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Cavaliers Thread: We Somehow Both Don't and Do Suck


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Unless Bron resigns or says I'm staying in Cleveland for the rest of my career, you keep that pick. We trade for a rental and lose, we have nothing left. We won't have another first rounder until 2020. If we don't win it all this year, Bron might leave. If he does, we go straight into rebuild mode. Cut cap space as much as possible and collect picks. Try to get young talent on the team and do what GS has done. They hit on a lot of picks to create that monster of a squad. 

That is all


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4 minutes ago, Mastercheddaar said:

Unless Bron resigns or says I'm staying in Cleveland for the rest of my career, you keep that pick. We trade for a rental and lose, we have nothing left. We won't have another first rounder until 2020. If we don't win it all this year, Bron might leave. If he does, we go straight into rebuild mode. Cut cap space as much as possible and collect picks. Try to get young talent on the team and do what GS has done. They hit on a lot of picks to create that monster of a squad. 

That is all


The other side of that coin is if we're able to get the right player with that pick, perhaps that's enough to keep LeBron here a few more seasons.

If we're being honest it's not likely we see a better Cavs team than this again.  I want to push our chips to the middle (within reason obviously) and get another ring and try to keep the band together.

I'm not worried about the next rebuild, I've seen plenty of those.

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1 minute ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

The other side of that coin is if we're able to get the right player with that pick, perhaps that's enough to keep LeBron here a few more seasons.

If we're being honest it's not likely we see a better Cavs team than this again.  I want to push our chips to the middle (within reason obviously) and get another ring and try to keep the band together.

I'm not worried about the next rebuild, I've seen plenty of those.

Problem with pushing your chips all in is we know what the GS hand is. We are drawing and hoping one of our outs will show up on the turn or the river. You gotta know when you hold em and fold em. I trust our FO. Whatever they feel, I'll go with but if that pick produces a super star talent and we lose everything, I will be kicking myself in the butt. 

That is all


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2 minutes ago, Mastercheddaar said:

Problem with pushing your chips all in is we know what the GS hand is. We are drawing and hoping one of our outs will show up on the turn or the river. You gotta know when you hold em and fold em. I trust our FO. Whatever they feel, I'll go with but if that pick produces a super star talent and we lose everything, I will be kicking myself in the butt. 

That is all


I agree, it has to be for an elite talent.

I'm not moving that pick for 3 and D guy or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cavs are the deepest they have ever been this year and should coast our way to the Finals.  That said we are going to have to figure out some of these lineups now that we have so many pieces.  I don't really like Wade-Rose in the same backcourt because of the lack of spacing, honestly wouldn't mind starting JR-Wade and allowing Rose to just start the season coming off the bench (since he will be there eventually anyways).  Rose-Wade-Lebron-Love is gonna be just a ton of isolation basketball, but the talent is immense.

Rose-Lebron fast break looks amazing though, and D-Rose seems like a way better defender than Kyrie is.

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2 hours ago, Mastercheddaar said:

It is horrible to watch. Hopefully it is not career ending or anything to that nature. Life is bigger than the game. 

That is all


Yeah life is bigger than the game but his injury isn’t going to ruin his life or anything. It might put a damper on his career but I think he will do just fine. 

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3 hours ago, buno67 said:

How can you say Love and isolation basketball. Maybe when he gets a guy in the paint but I wouldn’t put him in the same group as James Wade and Rose

That was Love's whole racket in Minnesota. The only reason he never was the iso guy here is because LeBron and Kyrie dominated possessions. 

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