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Jets QB Aaron Rodgers tears Achilles; Out for season


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3 hours ago, MacReady said:

Rodgers doesn't like quick throws, he likes having an elite offensive line protect him for 6 seconds every play only to throw the ball away and look disgruntled towards the sideline when he didn't get 47 yards on a play designed to gain 7 and keep an offense on the field.

Dude could have won a Super Bowl handing the ball off to Hall and Cook, but refuses to throw an open slant.

Watch it on youtube in slow motion starting at :39. This is what Rodgers has done each of the last 6 years. Whoever that is on the left side of the screen is wide open from the second you see him pop up on the screen.


I don't actually have any sympathy for Rodgers after watching the play. That was his own damn fault. There's college open, there's NFL open, then there's Aaron Rodgers open open open open open open open open open open open open, FIFTY YARDS DOWNFIELD GOSH I WONDER WHY THIS OFFENSE DOESN'T WORK THE 50 YARDER WASN'T OPEN IDIOT COACH, FRUSTRATED SHOUTING AT SIDELINE.

He probably got hurt trying to break the tackle. It's better to submit when Floyd has you locked up in a compromised condition.

Edited by Howler
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