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8 hours ago, DaBoys said:

You’re just talking out your rear end. Lots of typing and for what? Not a single bit of sense in this post. If you never watched the Lions over the last 12 years just say that.

Matt Stafford has ALWAYS been known for insane throwing angles, and has generally been known to have one of the best arms of his generation. Or is it the absolutely mind blowing clutch no look pass that you are saying he isn’t known for?

Or was it this one:


or this one:


or wait was it this one?




There are just so many examples of plays he never makes that I’m not sure which one you’re talking about.



😂 What a cliche line to end one of your worst posts on this forum. Dak doesn’t lose because the refs cheat him or don’t help him like they do all the bad QBs. Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds? Maybe the refs could bail Dak out more if he would give them the damn ball after the play instead of trying to spot the ball himself? 🤷‍♂️ 


^^^^^This should have been your entire post. This sums up how you truly feel. Everything before it and after it is thoughtless fluff.




I really should do something more productive, but I guess I'll bite. I'll try and keep it at least somewhat brief because supposedly my previous post was "lots" of writing (lol)... but hey, you've given me a lot to respond to. For all of the content I supposedly put out there you did a great job of ignoring most of it and simply writing your own story... which is hilarious, because our opinions of Stafford truly aren't that different. Your whole post is 100% assumption, and basically just mindless drivel because you have a bone to pick for some reason. Anyway.

In my previous post to you, never did I ever say that Stafford has literally never, ever completed another no look pass before. To take that further, I never said anything about him simply not completing other impressive throws. Obviously Stafford has been known to have great talent -- he was drafted where he was for a reason. Of course he has proven to have an elite level arm. I never said otherwise. You going out of your way to post a few GIFs of select throws from a career that has lasted over a decade is doing little to accomplish anything. Not sure what you really think you're bringing to the table there. Yes, I do think Stafford has an elite level arm and has made some awesome throws in his career. Great, everyone knows that. That has n.o.t.h.i.n.g. to do with my previous post to you. 

All I said to you in my previous post was that one specific, no look throw play wasn't a microcosm of Matt Stafford. To put it in plainer terms for you, there is more to Matt Stafford and his level of play as a QB than cherry picking what could be in contention for the #1 highlight of his entire 10+ year career and then running away with it like that's all that matters. It's incredibly irrational. If you want to hype up the awesome no look pass that he pulled off, then you also need to look at the hilariously awful pass that he missed at the end of the game... a pass that should have been an easy touchdown. You taking one play and using it as an example of Stafford's greatness would be literally no different than me taking the crucial play where he missed an incredibly easy throw on what should have been the game winning touchdown pass and then saying "lol Stafford sucks". Prior to Stafford's actual final touchdown pass, he had as many interceptions as he did touchdowns. He needed the refs to bail him out with multiple, questionable flags at the end just so he could redeem himself from his misthrow. Even then it took his team how many attempts to get into the endzone? Speaking of interceptions, didn't the guy literally lead the league in interceptions with 17? Can you even imagine the meltdown you would have if Dak Prescott threw 17 interceptions in a season? Stafford is literally more likely to throw an interception than make the 'no-look' throw that he made in the SB... but sure, we'll pretend like that throw is all that matters. The guy is debatably lucky he even made it to the SB given that he tried to literally throw the game away in the NFC championship... already down in the 4th quarter. Good thing Jaquiski Tartt can't catch. Should have been another game where Stafford put the ball in the opponents' hands as much as he did in the endzone. But again I guess all we'll take into account is the rare "oohh" and "ahhh" plays compared to the more frequent mundane or even outright bad play as if we were Cris Collinsworth drooling over Patrick Mahomes' arm angles for the sake of casuals everywhere (sorry Cris, I actually like you as an announcer). 

Anyway... I think you get the point, or at least I hope you do. I know this got a bit lengthy. Let me also just say that my post about Stafford really has very little to do with Dak, outside of perhaps being against double standards. The funny thing is that I barely even mentioned Dak in my post... but for some reason you wanted to go off about that, too. Kind of seems like you have an agenda... which doesn't exactly help your case. Specifically in terms about my comment regarding penalties can you seriously tell me that it isn't a hinderance for Dak to be on literally the most penalized team in the league? You want to act like I'm being ridiculous about that? In comparison to him being the beneficiary of game altering plays that put him in position to win huge games? I don't think anything more needs to be said about that. I'm not even saying that Dak is getting cheated out of anything... simply saying that it is hard to be successful when your team literally leads the league in penalties. 

I'll finish by saying that I like Stafford. I really do. I think he is a top 5ish-10 QB... which makes it funny that I'm even having this debate. I literally said in my previous post to you that I like Stafford. I like his game... but there is way, wayyy more to it than sensationalizing one throw as if that's all that matters. I don't particularly feel that he is above his peers in the 5ish-10 category much at all. I also don't think he should have won the SB, and that the officiating crew unfortunately decided to stop letting the players play at the end of the game... much to the benefit of the LA Rams (one questionable missed call against Higgins doesn't change that... especially when Ramsey got away with blatant PI in the endzone against Higgins earlier in the game). 


Edited by NoFlyZone
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On 2/13/2022 at 10:03 PM, Matts4313 said:

UHHHHH... what?

Oh, you don't remember? I'll refresh it. You and @Nextyearfordaboyz were so opposed to what the Rams did and all their block buster moves.

Matts: "All those other swing for the fence type trades have done absolutely nothing for those franchises. We should copy other peoples failures, amirite?" 

"They havent done sheet since making all the block buster moves."

So I wonder, what do you have to say about the Rams now?


Edited by Tony7188
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Post like this are fun and all until the well run team you're making fun of shuts you up by winning it all. It'll be interesting to see what the Cowboys will do in Free Agency. We'll see if the Cowboys make the right moves (like the Rams did) or go "bargain basement" shopping once again. 

Edited by Tony7188
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1 hour ago, Tony7188 said:

Oh, you don't remember? I'll refresh it. You and @Nextyearfordaboyz were so opposed to what the Rams did and all their block buster moves.

Matts: "All those other swing for the fence type trades have done absolutely nothing for those franchises. We should copy other peoples failures, amirite?" 

"They havent done sheet since making all the block buster moves."

So I wonder, what do you have to say about the Rams now?


Great. It worked for once. Too bad it wasn’t and won’t be at any time in the near future the Cowboys.

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2 hours ago, Tony7188 said:

Oh, you don't remember? I'll refresh it. You and @Nextyearfordaboyz were so opposed to what the Rams did and all their block buster moves.

Matts: "All those other swing for the fence type trades have done absolutely nothing for those franchises. We should copy other peoples failures, amirite?" 

"They havent done sheet since making all the block buster moves."

So I wonder, what do you have to say about the Rams now?


That the strategy still has a long history of not working, but McVay is a something special. 

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12 hours ago, Tony7188 said:

Post like this are fun and all until the well run team you're making fun of shuts you up by winning it all. It'll be interesting to see what the Cowboys will do in Free Agency. We'll see if the Cowboys make the right moves (like the Rams did) or go "bargain basement" shopping once again. 

You are essentially trying to choose the "bargain basement route" which you hope gives you more chances at championships, but with less firepower to do it, or the "swing for the fences" route (Rams) which will drastically increase your chances now with lots of firepower, but with a much smaller window, possibly one chance.

I prefer the bargain basement route personally, but with the caveat that you try to use that saved money on in-season trades like the Von Miller one when they are available, which Dallas did with Amari and future hall of famer Eli Ankou, but during a year that they had no chance, and then not again. And Amari is likely on his way out now. 


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