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Goofy is top 3 worst Disney characters ever imo.  I still have PTSD from seeing Mickey Mouse Clubhouse when my kids were toddlers.  Nails on a chalkboard would be like Ana De Armas whispering seductively in your ear compared to Goofy talking in that show lol.

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I enjoyed the Uncharted movie for what it was, but as expected, Holland is a very limited actor and he was nothing close to Nathan Drake. The movie felt more like a National Treasure remake/sequel, and had it been that, I wouldnt have been so distracted by Holland and Wahlbergs awful portrayals of Drake and Sully.  

The Nathan Fillion short film on YouTube was much better.

Ignoring all that however...it was a semi decent action flick.

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Taken was enjoyable from a nostalgic standpoint. I never saw taken 2 or 3 but watched the trailers after taken and laughed at them for not having their own identities. Literally just reused the popular lines from the first one and basic idea. “Don’t mess with blah blah cause they’ll find you and stop you” “Good Luck” -Liam neeson lol 

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37 minutes ago, Ty21 said:

Taken was enjoyable from a nostalgic standpoint. I never saw taken 2 or 3 but watched the trailers after taken and laughed at them for not having their own identities. Literally just reused the popular lines from the first one and basic idea. “Don’t mess with blah blah cause they’ll find you and stop you” “Good Luck” -Liam neeson lol 

Liam neesons most entertaining movie is still Darkman

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Wanted to like The Northman. 

But I just didn't.

I typically like arthousey stuff, but there's a fulcrum point of when something goes too far in that direction and becomes outright boring or uninteresting and IMO this movie somehow managed to do that with a Viking story somehow.

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