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HOH 3: Battle Brats!

No working together on this comp!

As outgoing HOH, @Nazgulwill not compete.

@TLOwill also not compete due to punishment

The game: 

(with acknowledgement to @Dome for creating the original game)

First you select your wiener, and then you select your toppings. PM these to me by Tuesday 6 pm ct

This will play out in Discord on Tuesday 8 PM CST

Theres no punishment for failing to submit moves but it only takes a few mins

We randomize the order each round, and you will try to bite the wiener of the player below you. Once your wiener is gone, you are eliminated. Last wiener left wins!!

You have a base of 15% percent pre-bite to evade the bite of your wiener.

Add percentages will stack if it increases a particular area: We typically can roll (if applicable):

1. Pre-bite

2. At the chomp

2. after successful bite


Step 1: Select your wiener

Beef Brat - starts with 9 inches. What a mouthful! Can choose 2 toppings.


Beer Brat - starts with 7 inches. Choose 3 toppings

25% chance each round that your attacker’s bite attempt misses cause they're trashed (determined at the chomp)

20% chance they drunkenly take 2 bites if the attempt doesn’t miss (Determined after bite succeeds)


Hot Link - starts with 7 inches. Can choose 3 toppings

30% chance each round that your attacker thinks this is too spicy, and doesn't bite it. (determined at the chomp) 

10% chance each round that you die of heartburn from years of hot link scarfing (Determined as turn ends) 


Kielbasa - starts with 7 inches and 3 toppings. 

20% chance your opponent will foolishly take a bite of their own brat instead of yours (Determined after successful bite roll)

If you get bites taken out of your brat in back to back rounds, your brat cannot be bitten for one round.


Italian Dinner Link - 7 inches and 3 toppings

50% chance you’ll try to take 2 bites of your opponents brat each round. (Determined pre-bite)

If you take two bites two rounds in a row, you won’t be able to take any bites for the next 2 rounds.


Hot Dog - starts with 6 inches. You can pick 4 toppings


Step 2: Select Toppings (you can select multiple of the same topping if you want)


Normal toppings (Count as 1)

Sweet Relish - When a player successfully bites your brat, there’s a 5% chance they’ll vomit. This will eliminate them from the game. (determined after a successful bite). However the same punishment happens to you if you are forced to eat your own brat

Siracha - 15% chance each round that your opponent won’t even try **** Sauce on a Wiener. (Determined pre bite). 5% chance each round that your lifetime Sriracha consumption kills you outright (Determined as the turn ends)

Jalepenos-  20% these jalapeños are too hot and a player that eats them will have to sit the next round out to regain their composure (Determined after bite succeeds)


Mustard - As a player tries to take a bite of your brat there’s a +15% chance they’ll spill mustard on themselves. This round and next round they cannot take a bite out of anyone’s brat while they clean up the mustard. (determined pre bite), however Players who have had mustard spilled on them already won’t leave to clean their shirt again.

Fresh Onions -

10% chance each round that your attacker thinks this is too spicy, and doesn't bite it. (determined at the chomp)

There’s a 20% chance each round that you won’t even be able to attempt a bite, because they smell you coming. (Determined Pre Bite)


Specialty toppings (count as 2):

Sauerkraut -  40% chance each round you’ll try to take a bite out of your attackers brat as well as the brat you were initially trying to bite. (Determined Pre Bite)

Grilled onions - 10% chance each round that your attacker’s bite attempt misses because they won’t eat onions and skip your brat (determined at the chomp)


Premium Toppings: (Count as 3)

Anchovy Aioli - 30% chance each round that the bite attempt misses because the attacker is disgusted (determined at the chomp). When a player successfully bites your brat, there’s a 10% chance they’ll vomit. This will eliminate them from the game. (Determined after successful bite roll). However the same punishment happens to you if you are forced to eat your own brat


Shrooms: When someone bites your brat, there's a 60% chance their trip will result in them taking a bite of their own brat as well, just cause it seems fun. (Determined after successful bite roll)


Player list

1 @FinneasGage

2 @TedLavie

3 @MacReady

4 @skywindO2


6 @Dwight_Schrute

7 @Nazgul

8 @mission27

9 @TLO

10 @Whicker

11 @Shady Slim

12 @Daboyle

13 @theuntouchable

14 @Scoundrel


Edited by Malfatron
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7 minutes ago, Whicker said:

I forfeit too much reading 

Just pick a wiener and toppings then

Its convoluted so its hard to figure out which is the best.

But it should take 5 mins

Edited by Malfatron
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