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The Marvel Cinematic Universe- Robert Downey Jr. cast as Doctor Doom


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3 hours ago, seminoles1 said:

Would Disney keep Deadpool movies R-rated going forward?

More than likely whatever FOX is doing for the next 5 years is going to happen since FOX executives will want job security, I'd imagine disney will let most of it sit as is except for the marvel stuff. 

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On 12/5/2017 at 12:50 PM, seminoles1 said:

Would Disney keep Deadpool movies R-rated going forward?

will be interesting

Deadpool I think will survive, how isolated the first one was (even using a helicarrier at the end)
and just the nature of the character/popularity of the first one...they can easily work him in.

I think with this expansive of a universe, the way they up their production is make smaller budget films so the room for profit is way higher.
So you can take the "R rated risk"

But on the flipside this is one continual narrative that they have everyone hooked on, so you can see why they wouldn't want to box out a portion of your audience.

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11 minutes ago, rob_shadows said:

Trying to make a non rated r Deadpool would be the end of the series. Fans would be furious and even more importantly Reynolds would probably walk... He's been very passionate about these movies being made the way they should be... Don't think he'd put up with them screwing it up.

You are right about Reynolds.other than a brief cameo in a non deadpool movie there is no amount of money you could pay him to a pg Deadpool 

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56 minutes ago, hornbybrown said:

You are right about Reynolds.other than a brief cameo in a non deadpool movie there is no amount of money you could pay him to a pg Deadpool 

I dont know. He is Pokemon now, so he might be ready to hang up the red for the next chapter of his acting career.

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On 12/12/2017 at 6:13 AM, EliteTexan80 said:

@fretgod99 - if Wolverine takes a swing at Captain America's shield, what happens? Would adamantium cut through vibranium?



In the comics, the shield is a mixture of Adamantium and Vibranium.  In the movies, we’ve seen Black Panther’s Vibranium claws scratch the hell out of it.  

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Best news about this is X-Men gets rebooted into the MCU.  How do we think it's going to happen?

I think they should try to somewhat separate it from the others in MCU.  They should act like mutantism is something relatively new in the world, or at least something that's just starting to be discovered and come to national attention. 

I'm so excited.  So excited.  So, so, so excited.  I so desperately hope this means the end of Channing Tatum as Gambit.  The only good thing about X-Men right now is Deadpool, and considering how he breaks the fourth wall all the time, he does not need a reboot. 

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8 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

Best news about this is X-Men gets rebooted into the MCU.  How do we think it's going to happen?

I think they should try to somewhat separate it from the others in MCU.  They should act like mutantism is something relatively new in the world, or at least something that's just starting to be discovered and come to national attention. 

I'm so excited.  So excited.  So, so, so excited.  I so desperately hope this means the end of Channing Tatum as Gambit.  The only good thing about X-Men right now is Deadpool, and considering how he breaks the fourth wall all the time, he does not need a reboot. 

It would be terrible writing, but I almost hope that Deadpool "draws" X-men into MCU just for the hilarity of it. It would be the most Deadpool thing that you could do.

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Just now, skywlker32 said:

It would be terrible writing, but I almost hope that Deadpool "draws" X-men into MCU just for the hilarity of it. It would be the most Deadpool thing that you could do.

I think Deadpool is a franchise of its own.  Disney will continue making Deadpool movies, but Deadpool is not showing up in the MCU.  He does not fit into that universe at all.  Best anybody can hope for is a wink/nod that it's in the same universe.  Like Netflix's Marvel TV shows.  They hint, but they never come out and say. 

I know Hugh Jackman said he would come back as Wolverine to be in an Avengers movie, but unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen.  I think Disney is going to want to re-cast everybody. 

The ending to the upcoming X-Men movie is going to be very interesting now.  It should completely wrap up everything. 

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2 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

I think Deadpool is a franchise of its own.  Disney will continue making Deadpool movies, but Deadpool is not showing up in the MCU.  He does not fit into that universe at all.  Best anybody can hope for is a wink/nod that it's in the same universe.  Like Netflix's Marvel TV shows.  They hint, but they never come out and say. 

