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42 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

I'll never understand this. Literally made me quit the show the first time. 

I’ve heard this sentiment before and most of the time it comes from viewers who were frustrated with how the Barksdale crew, Omar, etc got less screen time.  However, Baltimore is the main character in the series and each season incorporates new elements to this (s2- the docks, s3- city hall, s4- the school system & s5- the local media).  

When you see the entire season and where these pieces fit, it becomes clearer just how important they are to the series as a whole.  I’ve watched this show several times and the first time through, s2 was bottom 2 seasons for me.  Nowadays it’s top 2.  It’s that freaking good.  

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2 hours ago, MikeT14 said:

I'll never understand this. Literally made me quit the show the first time. 

Literally makes no sense for you to have this perspective. Everyone said it’s the greatest show ever, so it must be. 

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4 hours ago, minutemancl said:

I think you need to give it a few more episodes. You're a Nathan for You and On Cinema fan right? This show is made for you. There is some truly bizarre, insane stuff in season 1, episode 4. If you get to that and you aren't all the way in, then I'd say you can call it.

That said, for all the bizarre, insane episodes and moments, there are some really sweet and funny episodes too. The season 1 finale is really genuine and sweet while also being very funny and also a little bit harrowing. If you watch it, you'll see what I mean. It hits a little harder watching that episode years after it came out.

I’m incredulous with the footage he manages to get and how he intertwines them into his narrative. Then he does Nathan Fielder’s Nathan for you schtick where he runs an idea down totally irrelevant paths 

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The Morning Show Season 2 


2 years old but I don’t see many posts about the show, so anyone that hasn’t seen it won’t be spoiled. Although I am 2 years late to seeing it. 

I think Apple TV was a copse of intriguing tv show ideas that didn’t have any flavor. But this show is great so far. I didn’t think s2 would come near s1 but it was good too.


I felt Mitch Kessler’s suicide coming in the same way I felt Kendall Roy’s, but succession only built it to make you feel like it could happen without the follow through. His conclusion was natural and believable and the aftermath was well done too. The conflicted emotions for a formerly adored celebrity’s death after a public disgrace and how to deal with it all is so well executed in the show, and Alex Levy’s personal battle with it all makes her consistent and inconsistent. 

Jennifer Anniston has gotten a lot of Botox, that’s no secret. But it fits her character too in that she would do it. It makes her less expressive and at times I kinda question her acting, but as a whole she’s doing a decent job. 


Witherspoon has always been a key hitter in the show but the lesbian romance was just kinda a back burner thing that got too much screen time, as did her thing with her addict brother. 

Mark Duplass is always a favorite of mine. He’s having to act in a way I haven’t seen of him before. I do like seeing him, but idk if he needed to come back after his s1 conclusion. I’d rather have missed having him on the show than the contracted whiny person he is now.


Billy Crudup is the show’s shining star, despite its star studded cast. He is undoubtedly a likable character but he has the strangest motives in that they seem actually pure. So many moments I’m waiting for him to backstab or connive his way through things but he’s not written as an enemy, other than Fred Micklen’s takedown (which was still consensual between the two in the end after the failed Kessler interview). He may be my favorite character? I do question his finale though, he was paranoid and cautionary about Covid stuff, then he barges into a hospital full of Covid sick people without a mask with Bradley after professing his love to her.


Only one scene has sucked so far. There’s no other way around it than saying it sucked. The confrontation in the car when Alex Levy heard Chip’s voicemail on the drive and then they yell at each other. That scene just sucked lol.


Now it’s time for S3 as of today. I’m curious since they waited 2 years for it if it’ll continue on with the covid world of fastforward a bit  

And btw @ET80 idk if you’ve seen this show or if it’s up your alley but it’s surprisingly well written. I don’t care for any actual morning or talk shows but this is good 

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If I want to like Interview with the Vampire the tv show, I’m going to have to disable my criticism. Otherwise “he tried to put it in my sh*tbox” and the mc calling someone “bruh” despite it being the early 1900’s is gonna make me run away. 

editing in the writing sins:
“I’m a red blooded son of the south seeking a$$ before absolution” sigh…

clientele pronounced “cleeyawntell” and the interviewer pronounced emirates “emorahtees”

Oh, just what the movie was missing…gay flying vampire sex…

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On 9/9/2023 at 5:47 PM, jetsfan4life51 said:

Really enjoyed Special Ops: Lioness more than I thought I would.

In the mood for something similar so I'll start Jack Ryan.

I was underwhelmed as it went on. Rate situation where I felt the show should have been two episodes longer. I've never watched any of the Yellowstone shows, so my Taylor Sheridan experience is limited to the mayor of Kingstown, and this lacked the grit and gut punches of that show

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Not much time left in the year, and after watching it a second time, I really do think it's going to be difficult for any show to knock jury duty from the funniest show of the year for me. 

The guy was just so perfect. And when he recommends the Peter Griffin excuse and the guy tries it.... Maybe the funniest joke all year

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