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Week 17 Gameday Thread (New Years Day Edition) - Green Bay Packers (7-8-0) vs Minnesota (12-3-0)


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9 hours ago, joeybrowner47 said:

Well boys I needed a day to process this. I’m really struggling with the team I’ve cheered for my entire life. And please don’t tell me I can change teams. This is the team my dad cheered for and I was born here so I’ll ride or die with them. Having said that, I’m getting to a point where I don’t know if I care anymore about something that I have zero control over and why do I let it bother me so much? Just had to get it off my chest. BTW congrats on the win you were definitely the better team yesterday much as you’ve been most of my life. 

Joey, I went through the same thing after the 2014 NFCC.  I was furious, and for what? *I* didn't lose anything.  I took a step back and realized that this is just my favorite TV show, and the Packers are my favorite character on the show. I realized that a game, that I didn't even participate in, was ruling my emotions far beyond the scope of said game.  It could ruin a whole week.  The Packers became a part of my identity, and if they lost, that meant that I was a loser too. But that really isn't true.

Am I less of a fan now? Maybe.  But it doesn't rule my life.  Dave has 6 days and 20 hours a week that he gets to be everything else that he is, instead of football guy.  I hope this helps, it took me decades to get to this point, but it is a healthier outlook, and I also seem to actually enjoy the games more.

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On 1/2/2023 at 8:15 AM, SteelKing728 said:

For a weird team, would you expect anything else?

Good win for the Packers, but it means nothing if you don't finish against Detroit.

Not here to rub salt at all.

But, I am curious as to what you think/feel about the Vikings this year.  Good, bad or otherwise.

I don't watch the Vikings game, except for GB games.

But I want to feel like they are a very good team, based on their record and the fact that they win close games.  But then there are times when they just don't even show up.  It has to be frustrating.  

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11 hours ago, joeybrowner47 said:

Well boys I needed a day to process this. I’m really struggling with the team I’ve cheered for my entire life. And please don’t tell me I can change teams. This is the team my dad cheered for and I was born here so I’ll ride or die with them. Having said that, I’m getting to a point where I don’t know if I care anymore about something that I have zero control over and why do I let it bother me so much? Just had to get it off my chest. BTW congrats on the win you were definitely the better team yesterday much as you’ve been most of my life. 

I don't care what @SteelKing728 say, you are a good guy in my book.  :)

All kidding aside, you and him have always been class acts.

Congrats on winning the division and chin up.  You have too many vets at key spots to not make some noise in the postseason.

The first real thing you have to do is evict Alexander from Jefferson's head, because he is living rent free there right now.  And others are going to try to imitate that.

Then you gotta solidify the lines, both of them.

Our o-line is playing better, but Z Smith got whupped pretty good, and I think he was going against a mid round rookie who doesn't exactly have NFL playing weight or strength just yet.  Z has never been much interested in playing the run, but he's gotta do better.  

But again....congrats on a great season and for being a very good poster, along with @SteelKing728 .

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11 hours ago, NoFlyZone said:

Again, your agenda to make a tragic event about me and use it as ammo is nothing short of.. stupid at the very least, and probably disgusting at worst. Take off the blinders and at least learn to be objective instead of having an agenda in the face of something tragic. That’s just messed up. If the insinuation was that I didn’t care you couldn’t be more wrong… not your place to say otherwise.

Especially when I was literally tagged by one of your forum members for discussion. The hypocrisy is incredible.

Now go ahead and do your usual disappearing act. As you can see there is other conversation going on here in addition to us all being worried about what happened tonight — calling me out individually is nothing short of using the moment as fuel for your own personal attacks. Stay classy.

I don't know if your fake outrage is more disgusting or hilarious. 

Either way you need to move on to whatever forum you are a fan of. You certainly are not a fan of facts. This much is obvious. 

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My thoughts of the game....

Missed some of it with an Urgent Care visit after being bitten by my neighbors dog.  I'll live, but I have a puncture wound and filled out too many reports to count.  

But...as far as the game went.

Did Rodgers do much?  Seemed like a game manager game for him.  Someone told me that he was "elite".  I saw the yardage and disagreed.  From the little I saw of Rodgers, at least he was throwing more spirals like the thumb is better.

I don't think that Watson did much.

Seemed like the offense went through Jones.

Saw the Savage INT and the Nixon return.

As well as the blocked punt.

Saw the Clark strip, which was cool.  Kindda thought Clark would have a plus game, since Kenny lives rent free in Bradbury's head.

Saw JA backing up his talk with play, which I want more of.....both.

Saw Nijman get hurt, then I saw Tom drive Z about 7 yards off of the spot on a run play.  Either Z really doesn't care about the run game at all anymore, or Tom is coming into his own.

Thielen looks to have really slowed down.  And we finally gave the defensive attention to Jefferson that he deserves.

Didn't see Cook play much.  Guessing he was knicked up.

