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The Witcher Mafia - Game Over! Toussaint wins! SirA1 rules The Continent!!


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1 hour ago, Whicker said:

I first met Hobo when she literally dropped on top of me out of nowhere. During the infamous coup on Thanedd Island, Hobo was defenestrated and nearly landed right on the my head. The next time I saw her, in the swamps of Velen, was shocking in a different way - the luxury-loving sorceress was the last person he expected to see in such a grim and barren place.

I later learned the reason for this, and Hobo's fate gave me ample fodder for contemplating the cruel whimsies of the wheel of fortune. Once the esteemed advisor to the now late King Foltest, she had been chased out of Temeria when she lost that ruler's trust. Later she joined the Lodge of Sorceresses, which earned her the hatred of Redania's king and Nilfgaard's emperor alike. Because of this, she had gone deep undercover, posing as a cunning woman, a village witch of sorts, deep in the Velen boondocks. It was not at all difficult to tell that she despised every minute of this.
Hobo then asked me for another favor: lifting the curse from the tower of Fyke Isle. Curses and favors being whatI do best, I obliged.
Hobo had never stopped longing for the luster of life at a royal court. Thatch-roofed huts could hardly compare to elegant ballrooms and palace gardens. One day she decided to organize an interlude from Velen's grim atmosphere by treating herself to a sumptuous meal.

Acquiring the refined ingredients proved less trouble than finding an appropriate dinner partner - that is, until I showed up. The witcher gladly accepted the sorceress' invitation - and continued saying yes all evening
Sadly, an evening that started out so nicely ended quite unfortunately for me. Hobo put me to sleep with a secretly-cast spell. Clearly, she wanted to hide something from me...
It turned out that hobo had played the me like a well-tuned harp, strumming all the right chords to keep me occupied while she stole the mage Alexander's notes from Fyke Isle. She was planning to use the notes as a bargaining chip while making a deal with Radovid. His plague research could be her ticket back to life without lice, ticks and omnipresent filth.
Hobo was determined to get her way, but I could not allow her to carry out her plans. Both refused to budge, leading to a fight in which hobo lost her life.

@HoboRocket has been killed! He was Keira Metz (Redirect) [Independent]
The dwarves have been in the banking business since the legendary King Desmond of Temeria was just a snot-nosed brat in short trousers asking for me "yam" with his "bwed." Since then, the prominent dwarven banking families – the Giancardis, the Vivaldis and the Cianfanellis – have only expanded their services, establishing branches in all the larger cities of the North.
Malfatron carried the torch of this venerable tradition into modern times, growing the Novigrad branch of his family's bank until it was the largest in the city. I met him over a dozen years before our story begins and had always appreciated his honesty and acumen.
Unfortunately, like many other non-humans who remained in Novigrad, he met his untimely fate when Radovid's Redania took the city.
@Malfatron has been modkilled! He was Vimme Vivaldi [Fruit Vendor] (loyal to Toussaint under Duchess Anna Henrietta and loyal to the Temerian Rebels under Commander Vernon Roche)

So Malf gives gold to Couselor N1.   Malf supposedly was green aligned to start, but is now revealed as loyal to orange and blue alignments.....as opposed to the independent alignment that the other green aligned players became.  

was malf giving gold and "pledging loyalty" to multiple factions to increase his wincon options?

Does that make the players Malf gave the gold to necessary players to eliminate?

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