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Elden Ring


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Just now, minutemancl said:

Elden Ring will be more like that than any previous SoulsBorne game, but not nearly as in depth and cooperative as what you are talking about. The multiplayer cooperative aspect is mostly going to be "help me beat this boss then disappear".

yeah thats wack. Im officially at the age where I only play video games to socialize with friends and play together and MMOs traditionally are a great way to do that. 

That also sucks more because I REALLY wanted to play a LOTR based MMO. I know one was released like 15 years ago but I have always felt like if they took a major studio and made a LOTR based MMO it would be bananas. The factions are already there (Elves, Hobbits, Dwarfs, ect) and the entire world is already in place with Mordor being the endgame. MAKE IT!

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9 minutes ago, AkronsWitness said:

yeah thats wack. Im officially at the age where I only play video games to socialize with friends and play together and MMOs traditionally are a great way to do that. 

That also sucks more because I REALLY wanted to play a LOTR based MMO. I know one was released like 15 years ago but I have always felt like if they took a major studio and made a LOTR based MMO it would be bananas. The factions are already there (Elves, Hobbits, Dwarfs, ect) and the entire world is already in place with Mordor being the endgame. MAKE IT!

That's funny, because I'm the opposite. I only play video games for a few hours a week when I'm not in person spending time with friends or family, so I want those experiences to be as isolating as possible. 

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On 2/1/2022 at 12:23 AM, Heimdallr said:

soo yeah is this just a new Dark Souls clone? Anything that relies on difficulty has zero interest from me. If it is more like Skyrim I might be interested. 

It’s made by the same creator of Dark Souls it’s just his style. 

Btw those games aren’t really hard. They are just like retro games where you have to learn patterns and be patient because the game doesn’t allow you to cancel out of movements if you messed up. That’s 99% of it. People have literally gone through no hit runs on those games. Hell I’m pretty sure people have beaten these games on on dance pads. 

Anyways the draw to me is always creating a build and getting more powerful as you progress, learning deeper hand mechanics, crazy boss fights, and learning the deep lore as you go 

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On 2/5/2022 at 11:46 AM, lancerman said:

creating a build

Yep. Dark Souls harkened back to the days of old RPGs where builds were not set out for you on a yellow brick roads. Finding different weapons and stats to make insane builds is part of the reason I have so much fun in DS/Bloodborne. One of the reasons I didn't put as many hours into Sekiro even if it was a great game. 

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On 2/5/2022 at 12:46 PM, lancerman said:

It’s made by the same creator of Dark Souls it’s just his style. 

Btw those games aren’t really hard. They are just like retro games where you have to learn patterns and be patient because the game doesn’t allow you to cancel out of movements if you messed up. That’s 99% of it. People have literally gone through no hit runs on those games. Hell I’m pretty sure people have beaten these games on on dance pads. 

Anyways the draw to me is always creating a build and getting more powerful as you progress, learning deeper hand mechanics, crazy boss fights, and learning the deep lore as you go 

Yup. And that is exactly why I love these games so much. I was, and still am to an extent, a huge Elder Scrolls/Fallout fan. I get lost in those games for hundreds of hours and multiple playthroughs. However, nothing in those games combat wise is as exciting, fun, and fulfilling as any boss fight in a Souls game. They are like those button mashing beat em up games, but if you stand there and try to mash buttons to beat a boss, you cannot win. You have to spend time to learn attack patterns and signals/tells, learn the best way to dodge or block attacks, find your attack opportunity windows, and manage your stamina. It feels like your weapon choices actually have an impact. Skyrim combat is just running backwards and pressing one button; there is no nuance. If you jack up the difficulty in Skyrim, it just makes enemies hit harder and have more health. What do you do to adapt to those conditions? There's nothing you really can do, skill wise or playstyle wise. The answer is just grind and level up so that you hit harder and have more health. 'Bosses' in Skyrim don't feel particularly satisfying to beat. What's special about the bandit leader in a tower, besides the fact that he's got better gear? He's the same character as everyone else in that location. In Souls games, you can technically beat the entire game at level 1 with just your fists if you are good enough and have enough time. 

Through no determined effort at all, I memorized almost every attack pattern and window of opportunity for one of the hardest bosses in a Souls game (mainly because I died a decent amount of times and saw all the attacks a decent amount of times). Nothing was more satisfying then ultimately beating him and only getting hit like twice the entire time. Skyrim/Fallout and others cannot deliver that same type of satisfaction and accomplished feeling.

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  • 2 weeks later...
19 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

I've never played any of the Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro, or Nioh games. The anticipation of the frustration drives me away. 

Been reading about this one a bunch. It might be the one to tip me.

Be careful, they are addicting. If you end up liking Elden Ring, you are going to want to go back and play all the Dark Souls games too.

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