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Best fan bases in the NFL?


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5 hours ago, biletnikoff said:

you mean you believe its a fact. You have no way to prove it. When millions and billions are involved,the only fact is: theres no honesty behind it.

 and if its true,so what? you still dont actually own any aspect of the team.You get nothing. You just gave your money away for a useless piece of paper like a 3rd grade star sticker for  reading a book.


You sir, are full of excrement . The money trail is there to see because the Packers are a publicly owned team and they report their finances every July - in great detail -  so they can be in compliance with the rules set forth by the SEC for public companies. Duh.

There are also 31 other owners who are both extremely jealous and totally greedy and they too keep an eye on that shareholder cash insuring that it is used for the specified purpose - stadium enhancements and expansion only.

 You've clearly proven that you talk out of yer arse, don't back anything up and are just delivering your latest load of bs on the internet. Impressive contribution

ProTip: Try to find things you do know something about and focus your energies there.

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Fandom is kinda stupid anyway.

If you worked at a job where things were as bad as being a Browns fan (or Jaguars fan for the last decade), people would call you an idiot for staying.

If you had a spouse that constantly disappointed you, everyone would tell you to leave.

If you had a mechanic that constantly screwed everything up, promising the next time would be better, you wouldn’t keep coming back.

If you bought clothes from a company and they fell apart, you wouldn’t be expected to continue buying them.

Nobody tells you to keep eating food you don’t like in case one day it tastes good to you.

If Apple kept promising your next iPhone would finally be good, and every year it kept crapping out on you, you wouldn’t keep buying it.

Yet somehow fanaticism and tribalism in the face of reason is viewed as a good thing when it comes to sports, and we shun those who don’t stick around through disappointment and pain. It makes no sense - and this coming from someone who spent a decade and a half being disappointed by the Cubs, and a decade watching the worst team in football, then decided I should get their logos tattooed on me. Putting up with that crap doesn’t make me a good fan. It makes me kinda stupid and loyal when I have no logical reason to be. It’s not a positive trait, honestly.

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15 minutes ago, iPwn said:

Fandom is kinda stupid anyway.

Yet somehow fanaticism and tribalism in the face of reason is viewed as a good thing when it comes to sports, and we shun those who don’t stick around through disappointment and pain. It makes no sense - and this coming from someone who spent a decade and a half being disappointed by the Cubs, and a decade watching the worst team in football, then decided I should get their logos tattooed on me. Putting up with that crap doesn’t make me a good fan. It makes me kinda stupid and loyal when I have no logical reason to be. It’s not a positive trait, honestly.

Its not that you get knocked down that matters, its that you keep getting up. B|

Hope: Get busy living or get busy dying. Life/Sports are often about hope for a better future; take that away and yer just a grumpy old man yelling at clouds.

Tribalism: That's why the rewards are richer for those who invested both in good times and in bad. For the loyal fans, we don't love the team because they are good, we love them because they are ours.


And I think we can all agree that EaglesPeteC is quite obviously theee very best fan in the NFL. Congratulations

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I don't think there's a best fanbase. Every fanbase has great and loyal fans who may complain but they stick around no matter what. We all do that, especially if our franchise isn't good. Every fanbase also has fans who are toxic and embarrassing, and every team in sports gets bandwagon fans when the team is winning. 

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3 minutes ago, Shanedorf said:

Hope: Get busy living or get busy dying. Life/Sports are often about hope for a better future; take that away and yer just a grumpy old man yelling at clouds.

The Browns have been bad for...I can’t even count. The Jaguars were bad for a decade. If us fans didn’t stick with them “hoping” for the good day to come, we could have created memories during those moments that made for a better today, rather than hoping the future could get better.

6 minutes ago, Shanedorf said:

For the loyal fans, we don't love the team because they are good, we love them because they are ours.

If you made this argument in any other aspect of life, you’d be laughed at. 

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13 minutes ago, Hunter2_1 said:

Got to give this to Cleveland. It's clear that NOTHING, outside an extinction event, will sway them from turning out. 

A lot of people actually showed up to tailgate in empty parking lots between 1996-1999.

The Bills Mafia even had a Cleveland Browns fan day in the mid to late 90's.

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44 minutes ago, iPwn said:


If you made this argument in any other aspect of life, you’d be laughed at. 

Sort of.

How do you feel about your kids ?

We love ours because they are ours, even though we know there are any number of other kids who are faster, smarter or better looking. :)


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1 minute ago, Shanedorf said:

How do you feel about your kids ?

We love ours because they are ours, even though we know there are any number of other kids who are faster, smarter or better looking. :)


Wow! When did you have the pleasure of meeting my kids? That's them to a T.

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1 hour ago, iPwn said:

If you made this argument in any other aspect of life, you’d be laughed at. 

It's fair to say that sports are an escape from other aspects of life. The things you brought up - work, school, relationship - those are serious endeavors, ones that dictate true quality of life. I know my life will be just as fine if my teams never win another Championship in my lifetime (easier for me to say now that 1/3 has won it all). If the Rockets, Astros, Texans don't win ever again - eh, it sucks, but it won't impact the bottom line of my life, you know?

Sports fandom is an irrational behavior to begin with - ergo it's not going to follow any rational logic that other behaviors should follow. Irrational behavior is not only acceptable with fandom, it's more or less encouraged. I'd actually surmise that if I can direct all of my irrational behavior in Astros/Rockets/Texans, I'll have an outlet for it - allowing me to focus my rational behavior in things that should matter.

TL;DR - all fanbases are crazy...which is kind of the point.

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On the changing teams subject imagine this conversation 

I used to be a Bulls fan. We were so so dominant. And when I was a Kings fan we were so close and we totally got robbed against the Lakers. Then there were those years I was a Cavs because they drafted LeBron. We came soooo close but they could never get him another star player.  But we dominated in Miami! Go Warriors!

That doesn’t sound lame AF?

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1 hour ago, Shanedorf said:

You sir, are full of excrement . The money trail is there to see because the Packers are a publicly owned team and they report their finances every July - in great detail -  so they can be in compliance with the rules set forth by the SEC for public companies. Duh.

There are also 31 other owners who are both extremely jealous and totally greedy and they too keep an eye on that shareholder cash insuring that it is used for the specified purpose - stadium enhancements and expansion only.

 You've clearly proven that you talk out of yer arse, don't back anything up and are just delivering your latest load of bs on the internet. Impressive contribution

ProTip: Try to find things you do know something about and focus your energies there.

Dude, all you are doing is repeating what you read. You have no clue at all what's  really happening. You can't  prove a single thing you just said on any first hand level. They can embellish the entire process to you.   you aren't  in any office.you do not know these people. You don't  seem to know the difference between a first hand tangible fact and a belief.All you have is belief. Faith in media presented to you. LOL at believing a collection of billionaire owners are doing something  honestly for your benefit. They got to be billionaire owners because they have no morals.

 All the fans are doing  is making a blind donation and getting a piece of paper in return. Just like a child pretending  to be part owner  of the packers. It's meaningless. That' the definition  of being made a fool of.

Pay attention closely now: suppose that fan donation money actually does go to the Packers to fund their functions.

All the dumb fan got was a 5 cent piece of paper with words on it. They aren't part owner of anything.They have no say in anything .They just wasted what ever the amount is..100 or 300 dollars or what ever it is....on nothing. It would have been more beneficial  to put that money in some penny stocks or something that benefits them directly.



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