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Chrono Trigger Mafia (Lavos and Magus wins!)

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Regardless of whether or not the party eliminated a threat, they knew that forces loyal to Lavos still existed. That was made abundantly clear as the group awoke to find the corpse of @bcb1213, seemingly ripped to shreds during the night. Despite the mutilation, the Sight Scope was able to confirm her identity, revealing that the mighty Ayla was the victim. Fighting on the side of Earth, the sorrow of her passing filled the hearts of the entire party.

Her autopsy:


Origin: 65,000,000 BC (Prehistory)
"Ayla fight while alive! Win and live. Lose and die. Rule of life... no can change rule." - Ayla

You are aligned with Earth: Eliminate all threats to Earth.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's abilities each night. Day Action abilities are instead used during the day, while Passive abilities are always active.)

  • Track: Target another player to receive a report containing all players they visited during the night.
  • Boulder Toss: Once per game, target another player to redirect that player's ability and item to another specified player. If a redirected ability or item targets multiple players, only the first target is redirected. You cannot redirect a player to themselves.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role's night actions. Passive items are always active while in the inventory, and need not be used.)

  • Fists (Melee): Target a player. If that player has no melee items in their inventory that they weren't attempting to use that night, voteblock that player for the upcoming day. You cannot use this item two nights in a row. This item cannot be removed from your inventory.

(The first time the game enters your time period of origin at the end of a day, you obtain the following ability. It is not considered a part of your role until then.)

  • Charm: Twice per game, target a player to roleblock that player.


However, the quest was larger than any single person. They must press onward, not only to bring Ayla's killer to justice, but also to stop the apocalypse that Lavos is destined to bring to this planet. Except for @Ragnarok, that is, who also seems to have taken a beating last night, voteblocking him for the day while his bruises heal.


Day 2 is now open - it will end on Thursday, January 12th at 9:00 PM ET.

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