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Mortal Kombat Mafia: TOWN WINS. KSJ/Counselor lose. Malf is still crying.

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:

Well, seeing as your case against me “Blue said so,” I imagine it’s not hard to find a reason to vote for someone over me.

I consider blue a competent player.  I could do worse than follow his lead.

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Daboyle - 2 - Orca, KSJ

Swag - 2 - Rag, UNT


As always, please double check. Night is in ~3 hours. Dont forget to send in moves. Last mass tag for the day. 

Vote and send in moves.


  1. @Dome
  4. @Pickle Rick
  5. @daboyle250
  6. @The Orca
  8. @kingseanjohn
  9.  @bcb1213
  11. @Ragnarok
  14. @SwAg
  15. @HoboRocket
  17. @theuntouchable
Edited by Matts4313
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18 hours ago, The Orca said:
18 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

So if this is the current list...we should lynch Swag

I dont see Swag being an OG scum cause of this vote unless Pickle really was willing to risk Malf/Whicker/Swag here. They didnt know about my double vote, but 1 switch and he would have been lynched. That just seems unnecessary on D2 imo

On 5/18/2020 at 11:02 PM, Matts4313 said:

Mission - 8 - Swag, Blue, UNT, Josh, Mwil, whicker, bbb, rag

Malf - 7 - Mission, Pickle, Hobo, Dome, Orca, Swoosh

Daboyle - 1 - Malf, 

Orca - 1 - Naz


@mission27 is the lynch. 30 minutes to get in moves.


11 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

@The Orca why daboyle over Swag?

Honestly I think we are being screwed with in some manner and I'm sticking to gameplay and voting. I dont know the theme and Matts didnt confirm Blues alignment, so I'm not sold on his analysis of the characters before he killed himself. 

Why would Malf claim D2 if he is scum? 

Why would Matts say he would modkill the role if Swag wanted out of it?

Why would a kill have Malf/Whicker/Swags character in it? It does seem that mafia has been able to select their flavor on kills, and town has not

On 5/18/2020 at 11:38 PM, Matts4313 said:

Naz was killed. He was innocent child. 

Mission was the lynch. He was Smoke/Town Tracker.


Late at night, striding across the island, the moonlight cast its glow on the rippling musculature of a might four-armed warrior. Soon he had reached his prey, calling out to him: “Earthrealm’s fate is sealed, Blue!”

“Not yet, we fight until the end”

“Like the Breaking Benjamin song? I like it, that’s my go-to song when-”


He was interrupeted by a flying tomahawk directed at his head, which of course he easily caught in one of his many hands that were attached to the ends of his four arms. As in, he had one hand at the end of each arm, not like each arm had a bunch of hands coming out of it. That would be gross.

Their combat raged for several minutes, but soon the great many-armed warrior had Blue pinned to the ground.
But then, a pair of nunchucks struck him in the back, forcing him to release blue. “I know who you are, Pickle Rick, and I am ready for you!”

The combatant took one look at the new challeneger and began backing away into the darkness. “I will give you a warrior’s death” the creature said as it left the battlefield.


Blue is still alive

A man with metal on his face and carrying an edged blade approached his target. "Finish Him" The target spun around and uttered his final words, "It's Malf, I told you all I'm the cop, look at my posts" The man used a heart-ripping finishing move to kill his target. Whicker is dead he was Kitana, Cop, Town aligned


I think they said this Whicker writeup was Malfs character. This occurred after he claimed on D2

Added, given the final boss was a fake claim last game, whoever Daboyle is claiming this game seems like it could be fake as well

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3 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

The one where he said I was scum

Well, I can verify his results are paranoid.

Daboyle scum, Touch scum, Blue scum, and then I investigated myself (lol) and it was scum.  So, I guess technically I could be insane (reverse), but it’s whatever at this point.

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4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Well, I can verify his results are paranoid.

Daboyle scum, Touch scum, Blue scum, and then I investigated myself (lol) and it was scum.  So, I guess technically I could be insane (reverse), but it’s whatever at this point.

Well that’s makes a bit more sense I suppose 

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