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4 hours ago, Fresh Prince said:

Lost in translation. Not the biggest Bill Murray fan but I enjoyed him in this role, thought the movie was kind of boring, but in a good way.

Yeah I saw that on TV a few days back, it was a lot more boring than I thought.  Did not really stick around to the end.


Grand scheme of things, Scarlett Johansson and her career is flat out awful, especially since Lost in Translation is considered one of her best films.  Her film track record is pretty damn bad for a big name actress, Under the Skin might be one of her best but they never show that.  That or JoJo Rabbitt but honestly that was not even that good of a movie either.


Rough Night was kind of stupid, Ghost in the Shell was not good, Her was bad, Lucy was ok, Vicky Cristian Barcelona was not good either, The Prestige was good but not because of her and Ghost World was ok.  


Really wow she is a bad actress, lucky for her she is pretty and road that kind of has a Marilyn Monroe vibe going on.  But deep down, yeah she is pretty bad at acting.



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3 hours ago, Ozzy said:

Grand scheme of things, Scarlett Johansson and her career is flat out awful, especially since Lost in Translation is considered one of her best films. 

Really wow she is a bad actress, lucky for her she is pretty and road that kind of has a Marilyn Monroe vibe going on.  But deep down, yeah she is pretty bad at acting.

I wouldn't go that far.  She was outstanding in Marriage Story.  Match Point was an excellent film and of course, she had Black Widow as a major part of her career.


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10 hours ago, Ozzy said:

Yeah I saw that on TV a few days back, it was a lot more boring than I thought.  Did not really stick around to the end.


Grand scheme of things, Scarlett Johansson and her career is flat out awful, especially since Lost in Translation is considered one of her best films.  Her film track record is pretty damn bad for a big name actress, Under the Skin might be one of her best but they never show that.  That or JoJo Rabbitt but honestly that was not even that good of a movie either.


Rough Night was kind of stupid, Ghost in the Shell was not good, Her was bad, Lucy was ok, Vicky Cristian Barcelona was not good either, The Prestige was good but not because of her and Ghost World was ok.  


Really wow she is a bad actress, lucky for her she is pretty and road that kind of has a Marilyn Monroe vibe going on.  But deep down, yeah she is pretty bad at acting.




It's kind of weird to think about, because she's such an "A List" actress in the general sense.  But it actually is really hard to think of a movie where i've thought, "this was really great".  She's pretty good at playing a certain type of "character".  She's rarely just outrageously bad.  But never great either.    Like...her best performance might legitimately be "Don Jon".  Or potentially "Her" which is weird considering her whole thing is how hot she is, and she's just a voice.  But i feel like her voice is also part of the whole ~mystique~ around her anyway.  She was as good in the Avengers things as anyone can be in that context.


But yeah...that's weird to think about...


On that note too though...I feel like Sydney Sweeney is tracking as the GenZ version of Millennial Scarlett Johansson.  

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I also found Lost in Translation boring as hell, and i'm usually up for a slow burn movie.  I watched it once around when it came out and have never found the urge to go back to it.  Honestly barely remember the details at this point, I remember more about schlock like Bio-Dome than I do Lost in Translation.

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1 hour ago, Tugboat said:


It's kind of weird to think about, because she's such an "A List" actress in the general sense.  But it actually is really hard to think of a movie where i've thought, "this was really great".  She's pretty good at playing a certain type of "character".  She's rarely just outrageously bad.  But never great either.    Like...her best performance might legitimately be "Don Jon".  Or potentially "Her" which is weird considering her whole thing is how hot she is, and she's just a voice.  But i feel like her voice is also part of the whole ~mystique~ around her anyway.  She was as good in the Avengers things as anyone can be in that context.


But yeah...that's weird to think about...


On that note too though...I feel like Sydney Sweeney is tracking as the GenZ version of Millennial Scarlett Johansson.  

