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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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This is excellent news. Reduced hospital rates to .9% from 5.8%. If we can make this thing just like the flu in the sense of how lethal it is, that will help us tremendously.

Here is a therapeutic tracker for those who may be interested.



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1 hour ago, vikesfan89 said:

What's the scoop on that experimental drug that the president took? Is that looking like it'll be a good option for the public soon?

think you can grab bleach pretty much anywhere

If you're talking about Remdesivir, it's like $2,300 per treatment, so if you're rich then you can afford to live.

Edited by Fl0nkerton
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17 minutes ago, Fl0nkerton said:

think you can grab bleach pretty much anywhere

If you're talking about Remdesivir, it's like $2,300 per treatment, so if you're rich then you can afford to live.

I'm talking about the antibodies from Regeneron

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43 minutes ago, Fl0nkerton said:

think you can grab bleach pretty much anywhere

If you're talking about Remdesivir, it's like $2,300 per treatment, so if you're rich then you can afford to live.

Pretty sure almost everyone is living w/o the use of that but you can keep being dramatic if you'd like.

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24 minutes ago, Bearerofnews said:

Bearerofnews... not bearerofprojections. I am at a loss. I think 2022 honestly. 0 social distancing 0 mask type of landscape globally. 

Maybe never? Herd immunity is hard to predict for a variety of reasons. Keep in mind vaccines are not eradicators. The flu vaccine is about 60% effective each year. In 2017 it was 10% effective because the CDC guess BADLY about the strains that were coming. (PLEASE READ; to caveat what I just said about vaccines, THEY DO MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE. Even in 2017 for the flu, if you got the flu your symptoms were lessened, your recovery time was quickened, you were less contagious for less time, and your chance of hospitalization or other complications such as pneumonia are drastically decreased. In short, even if the vaccine doesn't completely protect you it does help you fight off the disease). 

Phew ok back to COVID

With the speed of which of this virus spreads and how easily it does, it mutates quicker than any other virus we know of. This means vaccines WILL be yearly or even more frequent and they WILL be probably on average 40% effective because of strains developing so quickly and in numbers. Again, I will caveat this with it is STILL imperative that EVERYONE get a vaccine when a proven SAFE vaccine is released (currently the White House has WAIVED the usual vaccine testing/approval of the FDA to fast track a vaccine before election day, which is reckless, careless, and horrid IMO). Herd immunity will be impossible if people are unsure of a vaccine whether it be because it was fast tracked without proper testing/approval making people concerned about the safety, or if it's classic anti-vax, or if it gets politicized like masks, without about 90% vaccination rate, we will see COVID-19 continue to spike. 

Now let's say everything is ideal. A vaccine is released with no safety concerns, completely vetted by the FDA, and everyone is willing to get it. For arguments sake, let's say its released in December. First and foremost, hospitals will get the first shipments for front line people in the medical community. In January, it will start getting shipped out to the public. Now, there CANT be one magical day that everyone gets vaccinated. Logistics come into play in getting vaccine produced and shipped where it needs to go. Not only that, there are only so many medical professionals who can/will be giving the vaccine (mostly nurses, you wont see Docs doing this). It will probably be like March by the time 90% of the population is vaccinated. 

Remember, this is only in an IDEAL scenario where everyone wants to get a vaccine. From March 2021, it will probably take about 6 months to a year for herd immunity to kick in, and it will only stick if people all get the second round of vaccine that is likely inevitably going to be necessary. So by mid 2022 we might be able to abolish social distancing, however it should still be suggested with strangers. It will likely still be recommended but not required to wear a mask still at like the grocery store.

TLDR: If everyone gets a vaccine and the required 90% vaccination rate is hit for Herd Immunity than maybe summer 2022 things will be closer to normal. BIG if's though and not all that likely to see 90% vaccination required to get to herd immunity.  

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3 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

Why would you be joking about the cost of a treatment?

well, that part wasn't the joke. pretty sure you can infer which part of it was though.

anyways, you mentioned that Remdesivir wasn't what you were referencing. I've got nothin' on Regeneron.

$2,300+ is a lot for treatment though, is it not?

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