I know Hugh Jackman said he would come back as Wolverine to be in an Avengers movie, but unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen.  I think Disney is going to want to re-cast everybody. 

The ending to the upcoming X-Men movie is going to be very interesting now.  It should completely wrap up everything. 

Movie should end with Phoenix destroying our solar system by taking out the sun.

Recast with the original x-men but create their origin in present day and not in 1962.

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3 hours ago, HorizontoZenith said:

They should act like mutantism is something relatively new in the world, or at least something that's just starting to be discovered and come to national attention. 

I like this route, but I think they need an established MCU character reacting to their secret coming out. Maybe the first movie can be an origin of them becoming super heroes, like they've been content with just hiding until they felt they needed to make a difference. Keep the team small (Cyclops, Jean, Wolverine, Prof X, Storm, Rogue) and have them remain a secret to the world throughout the movie until the end credits when Fury or something is investigating on his own what happened and finds a key piece of evidence that tells the audience he is going to find them. Have the next two xmen movies lead into an Avengers Vs. Xmen movie where Xmen get revealed to the world by Stark or someone and the backlash is insane. 

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There are a lot of ways to go...but it definitely has to be a THING that the Xmen are here now.

Fantastic 4, Doom, they both can be explained as already existing....either not powered yet or just been somewhere else in the universe with F4.

Could be from the aftermath of Infinity War...they have a weapon capable of changing and shaping reality and time.
While it's too late to really make it a part of Avengers 4, they could easily do a rewrite like they did with Spiderman and Civil War to introduce the concept of mutants in a small way (post credit scene, or just a small taste)


Xavier has been shrouding large mutant activity past and present. The mutant gene's exploding emergence could just conveniently be happening now, with a few older mutants being around in secret for years. (Xavier, Magneto, Wolverine, Cyclops and Co being among the younger in that group in their 20s/30s). Xavier can't control it any longer and Mutants are outed, Xavier's deception made public...immediately growing a distrust in mutants. Mutant children flock to his school as refuge, through that we get 16-19 year old versions of second class of xmen that will join the team like Kitty Pryde, Jubilee, etc.

Cast your original team members for a current day team, maybe make an inherent part of the x-gene be longer life by like 30-35 years if you wanna keep Magneto's origins what hey are.
Make the public persecution be a part of the story of the first one, flashback to "First Class" era stuff to show off what the team was and where their philosophy came from.
The team is trying to repair a public image problem for mutants, to do good. Fight and clean up some of their own that have been giving them all a bad name...but it's not really working. And a former friend, teacher and mentor Magneto becomes radicalized by it. Would tread on familiar soil, but he bought into Charles' rhetoric of living together...but the hate and fear humans have shown towards mutants reinvigorates an anger he had long held back.
He wants to gather and embrace his brother's and sisters to make a much less forgiving Mutant image. Do what they did with mordo in Strange and only the breakup happens at the end. Would be nice to keep a Magneto battle for film 2 and come up with another foe who the xmen beat, but at a large cost to civilian lives, property in whatever city they use. I think the fact that they did their best, stopped the threat but were still hated for it makes for a good straw that breaks the back of Magneto's patience with humanity. 

Have Black Panther, or Stark (if he's alive) or whoever the leader of the avengers post Avengers 4 is meet with them in the first film.
Try to get a handle on them, make Martin Freeman's character and or General Ross a part of discussions too maybe.


or maybe you do just to a reality smashing huge Avengers vs Xmen..but i think that'd be hard to start with and come back from

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think they could bring in X-men through ant man, Doctor strange or the aftermath from avengers 4(something happens where the avengers finds themselves in a world were X-men exist)

could see F4 being introduced in homecoming 2... they could be the ones to buy starks tower(hope it becomes oscorp tho) ..also hope they let Hawley make a doom film in the MCU.


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