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Aaron Rodgers Tests Positive for COVID


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2 minutes ago, beekay414 said:

Both and it's not hard to understand.

1) The effects, while vaccinated, are much less severe and 2) you become less likely to transmit Covid to others while vaccinated. This ******* difficult to understand.

Yet Adams got it and Lazard didn't! Weird! And he specifically said the vaccine was for "prevention" which clearly isn't working all the time. Like the Polio vaccine for instance. 

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1 minute ago, Old Guy said:

Yet Adams got it and Lazard didn't! Weird! And he specifically said the vaccine was for "prevention" which clearly isn't working all the time. Like the Polio vaccine for instance. 

Nothing is 100%, your argument is something we all know. All team and people in life will have breakthrough cases.

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Just now, Old Guy said:

Yet Adams got it and Lazard didn't! Weird! And he specifically said the vaccine was for "prevention" which clearly isn't working all the time. Like the Polio vaccine for instance. 

Okay, now do the other unvaccinated players on the team. It's not a ******* cure-all lol which seems to be your issue with it. Nobody posed it as a cure-all and nobody said it would be perfect.

Explain to me, why 99% of hospital beds are occupied by unvaccinated folks when it comes to Covid?

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4 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

I'll stick to football because it's a football forum, but yes the government and big pharma care far more about money than they care about you and I.

I believe the vaccine is effective, but most certainly not the most effective method out there, if you have cash you can always find a better way. Im sure Rodgers did.

As a physician, I can tell you that this is wrong.   The only open question is if he had Covid at some point and claimed immunity based on that.   

Webby was right, we should stick to football.

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Just now, Ragnar Danneskjold said:

As a physician, I can tell you that this is wrong.   The only open question is if he had Covid at some point and claimed immunity based on that.   

Webby was right, we should stick to football.

Which part the part about government and big pharma or the part about alternatives to the vaccine? 

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1 minute ago, beekay414 said:

But whatever, I'm not going to be the one to bring this back off-topic. Let's just hope Rodgers isn't symptomatic and recovers well enough to not hinder his health.

This should be the thought for everybody with COVID, football or not, vaccinated or unvaccinated. 

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4 minutes ago, Old Guy said:

Yet Adams got it and Lazard didn't! Weird! And he specifically said the vaccine was for "prevention" which clearly isn't working all the time. Like the Polio vaccine for instance. 

Do you really believe you’re acting normal and rational ?

At least be intellectually honest. Say you’re staying with your heard and you’re gonna do what your friends tell you to do. You know the facts aren’t on your side. 

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Just now, Ragnar Danneskjold said:

I am not going to argue this.  Again, speaking as a physician, money won’t find you a better alternative to vaccination to protect your health.

I'm vaccinated so I'm not looking for an argument, but his comment about government and big pharma was not incorrect either. 


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11 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

He's rich dude, again if you think that vaccine is the best method for treatment, you're naive. It's the best method for profit.

I'm sure Aaron paid for something better.

PR- you've posted this comment a couple of times and I'd like to take a few moments out to add some additional info for you to consider.

First off, homeopathic methods use tiny amounts of substances with levels so low that they have no pharmacological effect- which is why non-MDs are allowed to use them. So there's little or no chance that any homeopathic treatment will work- and that's what the NFL MDs concluded when they rejected his alternative methods. There is no homeopathic method to raise antibodies against a novel virus. None.

Second- raising general antibody levels isn't going to do anything against the SARS-COV-2 virus. Because its a novel virus, our immune systems haven't seen it. Antibodies are extremely specific for each virus/bacterial invader and an immense amount of work went into finding the best ones to use to develop the vaccines. The vaccines are a shortcut that "teach" your immune system to build a very specific and potent antibody. No general boosting of the immune system can do that.

So we know homeopathy doesn't work and we know that boosting general immune health doesn't work.

Next we get to the concept of being naive about what else is out there for wealthy patients. For cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy- we can use IVIG, which is a concoction of plasma from other people that have antibodies in them. This helps people who are immuno-compromised survive the daily assault from a variety of invaders- but unless that IVIG was made from patients who already had COVID- there won't be any anti-COVID antibodies in there. ( you'll sometimes hear this referred to as convalescent plasma) And even if you did use that- you'd have to keep re-dosing every month or so

And that treatment has to be prescribed by an actual MD - not a homeopath.

I understand Rodgers desire to try different things, but at the end of the day- he doesn't understand the science around infectious diseases and our immune system and he bought into a flawed premise. I'm not totally surprised by this given how he looks up to TB12 and his avocado ice cream crap as a means of taking control of your health. But...he chose poorly. There was never a chance any of those "treatments" could work and the NFL MDs rightly shot it down. It doesn't work.

There isn't a DOUBLE SECRET DELUXE SPECIAL AWESOME TREATMENT that is actually better than the best vaccines mankind has ever developed. I understand why you and others believe there is because we see it in so many other areas in life- but in this case - it just doesn't exist.

Going forward, AR has the opportunity to turn this into a positive- he could offer to get vaxxed on live TV and bring a number of fans with him. He can apologize for making a mistake and then use his pulpit to help other hesitant players and fans see the light and get vaccinated. 

The worst thing he can do is double down on this pseudo-science...we'll see what happens next

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