True, I watched "Her" last night and yeah she does have a great voice when it is just her voice.  But her facial expressions and movements do not match the appeal of her voice and literal body.  There is a disconnect there and she is too stiff when acting which is probably why she plays robot ladies or transforming people so easily.  (Ghost in the Shell, Lucy, Under the Skin)


It is just odd she is in so much average stuff, where even Jennifer Lawrence has a better movie track record and she is not great or super productive but these are better movies and performances arguably in Joy, Silver Linings Playbook, Winter's Bone, The Hunger Games, Red Sparrow etc.



As for Sydney Sweeney, I honestly have ever seen one film she has ever been in.  But sure she is crazy hot and blonde, but curious if she does anything meaningful before her look and appeal goes away which it will.  Sweeney is more the type to show a lot of skin in public and on screen where Scarlett never really has in her career to her credit.  



8 hours ago, thrILL! said:

I wouldn't go that far.  She was outstanding in Marriage Story.  Match Point was an excellent film and of course, she had Black Widow as a major part of her career.


Not the first time she has played a robotic type killer chick, she plays that role well.  I did forget about Marriage Story, good call, that is probably the best film she has ever been in with regards to pure acting in his career.  The super hero movies have never really done it for me, they are so common place it is easy to totally forget about them completely.  Sure Heath Ledger was amazing in The Dark Night but that is a rare exception where an actor is amazing in a super hero film and does something unique and original.  Usually it is just show up, be a big name draw people to come see it and go stand in front of this green screen.

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2 hours ago, THE DUKE said:

I also found Lost in Translation boring as hell, and i'm usually up for a slow burn movie.  I watched it once around when it came out and have never found the urge to go back to it.  Honestly barely remember the details at this point, I remember more about schlock like Bio-Dome than I do Lost in Translation.

Yeah I will most likely never watch the movie again. 

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4 hours ago, Ozzy said:


As for Sydney Sweeney, I honestly have ever seen one film she has ever been in.  But sure she is crazy hot and blonde, but curious if she does anything meaningful before her look and appeal goes away which it will.  Sweeney is more the type to show a lot of skin in public and on screen where Scarlett never really has in her career to her credit.  



I'm curious how "Under the Skin" relates to this idea of not showing a lot of skin.  😆  Both in title and also just literally...lol.

Also just the other half dozen movies where she basically flapped her **** all over.  Before she settled in to more "mature" roles like the Marvel stuff.


But anyway.  I feel like Sweeney is building that momentum that if you haven't seen her in anything yet...you will, soon enough.  Also is a very similar "she's very hot right now like Hanzel" way.  Super well known.  But not great acting necessarily, outside of a very specific similar sort of supporting role.  Like..."half stoned sultry" if i had to quantify it.  Just feels a bit like a rerun to me.

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Pearl Harbor isn’t a good film, but the attack scene is just top notch film making, and top 10 achievement overall. I go back, and watch Cuba shooting that machine gun every few months. 

Edited by Fresh Prince
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9 hours ago, Tugboat said:


I'm curious how "Under the Skin" relates to this idea of not showing a lot of skin.  😆  Both in title and also just literally...lol.

Also just the other half dozen movies where she basically flapped her **** all over.  Before she settled in to more "mature" roles like the Marvel stuff.


But anyway.  I feel like Sweeney is building that momentum that if you haven't seen her in anything yet...you will, soon enough.  Also is a very similar "she's very hot right now like Hanzel" way.  Super well known.  But not great acting necessarily, outside of a very specific similar sort of supporting role.  Like..."half stoned sultry" if i had to quantify it.  Just feels a bit like a rerun to me.

My mistake, maybe I watched the PG version of that on TV at one point, and if not there was nothing wow about her naked scene or memorable I guess.  Demi Moore in Striptease is absolutely wow and memorable naked, Scarlett is not that to me in terms of known celebrities nude on screen, but again maybe I watched the PG version on TV possibly...😁


In terms of attractive actresses, Anya Taylor Joy destroys Sweeney.  Anya can actually act and has been in some really good stuff in Witch, Morgan, Split etc.  But sure Anya is as "voluptuous" as Sweeney but ultimately it does matter if you can actually act or not.  



Kate Winslet might have one of the best track records for female actresses in a lot of good films.  Titanic, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Revolutionary Road, The Holiday, The Mountain Between Us, Contagion, Sense and Sensibility, Little Children etc.



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