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Houston Texans added as defendants in Deshaun Watson sexual misconduct civil trials


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Is the reason the Texans (and potentially  Browns) could get in trouble because the knew and ignored his alleged actions? I haven't followed too closely. Kinda seems silly that the Browns would face consequences, other than the negative pr...

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1 minute ago, sparkyjoe1 said:

Is the reason the Texans (and potentially  Browns) could get in trouble because the knew and ignored his alleged actions? I haven't followed too closely. Kinda seems silly that the Browns would face consequences, other than the negative pr...

Honey Bees GIF by mezitlab

Dont trigger the hive 

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6 minutes ago, Scoundrel said:

There is a lot of good behavior/material to observe here for outside viewers. The truly defeated attempts tactics to make the winner look worse in the public eye. Almost a bullying type of antics. Quite interesting. 


Edit:  NVM....thought you were referring to the case.

Edited by 43M
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6 minutes ago, 43M said:

Again, Im not saying he isnt an exploitative sleazy dude.   I think thats quite evident.   What Im saying is...

1)  SOME people love to get their names attached to high profile stuff just to get some exposure to their names.  

sure, that’s possible, no argument there.

6 minutes ago, 43M said:

2)  Im not sure whats been proven in regards to breaking the law.    Using his affluence and reputation to gain sexual favors might be sleazy, but its not breaking the law, regardless of how many partook in such activities despite their better judgment.

you’re asking for proof in a situation that historically has next to none.  Even in instances where there is some physical evidence, it becomes a he said/she said situation.

6 minutes ago, 43M said:

Did he force any of them physically or via threat?    Thats a serious question.    If so, then yes....he should be held accountable.   I am admitting I dont know exactly what each accuser has said, but most of what Ive seen just paints him as a perv, but not a predator.

One accused him enough to be considered sexual assault.  I’ll leave it at that so we don’t get things locked.  Perhaps a gif can help explain…

jerk off pineapple express GIF

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3 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

sure, that’s possible, no argument there.

you’re asking for proof in a situation that historically has next to none.  Even in instances where there is some physical evidence, it becomes a he said/she said situation.

One accused him enough to be considered sexual assault.  I’ll leave it at that so we don’t get things locked.  Perhaps a gif can help explain…

jerk off pineapple express GIF

Gif makes it worse

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1 minute ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

you’re asking for proof in a situation that historically has next to none.  Even in instances where there is some physical evidence, it becomes a he said/she said situation.

I understand that, but its dangerous territory when you start condemning people without adequate proof of...something.

I know in this case its about the number of accusers, which is pretty damning admittedly....but thats why I asked about the nature of the accusations and which of them could constitute an actual assault as opposed to just inappropriate, albeit legal, behavior.



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47 minutes ago, MSURacerDT55 said:

Code for I don't want to answer the question because there is something significant there. Got it, lol.

The only thing I'll answer is that you do not understand how our legal system works - and your questions reflect this.

I was trying to avoid this to spare you the embarrassment, but you seem persistent to show how much you don't understand, so here we do.

2 hours ago, MSURacerDT55 said:

Maybe im not being clear, what im asking is:

1. Did they immediately go to the police the second they felt there were violated and file a police report (If so, why wasn't he arrested)

2. Did they wait and then file a report (Why wasn't he arrested)

3. Were they contacted by Buzbee and encouraged to file a police report 

All three have different contexts 


- First off: none of these questions are relevant, because "statutes of limitations" exist. This means that you have a window of time to file a complaint of sexual assault; most states it's 2-4 years. With the crimes alleged (misdemeanor sexual misconduct) there is a two year window to file, per the state of Texas:

https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/criminal-case-statute-of-limitations/TX-felonies-misdemeanors.htm#:~:text=Statute of Limitations%3A Felonies and,two years for misdemeanors.

So the "contexts" you're alluding to doesn't matter - by law, it doesn't matter when the cases are filed. They're going to be handled the same way. Which brings me to my second point:

- There is no scenario where Watson is just "arrested" after a case is filed. Once a criminal complaint is filed, it's given to a detective (such as Det. Kamisha Baker - the detective who worked this case at HPD) and they investigate the facts behind the case. Once that investigation is complete, the details are sent to the Grand Jury to determine whether or not charges would be pressed - so he's not "getting arrested" until after these steps took place.

(All of which actually happened prior to the trade - Kamisha Baker submitting a case stating Watson committed a crime).

So, before you accuse me of deflecting (with facts and actual understanding of the legal system) let me specifically respond:

2 hours ago, MSURacerDT55 said:

Did they immediately go to the police the second they felt there were violated and file a police report (If so, why wasn't he arrested)

Why would they need to submit immediately, given statutes of limitations in Texas - and even if they did, Watson wouldn't be arrested.

2 hours ago, MSURacerDT55 said:

Did they wait and then file a report (Why wasn't he arrested)

Yes, they did wait and file - which still fell within the statues of limitations for said allegations. We already explained why he wasn't arrested.

2 hours ago, MSURacerDT55 said:

Were they contacted by Buzbee and encouraged to file a police report 

That's speculation on your part, not really backed up by anything. Everything I provided is backed up by legal precedenceand sworn under oath - so if you really feel this is the case, I need you to find something that refutes what Det. Kamisha Baker found and provided to the Grand Jury.

Until that can be done, I'll trust the thoughts of the Sex Crimes detective with HPD over your half baked thoughts, thanks.

Does any of this register with you? Legally speaking - not speculatively speaking - nothing you said holds true, and everything I said is validated under oath and provided to media outlets via the Freedom of Information act.

What's your source, again?





@Ragnarok, @Daniel - both of you are lawyers, and I'm just a caveman here. Can you fact check what I've just said? I have a feeling it's not going to matter, because some people feel as if thinking on their own outweighs actual, tangible experience. But, humor us.

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