lawyer could make a case how a mask is different from clothes, and clothes aren't even required by law.  Maybe use things dealing with safety in the counter response.  "You have to wear a seat belt," is a much better response to the mask thing.  I'm sure people at first were pissed about having to wear seatbelts and I'm sure they were saying that was a violation of their Constitutional rights, too.

Bingo, state laws vs federal, the federal govt can not mandate seatbelts (constitutionally) bc the constitution does not specifically give them the power to do so.  It reserves all rights not granted in the constitution to the states.  The issue with the masks I have is that there is no legislation involved.  It is done by executive orders invoking emergency powers superceding the authority given to those executives, within those emergency powers.  If you can get state legislatures to pass mandatory mask bills you wont hear a peep out of me about it, bc that's how the system works.  State legislatures wont do it, bc it's not what their constituents want.  TOSU just suspended students bc they went to a party and didnt wear a mask. Are you kidding me?  Regardless of whether I believe in the use of masks (which again I do) how you can not say that is a clear violation of the 5th and 9th ammendments is beyond me.  Then there is also the ADA issue of people who shouldnt wear masks for an extended period of time bc of a legit medical condition.  Some localities are even trying to enforce masks in the home.  Another clear violation of the 9th ammendment.  

As for the George Floyd issue, I've found the article showing how the Minnesota numbers were inflated, it doesnt specifically mention Floyd, but notes going thru the #s and comparing to autopsy cod.  The instructions form the mdh note that all suspected deaths with covid-19 need to be reported to the state, but that they are not included In The death totals w/o a positive test

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1 hour ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Ok, can you source this please?  That’s what we’re asking for, not your explanation.

Since he won't, I will.


Deaths are confirmed deaths due to COVID-19, and have a positive laboratory-confirmed PCR test for SARS-CoV-2, and either COVID-19 is listed on the death certificate, or clinical history/autopsy findings that provide evidence that the death is related to COVID-19 without an alternative cause (i.e. drowning, homicide, trauma, etc.).


My understanding may be off but that seems to say the opposite of what he's saying? 



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