This was the defense we were supposed to have all year.  Only way I bring Barry back is if he builds on this kind of defense, not that weak zone crap.

Oh.  Slaton.  Noticed him a ton on tape.  Again, more out of the 4 DL set then the 2 DL set.  Pretty excited for him and his future.

Did not notice Wyatt.  

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Just now, {Family Ghost} said:

What the other guy (dog) look like?

Eh.  Here's the story.

I was out blowing leaves off of our sidewalk when the neighbors came back from walking the dog.  He was on a leash and he is a Gordon Setter.  Big boy.  Looks like an Irish Seter only much wider and "beefier".

They were on their driveway, I was on my walkway.  We were separated by a good 6 feet and the dog was on a leash when he took a few steps on my yard and jumped at me.  I backed away and he bit my left forearm.  Puncture wound and a lot of scrapes.  

 Neighbor said that was it and he wanted to put the dog down.  I asked if there was a history and he said, "Yes, when we got him we knew he had behavioral issues".  

So, 2 hour UR visit.  X-rays and cleaning of the wound.  No stitches.  No broken bones, just that puncture and a lot of swelling.  And now I'm on antibiotics.

Filled out an animal control report, then filled out a police report and now I'm waiting for my attorney to get back to me.  I will be suing them.  Not sure if I'll get more than my medical bills paid, but I am upset that they adopted a dog with behavioral issues and I want to know if they really worked with he dog to help with the issues, whatever they may have been.

That dog is very possessive of their yard.  Which part of their driveway is actually my property.  He barks at everything that moves by the properties.  And not a playful bark.  It was just a matter of time before he acted up around the property line, whichever it may have been.

I didn't try to pet him or give him treats.  I basically had no interaction with that dog for about 6 months.  Just didn't trust him at all.

Long story short?  I think that they are trying to re-home the dog (they have small grandchildren over to their place).  And if not they mentioned putting the dog down.  I hope that a different solution presents itself.  I don't really want to have the dog put down, but I also don't want it anywhere near me or my property ever again.


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21 minutes ago, vegas492 said:

Eh.  Here's the story.

I was out blowing leaves off of our sidewalk when the neighbors came back from walking the dog.  He was on a leash and he is a Gordon Setter.  Big boy.  Looks like an Irish Seter only much wider and "beefier".

They were on their driveway, I was on my walkway.  We were separated by a good 6 feet and the dog was on a leash when he took a few steps on my yard and jumped at me.  I backed away and he bit my left forearm.  Puncture wound and a lot of scrapes.  

 Neighbor said that was it and he wanted to put the dog down.  I asked if there was a history and he said, "Yes, when we got him we knew he had behavioral issues".  

So, 2 hour UR visit.  X-rays and cleaning of the wound.  No stitches.  No broken bones, just that puncture and a lot of swelling.  And now I'm on antibiotics.

Filled out an animal control report, then filled out a police report and now I'm waiting for my attorney to get back to me.  I will be suing them.  Not sure if I'll get more than my medical bills paid, but I am upset that they adopted a dog with behavioral issues and I want to know if they really worked with he dog to help with the issues, whatever they may have been.

That dog is very possessive of their yard.  Which part of their driveway is actually my property.  He barks at everything that moves by the properties.  And not a playful bark.  It was just a matter of time before he acted up around the property line, whichever it may have been.

I didn't try to pet him or give him treats.  I basically had no interaction with that dog for about 6 months.  Just didn't trust him at all.

Long story short?  I think that they are trying to re-home the dog (they have small grandchildren over to their place).  And if not they mentioned putting the dog down.  I hope that a different solution presents itself.  I don't really want to have the dog put down, but I also don't want it anywhere near me or my property ever again.


Ah man .. that's a bad situation.  Hopefully you heal up well and the owners can find the proper solution for their problem pet. 

Edited by {Family Ghost}
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1 hour ago, vegas492 said:

..But...as far as the game went.

Did Rodgers do much?  Seemed like a game manager game for him.  Someone told me that he was "elite".  I saw the yardage and disagreed.  ...

  • Nothing special.  He didn't throw very much. 
  • The offense in general wasn't anything special.  Scored 3 TD's, despite getting constantly great field position.  So it's not like the offense was really sharp or anything.
  • Running game was situationally excellent.  Outsize of the red-zone, and apart from short-yardage plays.   A lot of the good runs were outside runs.  
  • As usual red-zone and short-yardage runs struggled, and some of the inside runs.  
  • Rodgers was sharp on some 3rd down throws.  Packers were 7/12 on 3rd down conversions, several of those on some quick, precise darts from 12.
  • Rodgers had a couple of beautiful downfield passes.  On one Jones had only half a step on the sideline, and Rodgers put it right on his hands, but Jones missed it.  (Being so short, Jones had to extend.  For a normal WR, it would be have easier.). 
  • On another, Watson got single-covered but only got half a step on his man.  But Rodgers lofted it high and gave Watson a perfect chance for a TD catch.  As in the first Vikings game, Watson had his hands spread apart, so the ball went right through them.  The defender was right behind him, so I couldn't see whether the defender was holding either or both of his arms and that's why he couldn't get his hands together, or whether that was just Watson and his hands problem with deep balls.  Because the game was so easy, that whiff by Watson didn't demand much attention.  Had that determined the outcome, I'm sure we'd be discussing it more.  
  • Rodgers misfired on a few throws, including a deep ball where Watson had 1.5 steps on his guy.  

