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Week 17 Gameday Thread (New Years Day Edition) - Green Bay Packers (7-8-0) vs Minnesota (12-3-0)


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37 minutes ago, NoFlyZone said:

It is. I have never seen one area of the forum so obsessed with it. Telling for a team that has little else to go on with still being out of the playoffs with just one left to play. Meanwhile you convince yourselves that your team is better than the one who took care of business and had the playoffs pretty much on lock a long time ago. It’s ridiculous. 

Give it up dude.  41-3.  I'd say the Packers are the better team.  Want to explain this butt whipping?  I'm all ears.   Oh and the last couple of touchdowns don't count.  Playing our 3rd stringers by then.  Don't give me this crap that your a Dallas fan either.  Otherwise you wouldn't be whining so much.  The Vikings are who we thought they were.  Frauds!

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8 hours ago, Arthur Penske said:

Who was the Vikings twitter troll account who said the Packers overpaid an injury prone Jaire again? That Ari dude?

That Ari guy is a real tool .. says some real dumb stuff that always comes back to nail him.  This game was for him!

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1 hour ago, NoFlyZone said:

It is. I have never seen one area of the forum so obsessed with it. Telling for a team that has little else to go on with still being out of the playoffs with just one left to play. Meanwhile you convince yourselves that your team is better than the one who took care of business and had the playoffs pretty much on lock a long time ago. It’s ridiculous. 

This forum has been keen on dvoa for a number of years, you just happened to arrive at this moment in our season so you see the coincidence as truth.

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1 hour ago, NoFlyZone said:

Imagine not knowing how randomness works. Imagine not knowing how to avoid having the laziest take ever. It’s sooo simple to say “theYrE jUsT lUcKy’ while ignoring literally everything that actually happened in their games. 

They arent just lucky. They are talented enough to keep it close with a lot of teams. The luck is doing it 11 times in a row. 

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1 hour ago, NoFlyZone said:

I think the Packers big win yesterday might have been heavily helped by ‘randomness’ and ‘luck’

See? I can do that, too. GB likely loses a matchup in Minnesota, just like they did in the first matchup. Too bad their DVOA ranking might not skate them into a playoff spot, though.

You mean like when mason hit the crossbar on the fg?


That was pure grit.



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Just now, NoFlyZone said:

Again, saying it’s just lucky is a lazy take. It’s devoid of context and reasoning.

GO the F away! A young man in the NFL is fighting for his life tonight and you are still spitting out stupid ****. Just ******* leave! 

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18 hours ago, Old Guy said:

GO the F away! A young man in the NFL is fighting for his life tonight and you are still spitting out stupid ****. Just ******* leave! 

Get off your moral high ground. I’ve had plenty to say about that situation and someone quoted me here. Convenient that you can see my post but can’t see the post of your fellow forum member(s). The agenda is obvious.. you’re the one who wants to turn the situation into an excuse for a personal attack… so think on that. Talk about stupid ****…

Ive spent the better part of the last 1-2 hours worrying about that man and doing little else. Step off your high horse and don’t engage in the commentary — it automatically makes you a hypocrite. Go ahead and check out on this one. 

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1 minute ago, NoFlyZone said:

Get off your moral high ground. I’ve had plenty to say about that situation and someone quote tweeted me here. Convenient that you can see my post but can’t see the post of your fellow forum member. The agenda is obvious.. you’re the one who wants to turn the situation into an excuse for a personal attack… so think on that.

Ive spent the better part of the last 1-2 hours worrying about that man and doing little else. Step off your high horse and don’t engage in the commentary — it automatically makes you a hypocrite. Go ahead and check out on this one. 

Go **** yourself! 

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Well boys I needed a day to process this. I’m really struggling with the team I’ve cheered for my entire life. And please don’t tell me I can change teams. This is the team my dad cheered for and I was born here so I’ll ride or die with them. Having said that, I’m getting to a point where I don’t know if I care anymore about something that I have zero control over and why do I let it bother me so much? Just had to get it off my chest. BTW congrats on the win you were definitely the better team yesterday much as you’ve been most of my life. 

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17 minutes ago, incognito_man said:

You can't make this stuff up, folks

Again, your agenda to make a tragic event about me and use it as ammo is nothing short of.. stupid at the very least, and probably disgusting at worst. Take off the blinders and at least learn to be objective instead of having an agenda in the face of something tragic. That’s just messed up. If the insinuation was that I didn’t care you couldn’t be more wrong… not your place to say otherwise.

Especially when I was literally tagged by one of your forum members for discussion. The hypocrisy is incredible.

Now go ahead and do your usual disappearing act. As you can see there is other conversation going on here in addition to us all being worried about what happened tonight — calling me out individually is nothing short of using the moment as fuel for your own personal attacks. Stay classy.

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9 minutes ago, joeybrowner47 said:

Well boys I needed a day to process this. I’m really struggling with the team I’ve cheered for my entire life. And please don’t tell me I can change teams. This is the team my dad cheered for and I was born here so I’ll ride or die with them. Having said that, I’m getting to a point where I don’t know if I care anymore about something that I have zero control over and why do I let it bother me so much? Just had to get it off my chest. BTW congrats on the win you were definitely the better team yesterday much as you’ve been most of my life. 

Respect. Crazy how much we put into our fandom. One of the biggest reasons, in my opinion, is because it does unify us with our family, friends and even perfect strangers usually in the town we grew up in. Even if you move away, it’s a little piece of your identity.

Maybe it also fuels the fire to the tribalism of being united against a common enemy or rival. That’s where it can get unglued but as long as it stays in context of sports, it might even be seen as healthy in its own twisted way. Anyway, growing up in the Midwest and then moving away, I’ve got plenty of friends from different fanbases.  Game day and even a bit after, we are not civil.  The rest of the days of the year, we laugh about it and bust eachother’s chops.

Enjoy watching the team you watched with your dad and celebrate and commiserate with friends. I wish you the best, except on game days. 

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4 hours ago, CrazyJoeDavola said:

No one is saying it changes past wins or seeds. It introduced context to the picture as a whole and is more used as a predictor of future results. 

He either can't understand this or is purposely being obtuse just to continue his repetitive nonsense


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