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Free Agency- Possible Targets


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Just now, MKnight82 said:

I just meant that he's known more as an athlete than an instinctive smart linebacker, which is probably what we need.  

They have to do something. We can't just trust Davis to make a jump. We have to have some kind of fall back plan in case he's just not very good. 

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1 minute ago, lavar703 said:

They have to do something. We can't just trust Davis to make a jump. We have to have some kind of fall back plan in case he's just not very good. 

I agree.  I think the plan is to move Davis full time to OLB, which leaves MLB open.  We could probably use a vet who could call plays, but that vet needs to be able to stay on the field for all 3 downs (that was actually Holcomb's job last year).  Not an easy piece to fill honestly.  

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15 hours ago, MKnight82 said:

Tim Settle was our 4th DT on the roster, I mean the dude played less than 19% of defensive snaps last season.  Signing him to an extension would have been wasted cap space, we can easily replace him with a late round draft pick.

Yes, if they were insistent on keeping Allen, Payne, and Ioannidis ahead of him, then it wouldn’t make sense to re-sign Settle. 

The part that remains unclear is why they’d insist on that. Even if they like Greek to bounce back from a pretty lackluster season, he’s older and on a pricey one-year deal at this point. 

And more to the point, for me at least, Payne is a year from UFA. It will require a very expensive extension or a franchise tag in order to keep him past this season. They should not pay him big money to play next to Allen, who’s already making big money, and Sweat/Young who are going to be soon enough. He’s a good player with an excellent draft pedigree, he would have significant trade value, and there’s no dead cap at all associated with a trade.

If they traded Payne, they would have had a DT trio of Allen/Greek/Settle, which is still quite strong. It would have been substantially cheaper, and they could have picked up a nice draft pick in the process. Both the money and the picks are important now, given that they’ve signed on to pay Wentz big bucks and gave up 2 of their 5-6 most valuable draft picks to do it. 

But instead, as I said, it’s just pure inertia and short-term decision making. They’ll deal with the DT issue when it pops up next year, instead of taking a relatively obvious opportunity to be pro-active and reshuffle the deeply unbalanced roster a bit. And in the process, they let a very solid, young, cheap player walk out the door for nothing. 

They’re playing checkers, not chess. 

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I think LB Jordan Hicks would be a good signing.

But I have no idea how much the team plans on spending in FA.

I know it's early, but I was hoping we could target 2 or 3 non-QB positions to fill our holes with some quality talent.

I know early in FA, players are getting big money & it's wise to let FA cool down a bit.

I just hope we're looking to improve the team, instead of sitting on our hands & thinking "yep, we got our QB....let's just sit back & wait for the draft".

I'd like to see improvements at the skill positions to be quite honest. 

I know we don't suck at WR, TE & RB spots.

But damn, why not make it a strength while we can?

You see the Browns, Rams, Bucs trotting out 4 WR's that could be #1's for most teams....and then we wonder why their winning 10-12 games.

Then we just sit back and say ..."yep, they got a QB".

Let's load this Offense with some players! It's frustrating...

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1 minute ago, aceinthehouse said:

I think LB Jordan Hicks would be a good signing.

This is where I think they’re headed at MLB, and I don’t mind it. 

I’m sure they’d love to get Bobby Wagner, but I’m equally sure they’re aware that he wouldn’t come here for all the tea in China. 

Which leaves Hicks as the best proven veteran who can play a true 4-3 MLB. When he’s healthy, he’s always been a very good player, so I’d be on board. He’s also supposedly good buddies with Wentz, so that might help to get him as comfortable as we can as well.

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9 minutes ago, e16bball said:

Yes, if they were insistent on keeping Allen, Payne, and Ioannidis ahead of him, then it wouldn’t make sense to re-sign Settle. 

The part that remains unclear is why they’d insist on that. Even if they like Greek to bounce back from a pretty lackluster season, he’s older and on a pricey one-year deal at this point. 

And more to the point, for me at least, Payne is a year from UFA. It will require a very expensive extension or a franchise tag in order to keep him past this season. They should not pay him big money to play next to Allen, who’s already making big money, and Sweat/Young who are going to be soon enough. He’s a good player with an excellent draft pedigree, he would have significant trade value, and there’s no dead cap at all associated with a trade.

If they traded Payne, they would have had a DT trio of Allen/Greek/Settle, which is still quite strong. It would have been substantially cheaper, and they could have picked up a nice draft pick in the process. Both the money and the picks are important now, given that they’ve signed on to pay Wentz big bucks and gave up 2 of their 5-6 most valuable draft picks to do it. 

But instead, as I said, it’s just pure inertia and short-term decision making. They’ll deal with the DT issue when it pops up next year, instead of taking a relatively obvious opportunity to be pro-active and reshuffle the deeply unbalanced roster a bit. And in the process, they let a very solid, young, cheap player walk out the door for nothing. 

They’re playing checkers, not chess. 

I think those are two different conversations though.  I mean Settle is probably a 3rd DT for most teams, you should be able to replace those kinds of player with mid to late round draft picks.  Moving on from Settle doesn't change any plans we would have for trading Payne either imo (although we should have probably done that by now, so I think its unlikely Payne is going anywhere). I also think Settle has been overrated by a lot of Washington fans because A) he was a late round pick that actually hit for us and B) he played at VT which as a local school a lot of Washington fans probably also enjoy (not me). 

The Payne situation I generally agree on. It doesn't make sense to me to spend that much of our cap on the DT tackle position, especially when Payne is a solid player not a star. And I think there's some merit there to try to grab a pick for him now. The 49ers basically ran into this problem with Arik Armstead and Deforest Buckner, although Buckner had shown more than Payne at this point. This is probably the biggest downside to having a HC as your GM, he's definitely not planning multiple years ahead, he's too focused on the upcoming season, and its obvious that removing Payne from the team is a big downgrade for this upcoming season.

I guess the flipside to that is if Payne has a Jon Allen Year 5 and blows up, all of a sudden he could be worth a lot more next year (we'd have to tag him though). I also think the team feels a huge disappointment in the way our supposed elite Dline played last year and maybe they want another go at it to see if it could rebound. We'd also probably be selling low on Payne right now after most of the line struggled last year, so I'm not sure netting a 2nd would be in the cards. I'm not sure dumping Payne right now for a 3rd would be a great idea. So with all of that in mind I kind of understand wanting to run it back for another year. In summary it would probably be more safe to trade him now for whatever you could get, but again that takes another team willing to pay a premium draft pick for him and you likely lose production at the position this year (yes even if we had kept Settle, he's not Payne). 

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What I'm hearing....

Is we really can't do anything till league yr tomorrow starts officially.

Collins comes off the books tomorrow. Giving us cap space. Probably other cuts & possibly restructures as well.

For whatever reason, it's possible we have to wait till the League yr actually starts. How much this is true or not, I don't know. Again, just what I'm hearing.


I'm also hearing that we will be targeting a RB to help out Gibson.

It's why we didn't keep McKissic & that we are either going to target one in FA, or draft one.

They want to give Gibson some help.

Why let Mckissic walk?

I don't know....

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