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29 minutes ago, MKnight82 said:

Is there a Witcher thread?  What a fall from grace.  The show went from the top streaming show in the world to no one giving a crap about it. 

This season has been muddled with confusing plots, and unnecessary changes. The showrunners blame us not them. They think they're incredible.

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22 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

This season has been muddled with confusing plots, and unnecessary changes. The showrunners blame us not them. They think they're incredible.

Well they took a show where the main character was the Witcher, and decided this season all of the side characters should get a lot more screen time than the main character. They seem to want Ciri to be the lead of the show, which is weird considering the source material.

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5 minutes ago, MKnight82 said:

Well they took a show where the main character was the Witcher, and decided this season all of the side characters should get a lot more screen time than the main character. They seem to want Ciri to be the lead of the show, which is weird considering the source material.

I do see your point on this, but I don't think it's been their issue since she is more or less the deuteragonist to the whole thing (and the MacGuffin to an extent). That said, the absence of Geralt this season, considering it is the last with Cavill, is mindboggling. Each season just declines more and more even with the showrunners digging in further and further saying they're sticking to said source material (lol). I'm guessing Netflix rides out one more season with a quick wrap up and moves on. Regardless of how you or I get there, we agree, the show is stinking and sinking. 

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1 hour ago, MKnight82 said:

Is there a Witcher thread?  What a fall from grace.  The show went from the top streaming show in the world to no one giving a crap about it. 

It’s on my list to watch in a month or so. I’m catching up on other stuff first — I’m hoping to finish Wednesday tonight. But knowing that Cavill is leaving makes me care less about the show. 

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13 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

That said, the absence of Geralt this season, considering it is the last with Cavill, is mindboggling.

From what I can tell he left after the season had been written and shot so I think the fact that he had so little screen time was one of the reasons he left and not a decision they made after the fact. I actually thought the beginning of Season 3 was solid, but the final 2 episodes were probably the worst of the entire series. If you want to get into specifics these are my main gripes: 








- The fight he had with the evil wizard guy started off pretty cool and then all of a sudden he was down and injured from a blow that didn't even look that bad?  I mean this is a show that has some pretty brutal fight scenes and it seems like Geralt had taken a lot worse beatings before and just walked away from it.  How that fight ended was just kind of bizarre. 

- The Ciri in the desert episode was the worst of the entire series.  I seriously fast forwarded through several minutes of it. 

- How can you market the season as Cavill's last leading up to the release then give him 10 minutes of screen time in the final 2 episodes? 

- His whole getting better and marching off to Nilfgaard was completely pointless.  It was almost like, well we spent all this money on this final battle for Geralt we might as well throw it in.  But the season would probably transition to the next one so much better if Geralt still hadn't of healed, Yennefer shows up in the final scene of the season to heal him and it fades to black as she's performing a spell on Geralt. Then Season 4 starts with the explanation that her spell to heal him altered his appearance. 

- The whole Jaskier and Radovid thing, I mean if you have to shoehorn that in cause its 2023 whatever, I'm not going to make a huge stink about it.  But the egregious thing is potraying Radovid as some incompetent pushover. The dude in the stories rules with an iron fist and is kind of a brilliant strategist. 

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- The Ciri in the desert episode was the worst of the entire series.  I seriously fast forwarded through several minutes of it. 

Wife and I said the exact same thing after watching it last night. Worst episode in the whole series so far not even close.


The whole Jaskier and Radovid thing, I mean if you have to shoehorn that in cause its 2023 whatever, I'm not going to make a huge stink about it.  But the egregious thing is potraying Radovid as some incompetent pushover. The dude in the stories rules with an iron fist and is kind of a brilliant strategist. 

This whole plot stunk to high heaven. I still don't understand why they changed it. 

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10 hours ago, MikeT14 said:

What could JLC be nominated for at the Emmy's? I'd be shocked if she didn't win something somewhere. 

She was great in the scene outside the soft opening but she was way too over the top in the Christmas episode imo.  Less was more. 

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Finished Barry last night.

I really liked the first few seasons.  The last one wasn't as good.

But that finish was strong.

The actor that played No-Ho Hank is up for another award for his performance.  And his final scene was very, very good.  I thought that the entire ending was a good one for Barry.  Especially since it made fun of Hollywood at the end.

I hope that NoHo wins his award this year.  Loved that character.

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Finished Twisted Metal and I drop my rating from 8/10 to a 7/10. Still a solid show but had a lot of potential.


1. Could’ve used 1-2 more actions scenes that had to do with badass cars, and cool guns. Otherwise why base it off the game.

2. 10-30 minute episodes was to short. 

3. Didn’t care for the lovers quarrel storyline. Maybe save it for season 2-3 after we having the main character be alone for the first season.

4. This show would’ve been better as a dark comedy. Every serious moment that characters were suppose to be in, was cheapened by a joke or some light heartedness. Less is more.

5. not every character needs a backstory scene. If you have an interesting character like sweet tooth, it’s better to keep a mystery about him. If you want to have some hints, to have the viewers guess at it that’s fine, but don’t show us.


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