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Can Shanny/Lynch survive in San fran Trey Lance if he busts?


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Grumblings? :)

Anyway, if Trey is a bust it will be hard to justify to the masses Shanahan and Lynch sticking around. But they work well as a pair, and already have a history of some noteworthy success in their pocket. It's hard to find a GM and HC that are so in sync on the same page. Even with their faults that Niners Nation has become accustomed to, I'm pretty content with both of them here, regardless if Lance busts (I'm not that thrilled with the pick myself). 

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Really hard to survive. I think it depends on how he busts. If it's Mitch trubisky style and the team makes the playoffs and competes in spite of him, they could definitely survive. 

If it's a disaster? I'd assume they are gone when Trey is done. 

I think the former is way more likely than the latter though. Given the team, the offensive mind shanny is... Trey us going to have to be really bad for them to not be competitive

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I'd be interested to know if there's any truth to the story, and to what extent, that Kyle actually wanted Jones from the draft. 

if Lance busts, surely that's a Lance problem and Kyle has enough credit in bank (taking Jimmy G to superbowl, Ryan MVP etc) to survive? Maybe not, but would be harsh, for me.

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It deoends on the type of bust he is.

If he is a bust that just outright sucks?   They might have trouble weathering that storm.

If he is a bust that doesnt live up to draft hype/selection but is still semi decent?   They could make it work.

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5 minutes ago, Hunter2_1 said:

if Lance busts, surely that's a Lance problem and Kyle has enough credit in bank (taking Jimmy G to superbowl, Ryan MVP etc) to survive? Maybe not, but would be harsh, for me.

While true, the real failure in that scenario would be that Lynch/Shanny gave up so much to draft him in the top 5.    

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If he bust like JaMarcus Russell then no. Kyle did turn down the opportunity to coach Brady. Brady wanted to go to the 49ers before he decided to go to Tampa. They decided to stick with Jimmy rather then dump Jimmy and offer Brady a contract. Kyle has to make Trey work out. It cannot fail cause you add that with the Brady thing it’s really to much to over come. 

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1. Highly doubt it. They gave up a lot to get Lance, if he doesn’t pan out… it’s a shot they can’t really recover from (unless they find some undrafted QB that turns into a Tony Romo or Kurt Warner).

2. Back in 2018, similar whispers started up in KC, before Pat Mahomes even took a snap in preseason. So, these narratives are rarely true to reality.

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11 minutes ago, ET80 said:

1. Highly doubt it. They gave up a lot to get Lance, if he doesn’t pan out… it’s a shot they can’t really recover from (unless they find some undrafted QB that turns into a Tony Romo or Kurt Warner).

2. Back in 2018, similar whispers started up in KC, before Pat Mahomes even took a snap in preseason. So, these narratives are rarely true to reality.

Ah i remember those days. Mahomes throws a lot of interceptions in training camp, must be a bust right? 

One thing i will say is he had a big hypetrain already building up as well. So i think there was some pushback initially, which makes sense. Has there been any hype for Trey Lance?

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4 minutes ago, Chiefer said:

Ah i remember those days. Mahomes throws a lot of interceptions in training camp, must be a bust right? 

It’s asinine. Completely asinine. Drives me nuts EVERY year.

5 minutes ago, Chiefer said:

One thing i will say is he had a big hypetrain already building up as well. So i think there was some pushback initially, which makes sense. Has there been any hype for Trey Lance?

I want to say there was, and it sort of manifested itself with last years’ preseason and the few opportunities he had in relief of Jimmy Garropolo.

Honestly, I think a vast majority of reporting is done via deductive reasoning and not what’s actually said. “Jimmy G hasn’t been traded, so that CLEARLY means they don’t like Trey Lance” sort of thinking, which is actually devoid of any sort of thinking if we’re being honest.

(I learned to not do that back in the 2nd grade, so it’s safe to say that 7 year old ET is smarter than every single sports journalist right now…)

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2 minutes ago, ET80 said:

It’s asinine. Completely asinine. Drives me nuts EVERY year.

I remember at the time saying wouldn’t you rather your QB throw them in TC, as opposed to the regular season? Got a lot of Harrumphing and Bah-humbugging in response.

2 minutes ago, ET80 said:

I want to say there was, and it sort of manifested itself with last years’ preseason and the few opportunities he had in relief of Jimmy Garropolo.

Honestly, I think a vast majority of reporting is done via deductive reasoning and not what’s actually said. “Jimmy G hasn’t been traded, so that CLEARLY means they don’t like Trey Lance” sort of thinking, which is actually devoid of any sort of thinking if we’re being honest.

(I learned to not do that back in the 2nd grade, so it’s safe to say that 7 year old ET is smarter than every single sports journalist right now…)

Well thats good! I honestly didnt know, yeah they kinda got screwed, this crazy offseason was a bad time to unload an injured mediocreish QB. Can only imagine if Alex Smith stuck around a little too long, sounds awkward. 

Ive noticed that people just want first scoop and clicks, which has devolved into not checking sources or researching a story. Things get parroted, lots of disinformation 

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26 minutes ago, MikeT14 said:

If they're still competitive, and if any truth to the rumors that Lance wasn't Shanahan's guy (hey where have I heard that before?), then I think there's an okay shot. 

Shanahan runs the 49ers (he's the one who hired John Lynch) so there's no chance Lance isn't his guy. 

As for "grumblings" about Lance, there is some, but the opposite is there too. And from far more reputable sources than Matt Lombardo




Well, according to NBC Sports’ Matt Maiocco, the 49ers feel just fine about their No. 3 overall pick from the 2021 NFL Draft. In fact, the franchise is reportedly “emboldened” by their selection of Lance. 


“I’ve heard great stuff about him behind the scenes,” Glazer said. “I heard they love him. They’re enamored with him. He does some things in practice that make you go, ‘Oh, my goodness.’ But he’s young.


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