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Elden Ring


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There are two sorcerers just near the shortcut lift in Miquella's Haligtree (just before the boss).

They have made a strong case for most annoying enemies in the entire game. Sure a lot of the flying things are a pain, and the frog things are bad too as they have been since they used to curse you in Dark Souls. But these two dudes and their massive knockback damage blasted me off into the abyss 6 or 7 times before I managed to kill them both. And I had to kill them both. It just doesn't feel right to me to run past an enemy that's killed me without ever killing it back. It's such a wuss move.


Only other contenders at this point for me are those bastards that spew death blight everywhere in Crumbling Farum Azula. Trying to collect the items around them is not an easy task.

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15 hours ago, TheChad said:

There are two sorcerers just near the shortcut lift in Miquella's Haligtree (just before the boss).

They have made a strong case for most annoying enemies in the entire game. Sure a lot of the flying things are a pain, and the frog things are bad too as they have been since they used to curse you in Dark Souls. But these two dudes and their massive knockback damage blasted me off into the abyss 6 or 7 times before I managed to kill them both. And I had to kill them both. It just doesn't feel right to me to run past an enemy that's killed me without ever killing it back. It's such a wuss move.


Only other contenders at this point for me are those bastards that spew death blight everywhere in Crumbling Farum Azula. Trying to collect the items around them is not an easy task.

They don't even let you sneak up and backstab them, either. Total bastards.

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I've gotta admit, the late game can be a slog. For me at least, it's more of an exercise in frustration than a challenge. Too much feels cheap. I finished all the other FromSoft games just fine solo. Maybe I'm just crap these days, but a lot of the bosses seem balanced to really only be beatable with summoning/ashes, and/or they have a bunch of AoE instakill attacks. The gangs of Revenants and some of the other stuff in Elphael just felt like a waste of time. I ended up just running past everything.


And Malenia, holy crap.


When I saw her second form I realised that I definitely don't care enough to try to beat her.


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3 hours ago, TheChad said:

I've gotta admit, the late game can be a slog. For me at least, it's more of an exercise in frustration than a challenge. Too much feels cheap. I finished all the other FromSoft games just fine solo. Maybe I'm just crap these days, but a lot of the bosses seem balanced to really only be beatable with summoning/ashes, and/or they have a bunch of AoE instakill attacks. The gangs of Revenants and some of the other stuff in Elphael just felt like a waste of time. I ended up just running past everything.


And Malenia, holy crap.

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When I saw her second form I realised that I definitely don't care enough to try to beat her.


Honestly i'm with you here. The biggest problem I have with end game is there is nothing unique in the end game encounters except "Hey remember this really tough mini boss/regular enemy you have been fighting 1 or 2 at a time. Here is 4 of those at once!".

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Honestly the most frustrating thing possible:

Final boss spoiler:


Have beaten Radagon three times and then each time I got completely stomped by the Elden Beast

Edit: I've now faced Elden Beast 8 or 9 times. I can kill Radagon every time but never got the Elden Beast past half health. I even tried respecing my character. I'll try again tomorrow but this fight feels like such a waste of time for the absolute last thing in the game. Radagon was a good boss but the double whammy with Elden Beast is too much for me. I spend 75% of the time running after the thing, and then it does a bunch of massive AoE attacks and I just get worn down much faster than it does.


The later parts of the game have really soured me on it. I love so much about the game but it's going to be last on my list of From Software games to replay thanks to the last 5-10 hours.

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4 hours ago, TheChad said:

Honestly the most frustrating thing possible:

Final boss spoiler:

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Have beaten Radagon three times and then each time I got completely stomped by the Elden Beast

Edit: I've now faced Elden Beast 8 or 9 times. I can kill Radagon every time but never got the Elden Beast past half health. I even tried respecing my character. I'll try again tomorrow but this fight feels like such a waste of time for the absolute last thing in the game. Radagon was a good boss but the double whammy with Elden Beast is too much for me. I spend 75% of the time running after the thing, and then it does a bunch of massive AoE attacks and I just get worn down much faster than it does.


The later parts of the game have really soured me on it. I love so much about the game but it's going to be last on my list of From Software games to replay thanks to the last 5-10 hours.

I somewhat agree with this.  I think as a whole the boss pool in this game is overall a step down from their work in DS3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro, and the game is so massive that it seems to me that they couldn't properly balance the endgame and the whole last quarter seems overtuned  (or they REALLY wanted to make the summons a core mechanic).

There's still a lot I enjoyed (like Godfrey and Mohg were both really fun for me, and Farum Azula on the whole is a really cool place), but man things like godskin duo and Malenia I'm just like "what were they thinking?"

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Well, I have no idea how, after about 15-20 attempts, but I finally beat the final boss. Easily my least favourite final boss in a From Software game. Isshin the Sword Saint was damn near impossible in Sekiro, but at least that felt like a test of skill. This felt more like a test of how many times you're willing to bash your head against a brick wall in order to get through. I have no desire to ever do that again.


Great game overall but where Bloodborne and the original Dark Souls are 10/10s for me, this is between an 8.5 and a 9. Loved how much there was to explore beyond the main story path. Combat is improved and has even more options than ever before. But in the massive world I didn't get the same level of consistently high quality content as I have in the past. After a certain point, the bosses feel too hard without summons and too easy with (maybe they'll try to put out balance patches in the future?). And the last few areas were more of a slog and a pain in the *** than a real endgame challenge.


But all that said, I damn sure got my money's worth. I think too many games "go open world" for no reason but I do like what they did with this one. Torrent is great. The massive world makes finding what to do for some side quests really difficult, and can make figuring out where to go really hard too, but it really does provide a world for you to spend many, many hours in if that's what you're after. And there's just so much stuff to find. I spent so long just discovering new areas, bosses, weapons, and items before Stormveil and then between that and hitting any other story section.


Highlight for me was Leyndell, Royal Capital for sure.

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48 minutes ago, opeth0500 said:

I started doing some farming so that I could level up quicker and then I faced Magrit and took him out easily. I thought maybe I got OP and kinda ruined the game for myself. Then I faced Godrick and realized I ain't s***.

That's interesting because it took me a bunch of tries to kill Margit, but I went straight from there, through Stormveil, to Godrick, and found him much easier.

But as with all of these games, different people, different playstyles, and different builds all result in different bosses being the difficult ones.

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