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TNF: Miami @ Cincinnati

Sad People

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Just now, 43M said:

Spacing out games wouldn't prevent injuries like this.    And its only week 4,so less games wouldnt help much either....even though I was VEHEMENTLY opposed to 17 games and expanding the playoffs.

Stricter protocols and harsh penalties for violation

Better equipment, better R&D

Extra bye week

Back to 16 games and 12 playoff teams

In reality, and injury like this can happen on ant given play at any point in the season, but the NFL needs to stop pretending they care about player safety when they do so little to legit protect players.

Common sense and a genuine care for player safety is a good start. 

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Just now, 43M said:

Spacing out games wouldn't prevent injuries like this.    And its only week 4,so less games wouldnt help much either....even though I was VEHEMENTLY opposed to 17 games and expanding the playoffs.

i never said these would prevent them. but it would help.


Better equipment, better R&D

this is one area that I truly believe the NFL is actually trying. the future of the game is potentially at stake, and it doesnt hurt their bottom line much.


Extra bye week



Back to 16 games and 12 playoff teams

weird of you to say less games wouldn't help much then suggest less games

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3 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

But no mention of your GED yet... so do you figure as soon as you get educated your peak ends? My guy, you if you just draw out the peak your not peaking, your plateauing. 


OMG I am sorry, a plateau is a large flat expanse on top of a rock formation. It also means you haven't progressed in life since your HS peak. Again so sorry, I will make sure to spell ish out for you a bit better from now on so you don't get confused. 

Okay okay. But I hope you’re taking home more than a GED holder after you pay your student loans. If you are cool. But if you’re not, who’s really the smart one?

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2 minutes ago, JAF-N72EX said:

That is WAAAAY past insensitive.  That's just a terrible human being.

I was reading an article yesterday about how corporations pay groups and people to start internet drama by posting stuff like that to incite anger online.

Not sure if thats the case here, but its disgusting either way.

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