I don't think that Watson did much.

  • He played quite a few snaps.  
  • He was targeted for at least 3 deep sideline balls.  
  • As mentioned above, one went between (not over) his hands and he missed it.  That was on the left, he'd have caught it at the 1-2 yard line and momentum would have gotten a TD.  He was perhaps less open on that one than on the other two. 
  • One he was clear on the right boundary by a step or two, but Rodgers made a poor throw and it was wide out of bounds by 3-4 yards, plus overthrown.  
  • Another he was on the left boundary, and Rodgers overthrew him with a real high ball by about 10 yards.  Watson was VERY clearly held and interfered with by the corner, the TV guys noted that and showed it very clearly.  But he didn't get the call, and rodgers clearly saw the single-coverage and just lofted it, expecting Watson to run past the defender and run under it.  I think it might have worked had Watson had a clear sprint; with the flagrant grab he didn't get even close.  I kinda think that even if the defender had simply stepped in his sprint path without the grab, though, that the ball was probably overthrown and any deviation from a straight-line max-speed sprint would have made it uncatchable.  
  • Watson made one very nice not-super-easy quick catch short over the middle, and made a surprisingly quick turn and dash to get it past the 1st down.  His transition speed from catch-to-run, and from horizontal momentum to heading downfield was not what we'd see from Lazard or Cobb, obviously.   I don't think anybody else would have gotten past the markers on that interesting little play.  
  • In Aaron's glory days, I think his game plan was that if he ever saw Jennings or Jordy single-covered, he went to them.  My sense is that he's maybe seeing Watson that way.  But as with MVS, I think Rodgers is tending to overthrow, and not giving Watson much time to use his length to block out a little, and *IF* the defender is able to force Watson to reroute even the teensiest bit, whether legally or not, Rodgers isn't allowing any margin.  
  • Doubs caught three balls, nothing dramatic.  But IIRC, at least two and perhaps all three were quick, accurate darts near or at the 1st down spots.  

Seemed like the offense went through Jones.

Saw the Savage INT and the Nixon return.

As well as the blocked punt.

Saw the Clark strip, which was cool.  Kindda thought Clark would have a plus game, since Kenny lives rent free in Bradbury's head.

  • Bradbury was injured and gone.  His backup got injured on Minne's first possession.  The 3rd stringer was REALLY bad.  Not to belittle Hansen, but the Vikes were kinda operating as if they Jake Hansen at center. 
  • That gave Clark really easy pickings.
  • And with the awful center, I think they had like 6 penalties between delay-of-game and false-starts. 
  • It made the Packers week-1 o-line look smooth and coordinated.  
  • So yeah, I kinda don't think the defense was necessarily that great.  With their awful center play, the Vikes o-line was just hopeless.  

Saw JA backing up his talk with play, which I want more of.....both.

  • Yes, he was really aggressive.  It wasn't the big cushion that the Packers usually give.  And he followed JJ to either side.  

Saw Nijman get hurt, then I saw Tom drive Z about 7 yards off of the spot on a run play.  Either Z really doesn't care about the run game at all anymore, or Tom is coming into his own.

  • Nijman was apparently OK after a bit, and played on specials.  So interesting that Tom just stayed in.  

Thielen looks to have really slowed down.  And we finally gave the defensive attention to Jefferson that he deserves.

Didn't see Cook play much.  Guessing he was knicked up.

  • Cook got plenty of touches early.  
  • But with their center getting wasted on every play, it was kinda hard for them to run well.  

This was the defense we were supposed to have all year.  Only way I bring Barry back is if he builds on this kind of defense, not that weak zone crap.

  • The defense was very energetic, winning and having the game go your way is pretty energizing.  
  • With all of their false starts and DOG penalties, the defense also had lots of very favorable down-and-distance setups. 
  • I'd be hesitant to read too much into the defensive success, though.  It was really fun, for a day.  But I kinda felt like their horrific 3rd-string center play just enabled so much for us?  Assuming Detroit or San Fran don't play us with a sieve in their o-line, I'm not sure how well the defense will translate?  

Oh.  Slaton.  Noticed him a ton on tape.  Again, more out of the 4 DL set then the 2 DL set.  Pretty excited for him and his future.

Did not notice Wyatt.  


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