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Billions shouldnt go to those that have gotten their education already.

It should go towards the future. Use those billions so migrating kids can attend Uni on the free. And help acclimate this ever growing population into American society. 


Edit: Im joking. But I do have 3 going to college the next 4 years. All foreign born. Just pointing out a strong base group could jump up and demand equal pander. So not fond.

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Anybody ever just wanna just disappear? Not suicidal at all but like just wanna catch a greyhound and become a drifter. I've been in a rut recently and find it insanely hard to get out of bed most days. Only time I'm content is when I'm sheltered in my apartment away from the world. My anxiety's been through the roof lately and my sense of dread just won't subside. Making it really hard to live my d2d life and I'm really putting myself at risk job wise as a result but I really don't know how to overcome it. 

My guess is I'm just in a state of undiagnosed depression. I decided to buy some CBD gummies and see if that helps calm me enough to get back out of this funk but they won't be here for another few days. Just really have no answers as to why I randomly sink so low. Don't wanna talk to anyone nor pay for it either. I dunno. Mom's worried but she always goes to the worst places. I'm not nor will ever be suicidal. She right away went to medication and I am not about that. Antidepressants are scary and mess with people. I don't wanna change who I am. Anyone knows me knows I love me some me. Just need to figure out wtf is wrong and get out of this stupid ******* rut. Just feel like gutter trash. 

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12 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Moving out rural has been eye opening.

My community is unique in that there’s a university here and the population doubles when it’s in session, so most are extremely supportive of higher education and not resentful, and conversely there’s a bit of respect and fondness for farmers and blue collar workers among the potential blowhard snobby academia crowd as well.

As for student loans, the rising cost of tuition is almost a 1:1 correlation between the stupid rise in administrative positions.

In 1980, roughly 500 minimum wage hours paid for a year of college, which is basically a full time summer job, or 9 hours per week per year during the year.


“Today, our analysis finds the samestudent would have to work 2,022 hours on average at a minimum wage job to cover a year of tuition at a public university — about 39 hours each week, all year long. And in some states, he or she would have to work even more than that.“

And there’s a nice 2.4 multiplier for private schools. It does go on to talk about how minimum wage hasn’t kept pace with inflation as well.

The administration positions, inflation and wage issues, and then your propped up subsidized loans are an evil trifecta there.

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3 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Anybody ever just wanna just disappear? Not suicidal at all but like just wanna catch a greyhound and become a drifter. I've been in a rut recently and find it insanely hard to get out of bed most days. Only time I'm content is when I'm sheltered in my apartment away from the world. My anxiety's been through the roof lately and my sense of dread just won't subside. Making it really hard to live my d2d life and I'm really putting myself at risk job wise as a result but I really don't know how to overcome it. 

My guess is I'm just in a state of undiagnosed depression. I decided to buy some CBD gummies and see if that helps calm me enough to get back out of this funk but they won't be here for another few days. Just really have no answers as to why I randomly sink so low. Don't wanna talk to anyone nor pay for it either. I dunno. Mom's worried but she always goes to the worst places. I'm not nor will ever be suicidal. She right away went to medication and I am not about that. Antidepressants are scary and mess with people. I don't wanna change who I am. Anyone knows me knows I love me some me. Just need to figure out wtf is wrong and get out of this stupid ******* rut. Just feel like gutter trash. 

I’d say wanting to reach out and needing to talk to an expert are your first steps. If you’re against meds, and I’m actually in that camp to a degree as well, then taking and seeking help needs to be your first steps here. If you can’t navigate getting out of bed or showing up to work, then navigating this on your own is not the best option here.

Talking to someone like a pastor, counselor, best friend and starting with eating good food, light exercise, and getting sleep might prime the pump for you here.

I wish you the best bro. 

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3 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Anybody ever just wanna just disappear? Not suicidal at all but like just wanna catch a greyhound and become a drifter.

Yep. I'm told this is fairly normal. Reasons include anything from work stress or loneliness to not particularly feeling like running an errand that day.

3 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Not suicidal at all but like just wanna catch a greyhound and become a drifter. I've been in a rut recently and find it insanely hard to get out of bed most days. Only time I'm content is when I'm sheltered in my apartment away from the world. My anxiety's been through the roof lately and my sense of dread just won't subside. Making it really hard to live my d2d life and I'm really putting myself at risk job wise as a result

This sucks man, I feel for you.

3 hours ago, beekay414 said:

I really don't know how to overcome it.

So, what are you doing now to fight it? How are you eating, sleeping, exercising? What's your social support circle like? You've got a pet? Hobbies that get you "in the zone"?

As a fellow member of camp "hi therapist, nice to meet you, I will never take an SSRI", the part that doesn't get said is that the bar for treating depression is way higher without medication. There's a reason most people don't go that route, and they hate the "I don't feel like who I am" side effects as much as you or I would.

3 hours ago, beekay414 said:

My guess is I'm just in a state of undiagnosed depression. I decided to buy some CBD gummies and see if that helps calm me enough to get back out of this funk but they won't be here for another few days.

We don't 100% know that CBD can treat depression, but if it does, it works by stimulating serotonin release in the brain.

Anti-depressants (SSRIs, there are other types but this is the most common) work by improving your brain's ability to recycle the serotonin you make naturally.

Biochemically, there's not a meaningful difference. If anything, the fact that the SSRI doesn't stimulate serotonin directly but makes you go out and earn it yourself is a good thing, compared to taking a feel good gummy every day that teaches your brain to want the gummy.

I'm not telling you to take an SSRI, nor am I telling you to avoid taking CBD. But if you view your brain chemistry as an essential part of who you are and don't want to change it, then you've gotta do more than avoid pharmaceutical companies.

