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Week 17 Gameday Thread (New Years Day Edition) - Green Bay Packers (7-8-0) vs Minnesota (12-3-0)


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On 12/28/2022 at 6:33 PM, NoFlyZone said:

Which is why they have the far better record, right? Come on. The game isn’t just played on a stat sheet. The only real thing thing holding that Vikings team back is a very hit or miss defense. You don’t end up with the success/ record they have based on pure luck.


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Ford and Nixon turned out to be pretty fantastic signings as far as value for money goes. Hired as ST gunner aces who you hoped wouldn't be too much of a liability when providing cover in the secondary. Turns out both have been pretty great depth who you don't worry much at all being out there.

Oh yeah, and the one of them is our best returner in a quarter of a century. 

Edited by Billy86
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On 12/28/2022 at 7:14 PM, NoFlyZone said:

Then when does regression to the mean occur? We’re at the end of the regular season here.. why hasn’t it happened yet? The sample size is clearly large enough to dispute the claim of luck. Maybe they win close games because they’re good at winning close games? If we were talking about someone like Brady we’d be talking about how clutch it is… but since Cousins is helming the team it’s just “luck”. They have the star power and grit to battle harder than most. The thing that has led to a lot of close games for them is the fact that their defense has been quite suspect at times. Which is why they’re behind teams such as Dallas, Philly, San Fran, etc… but to put them as a bottom half team because of one random stat is just silly.

Not sure you can say you understand the “randomness” of close games and also acknowledge the record of the Minnesota Vikings. Randomness doesn’t get you 11 wins and a 90%+ success rate in those situations — basic odds should tell you that. 


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