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Overwatch Mafia: Night 6, Thursday 9 PM EST


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4 hours ago, Woz said:

bucsfan333          LionsFTW            beezee, Woz
CWood21             bucsfan333          Jfinley88
EliteTexan80        mission27
james.mcmurry13     domepatrol91
jfinley88           MathMan             bucsfan333, MathMan
kingseanjohn        11sanchez11
LionsFTW            MathMan             domepatrol91, 11sanchez11, MathMan, Woz
MathMan             domepatrol91        Matts4314, domepatrol91, LionsFTW, RandyMossIsBoss, utley4568, RandyMossIsBoss, beezee, Woz
Matts4314           Woz                 MathMan
mission27           Ragnarok
Ragnarok            MathMan
thelawoffices       Woz
theuntouchable      Jfinley88
utley4568           Ragnarok
Woz                 MathMan

MathMan             4
domepatrol91        2
Ragnarok            2
Woz                 2
11sanchez11         1
bucsfan333          1
Jfinley88           1
LionsFTW            1
mission27           1
  1. MathMan
  2. beezee
  3. kingseanjohn
  4. domepatrol91 or bucsfan33

Actually @bucsfan333 just based on this VC I could get behind KSJ, ET, Sanchez or mission.

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7 hours ago, Woz said:

BTW, I went back through the thread and noticed this, @Matts4313: the part with MathMan calling on Danger to look into beezee's inactivity was his second reference to beezee. The first was on page 10, just as the game was getting going. In fact, beezee was the first @ he sent out. Odd to call out to a person no one recognizes, don't you think?

And bucs did it first.

Where is your issue there?

Feels like you are tunnelling on me, instead of seeing the whole field.

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6 hours ago, RandyMossIsBoss said:

think Mathman is just throwing poop against the wall and seeing what sticks, he has no strong reads and is desperately trying to get one

This is pretty accurate, minus the desperately part 

Just trying to keep flushing and see what floats to the top

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7 hours ago, james.mcmurry13 said:

Soldier 76 wears/has an ability called "Tactical Visor". In the game it gives him an aimbot, but I could see that as a tracking tool.

To clarify, none of the characters powers are based off of their ultimate ability. Hence the "objective for one random team mate to receive and ultimate ability"

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5 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Whats an active tally?

Since I am tracking who everyone has voted for over the course of a night, I also wanted to show the votes stood right at that particular moment. The active tally represents who has votes right this second, whereas the rest of the list shows who has gotten votes as a given night progresses.

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3 minutes ago, Danger said:

I don't have time to do this right now, but at some point today, I'd appreciate it if one of you guys tagged everyone who has yet to vote.

Ask and ye shall receive

Yo @domepatrol91, @beezee, @Jlash, @11sanchez11, @Hockey5djh, @RandyMossIsBoss, and @MookieMonster: make up your freakin' minds already! :D

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40 minutes ago, MathMan said:

And bucs did it first.

Where is your issue there?

Feels like you are tunnelling on me, instead of seeing the whole field.

  1. In and of itself, it's harmless. When added to your later call for beezee to be replaced, it's suspicious.
  2. The fact that bucsfan33 is also on my radar doesn't really help your cause.
  3. About half of the field is essentially not here. Of the seven guys I @-ed, only realistically dome has contributed much and most of that was him drunk. We've got a few others who did the fly-by vote and nothing else. Hard to judge players that aren't playing.
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