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50 minutes ago, Humble_Beast said:

who got their booster? how was it like ?

Mine was pretty rough.  I had a short fever and aches after the second shot but I had a much worse fever and one of the worst migraines I've ever had after the booster.  I got the shot at 11am and by about midnight the fever and headache started and lasted about 24 hours.  Tylenol was the only thing that really helped.

My fiancé got the booster at the same time and had no symptoms at all haha. 

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2 minutes ago, Xenos said:

That sounds like a good thing. Unless you think they should be making a variant specific booster. 

Outside of hunkering down a bit more (i.e. putting a mask on when entering an enclosed area), I'm living a normal life and not thinking much of anything other than they'll eventually identify the variance in this new marauder and devise a treatment for it. If it requires a new / different shot, I'll get in line. Doesnt sound like it at this juncture.

Outside the (apparent) increased transmissibility of Omni, the same rule seem to apply: If fully vaxxed/boosted - you may get infected/sick, but will avoid serious complications and/or hospital time.  I can live with that. I just have to remain cognizant of those around me who have problems with those strictures in their lives.

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1 hour ago, Humble_Beast said:

who got their booster? how was it like ?

I think I (and my family) pulled a lucky draw when it came to the vaccine. By whatever chance or determinant, we all got the Pfizer vax - which seems to be holding up as one of (if not the) best vax to have gotten. Some friends got the Moderna stuff and reported (what I consider to be....) minor issues.

None of us experienced anything other than a sore arm for a day or so from Pfizer - which I can get from working outside any day of the week - so it was no hassle whatsoever and I'm thankful its played out the way it has.


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35 minutes ago, Xenos said:

When they adapted it, the vaccine was extremely effective against infections and against spreading the virus with regards to the original strain and Alpha. Even against Delta, your chances of getting infected were smaller than the unvaccinated, thus better preventing spread. Other things included less transmission level despite the same viral load as well as the virus clearing your body sooner. It was the right decision to push everyone to be vaccinated because it was the best way to go back to normal.

Obviously, things have changed with Omicron. So the NFL should adapt accordingly.

If was better at preventing spread…but not good enough to drastically set different policies over. That was foolish. It never made sense. Not to mention…creating the drastically different protocols put bullseyes on players backs. I honestly don’t understand how it can fly in the face of HIPAA…even with very lax HIPAA standards in sports. The vaccine was always much better at preventing serious illness/death than preventing cases…and that was true for every strain. I think that Goodell is a tool and complete joke.

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42 minutes ago, sammymvpknight said:

If was better at preventing spread…but not good enough to drastically set different policies over. That was foolish. It never made sense. Not to mention…creating the drastically different protocols put bullseyes on players backs. I honestly don’t understand how it can fly in the face of HIPAA…even with very lax HIPAA standards in sports. The vaccine was always much better at preventing serious illness/death than preventing cases…and that was true for every strain. I think that Goodell is a tool and complete joke.

What does HIPAA have to do with anything? In the end, unless players had a legitimate medical exemption, they should have gotten vaccinated. Not hard to understand.

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54 minutes ago, sammymvpknight said:

I honestly don’t understand how it can fly in the face of HIPAA…even with very lax HIPAA standards in sports.

Because the NFL is not a healthcare provider. 

I guess technically I agree there are very lax HIPAA standards in sports, because there are no HIPAA standards in sports, because the law does not apply to them.

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46 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Because the NFL is not a healthcare provider. 

I guess technically I agree there are very lax HIPAA standards in sports, because there are no HIPAA standards in sports, because the law does not apply to them.

Imagine the gambling ramifications if there was no injury report, not to mention contracts for free agents with major undisclosed injuries…and now that I’ve said this out loud I’ve convinced myself that this would be a fun wrinkle.

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2 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

Imagine the gambling ramifications if there was no injury report, not to mention contracts for free agents with major undisclosed injuries…and now that I’ve said this out loud I’ve convinced myself that this would be a fun wrinkle.

If HIPAA actually applied to the NFL in any way every NFL player would look like Tony Mandarich in like 6 months.

Hell, Goodell could schedule a press conference solely with the purpose of wagging Jason Pierre Paul's blown off finger around and it wouldn't be a HIPAA violation.

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18 hours ago, WizeGuy said:

Encouraging data out of SA:



Add to this that going into the fourth wave SA was still experiencing ~30 deaths per day presumably from Delta, this number has not increased (and has actually decreased) since Omicron began to surge 3 week sago; so, its possible a portion of the fourth wave deaths are still Delta

SA also has a very low vax rate and even lower booster rate compared to the US, UK, Europe, etc.

Its unfortunate to see public health "experts" downplaying the now unavoidable fact that the Omicron surge has been far less severe so far.  That's relevant information in formulating a policy response to this outbreak and doing so is going to further erode public trust.

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Is omicron finally hitting the US? 

Here in Portugal there was a spike in cases, since 3 weeks ago, when we got the first cases, but things appear to have stabilized. We do have a high vaccination status, with +93% fully vaccinated, and we've started boosters, currently on the +50 age bracket.

The infection pattern around here, especially in those early omicron days, appears to have been more focused on the unvaccianted (obviously), and the ones that got single dose vax. Currently it seems more widespread, and we have 20% omicron in all covid cases. Expectations is that it will become dominant over delta. 

We've taken some measures to further tighten the protective measures, including bringing back mandatory use of masks in closed spaces, including restaurants, and enforcing mandatory testing for large public events like soccer matches, even for those vaccinated.

Everyone is concerned about what will happen with Christmas/New Year celebrations, and testing appointments have been tough to schedule for that period.

We're also preemptively enforced mandatory remote work in the week following the new year.

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