3 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Don't wanna talk to anyone nor pay for it either. I dunno.

Your next sentence implies this isn't true.

3 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Mom's worried but she always goes to the worst places. I'm not nor will ever be suicidal. She right away went to medication and I am not about that. Antidepressants are scary and mess with people. I don't wanna change who I am. Anyone knows me knows I love me some me. Just need to figure out wtf is wrong and get out of this stupid ******* rut. Just feel like gutter trash.

You talked to your mom about it, so you were okay to talk to someone.

Sorry if any of this sounds cold, but, man, I'm gonna be honest and say it's not okay to call your mom, say you need help, and then refuse any and all help while not trying to help yourself either. She's worried about you.

If you aren't doing the standard depression checklist happiness management because you can't, I understand, but your feelings aren't going to randomly change. And, respectfully, a bottle of gummies isn't gonna flip that switch on their own either. Time to see a professional man. "Feeling like gutter trash" is not a solve this on your own kinda problem.

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1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

My community is unique in that there’s a university here and the population doubles when it’s in session, so most are extremely supportive of higher education and not resentful, and conversely there’s a bit of respect and fondness for farmers and blue collar workers among the potential blowhard snobby academia crowd as well.

As for student loans, the rising cost of tuition is almost a 1:1 correlation between the stupid rise in administrative positions.

In 1980, roughly 500 minimum wage hours paid for a year of college, which is basically a full time summer job, or 9 hours per week per year during the year.


“Today, our analysis finds the samestudent would have to work 2,022 hours on average at a minimum wage job to cover a year of tuition at a public university — about 39 hours each week, all year long. And in some states, he or she would have to work even more than that.“

And there’s a nice 2.4 multiplier for private schools. It does go on to talk about how minimum wage hasn’t kept pace with inflation as well.

The administration positions, inflation and wage issues, and then your propped up subsidized loans are an evil trifecta there.

So...yes and no.

I agree the root cause of college tuition increase and admin positions is an issue, but leaving that unchecked has created a very separate problem that people who are in their 20's can't buy ****.

That, on it's own, is a problem now whether or not the cost of college comes down. We can't have a generation of people too poor to stimulate economic demand. We need 20 somethings to be buying homes, and cars, and having kids. Student loan debt isn't a 1:1 fix for this problem, but it does start to tackle it somewhat.

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3 hours ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

So...yes and no.

I agree the root cause of college tuition increase and admin positions is an issue, but leaving that unchecked has created a very separate problem that people who are in their 20's can't buy ****.

That, on it's own, is a problem now whether or not the cost of college comes down. We can't have a generation of people too poor to stimulate economic demand. We need 20 somethings to be buying homes, and cars, and having kids. Student loan debt isn't a 1:1 fix for this problem, but it does start to tackle it somewhat.

Not disagreeing with any of it, my point is more or less that two things need to happen:

1. The cause of exorbitant tuition needs addressed, and until then, student debt is merely a major symptom and not the root cause.

2. Boomers need to retire, whether that be incentivized or otherwise. In our effort to become anti age discrimination in the workplace, we’ve created the inverse. They get paid the most and not laid off due to seniority, and often get the least work to do in union and public sector jobs, while we devour our young workers. It’s a bit of both that need addressed. Wages need to increase but boomers need to retire too.

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When I say I don't wanna talk about it, I don't wanna pay to talk about it. I am open with my family and friends and always have been. 

I'll be fine. Not my first time going through one of these spells. Appreciate the feedback regardless. 

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10 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Anybody ever just wanna just disappear? Not suicidal at all but like just wanna catch a greyhound and become a drifter. I've been in a rut recently and find it insanely hard to get out of bed most days. Only time I'm content is when I'm sheltered in my apartment away from the world. My anxiety's been through the roof lately and my sense of dread just won't subside. Making it really hard to live my d2d life and I'm really putting myself at risk job wise as a result but I really don't know how to overcome it. 

My guess is I'm just in a state of undiagnosed depression. I decided to buy some CBD gummies and see if that helps calm me enough to get back out of this funk but they won't be here for another few days. Just really have no answers as to why I randomly sink so low. Don't wanna talk to anyone nor pay for it either. I dunno. Mom's worried but she always goes to the worst places. I'm not nor will ever be suicidal. She right away went to medication and I am not about that. Antidepressants are scary and mess with people. I don't wanna change who I am. Anyone knows me knows I love me some me. Just need to figure out wtf is wrong and get out of this stupid ******* rut. Just feel like gutter trash. 

Instead of CBD. How about trying CBG?


CBG also helps in the mood elevation for depression and anxiety patients. There are indications that CBG can boost the production of anandamide. The release of this endocannabinoid, popularly known as the ‘Bliss Molecule,’ triggers the brain’s reward response and provides a natural mood elevation. This makes the person feel motivated and energetic without giving any psychoactive side effects.


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I feel like all of the stuff that came out this week had rough impact on me. A friend called me because one of those those issues stunk at the core of who he is as a person. The only thing I could say was a I get it, I hate it too, but do your best to not worry about the things that you can't control. I don't know how you can say that to someone so deeply impacted by an issue. It just feels empty.

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On 6/30/2023 at 6:25 PM, titanrick said:

I'm saying if they are writing the income limits, why did they choose such a ridiculous amount?  That's one issue I have with it.  There are more.  I wish they would have addressed the root cause and then done a much better job of helping those who really need it.  But if that makes me gross, so be it.

IMO don't eliminate the debt, just eliminate (or massively slash) the interest across the board

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